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Chapter 255

Hanjianglou was not in a hurry to enter the house. He just stood in the yard and moved around a little.

After a while, I heard the sharp cry of Dong Sanchun: "...ah!"

Then the voice took a sharp turn and became much quieter. It was probably because the voice was too low and Hanjianglou didn't listen carefully. In fact, he couldn't quite hear what they were saying.

But you can probably guess it.

After all, buying a yard is a bit surprising.

In fact, it is.

If it weren't for the fact that it wouldn't be good for outsiders to hear, I would have wanted to jump up in winter and spring.

At this time, he was jumping around the room very excitedly: "Really? Really?"

"Well, Dong Yao will be better off at least fourteen years later. He is too young, his stability is too poor, and his mentality is easily affected. If he fails, he will be decadent for a few more years. Wouldn't it be a waste of so many years of study?

So, we have to live in the town for a few more years. Without a fixed yard, it is always inconvenient. In addition, if Dongtao wants to marry, it will be easier to choose someone if there is a yard." Dong Nuan tried her best to take care of her.

The benefits are stated.

Dong Sanchun also knows that it is good to have a yard of your own, and it is grand. After returning to the village, you will have the capital to brag.

However, he also inquired about the housing prices in the town.

A slightly better yard that could accommodate several members of their family would cost dozens of taels of silver.

Although the shop's income is now stable, large items can only be sold occasionally. On a daily basis, I still rely on small items, dozens or hundreds of cash, to slowly save money.

It’s not easy to make money, so it’s even more painful to spend it.

Mrs. Dongwu was shocked by the news. She has not reacted yet, let alone spoken. She just sat on the edge of the kang and muttered something.

Dongnuan didn't listen carefully, only looked at Dongsanchun.

Dong Sanchun listened for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll buy it!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and then quickly continued: "This yard is quite warm. I can talk about other things after Dad saves enough money."

Dong Sanchun is now considered the shopkeeper, so he receives monthly silver from Dong Nuan every month.

As for Dong Wu, after every handicraft she makes is sold, she will get a certain commission.

Both of them have income, although it is not particularly large, but if they save for a few years, they can actually save a yard.

Compared with a year ago, when they worked hard and could only earn enough money for the family, their life is much easier now.

Hearing what Dong Sanchun said, Dong Nuan curled her lips and said with a smile: "Half and half, I will pay half of the money to honor my father and mother, and let Dong Yao write an IOU for the other half."

Having said this, Dong Nuan's smile couldn't help but deepen a little, and he quickly continued: "Although Dong Yao is making progress now, it is still not enough. He needs a little stimulation."

Dong Yao:……

Dong Wu:…………

Although Dong Wu felt that it would not be good to let Dong Yao be in debt like this.

But Dong Sanchun quickly agreed: "This is good. We need to let him carry something on his back to prevent him from slacking off."

Having said this in winter and spring, Mrs. Wu was naturally speechless.

They have to go back to the village today. Hanjianglou is just taking a rest, so they can help look after the shop. Dong Wu will just go to the shop to make those handicrafts. Dianthus can help with the work and learn more.

Dong Sanchun needs to follow Dong Nuan back to the village and let him deal with the people in the old house, which is more suitable than Dong Wu and Dong Nuan.

Naturally, Dong Sanchun had no objection. At this time, he was still immersed in the joy of getting a house soon.

"The house, the yard!" Dong Sanchun laughed all the way, even shocking Hanjianglou.

Breakfast was very simple. The Shizhu siblings cooked porridge quickly, mixed a side dish with spring bamboo shoots, and heated up the leftover pancakes from last night. Everyone took a simple bite, and then went to their respective places to do errands.

When they return to the village in the warm winter, there is no need to drive a carriage, a donkey cart is enough.

So the carriage was left to Hanjianglou and the others for use in the town, because there was a place to store it in the town, which was safer than leaving it in their own yard.

After all, no one is home during the day.

Dong Nuan took Dong Sanchun back to the village and bought some meat, snacks and the like. Dong Sanchun was willing to honor his parents. No matter what the relationship was like in the past, it was just a matter of having children.

However, he still worries about money when buying meat.

In response to this, Dong Nuan couldn't help but smile: "Dad, our shop has grown big, but you still care about the money. It is easy for others to laugh at you. In the future, Dong Yao will be really successful. You will be criticized for this."

It's just a matter of appearance, and I'm not stupid. After knowing which son has potential, his attitude will definitely change."

But just by spending a little money, you can get a good reputation and look good, so it's actually worth it.

Hearing what Dong Nuan said, Dong Sanchun hissed twice and said reluctantly: "Then just buy some pork. This thing is cheap. Why did you buy mutton? It's still freshly killed. How expensive it is..."

There was a lot more talk later, but Dong Nuan just smiled and said nothing.

Since the donkey cart only carried two people, they quickly returned to the village.

After returning to the village, Dong Nuan only went to the old house for a walk.

Although Mrs. Dong had just been rejected a few days ago and was still a little upset, she also understood that Dong Sanchun, her son, had flown to a higher place and was not as manipulated as before.

If she doesn't want mother and son to become enemies, she needs to correct her attitude.

What's more, I bought a lot of things today, and the big and small bags still smell of mutton.

Of course, the smell is stronger.

This made Mrs. Dong embarrassed.

I just came to the old house for a formality in the winter and had no intention of staying any longer.

It's not yet the time for spring planting, and there's not much work in the fields, so most people are at home.

Dong Nuan walked around, showed her face, and after being asked a few questions by Old Man Dong, she said that she was going to the patriarch's house.

It is naturally difficult to stop Old Man Dong.

This granddaughter...

It has long been out of his control.

"Hey." Looking at Dong Nuan's leaving figure, Old Man Dong couldn't help but sigh.

The granddaughter is out of control and has a son...

He turned around and looked at Dong Sanchun who was talking to Mrs. Dong. Mr. Dong couldn't help feeling dizzy and had a headache. This son didn't seem to be that obedient.

"Why did Nuan Ya go to the clan leader?" Old Man Dong originally wanted to ask Dong Nuan, but he didn't have time.

So, after staring at Dong Sanchun for a while, I couldn't help but ask aloud.

Even if they hide this matter now, they will know about it later.

Therefore, Dong Sanchun didn't mean to say anything, and turned around and said with a smile: "This is not because if the Han family boy can go to the county school, it will be better for Nuan Ya to be closer to him, so as to save the flowers outside.

Grass can be contaminated by it, so Nuan Ya is planning to open a shop in the county town and wants to find Dong Zhi as the shopkeeper."

This chapter has been completed!
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