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Chapter 1084 A ray of light

Chapter 1084 A ray of light

"I see you."

Such a simple and simple sentence, but it burst out with such powerful and turbulent energy that in an instant, even the sunlight was eclipsed.

Gawain's chest inflated like a balloon, filled with happiness and emotion, and an emotion that was difficult to describe in words was quietly growing.

Sosa, looking at Gawain who was so close at hand, her mind was full of emotions and words, but they were all in a mess. She had fantasized about such a meeting countless times, and she had turned all the words she was going to say into words.

I have reviewed it over and over again, memorizing it backwards and forwards, but now everything is disrupted.

Can't remember a single word.

The brain is blank.

Sousa was a little anxious.


"No, congratulations, congratulations!"

"Gao Wen, I can finally congratulate you in person for winning the Australian Open championship."

Sincere, strong, and unreservedly put his heart in front of Gawain.

Gawain didn't expect that his nose would feel slightly sore, as if he could really touch the heart of the girl in front of him and feel the hot temperature.

Some are hot to the touch, some are numb, but more are full of warmth and happiness.

"Thank you." Gawain said. Standing in front of the girl, his words became pale and weak. In the end, thousands of words turned into the simplest sentence.

Sosa nodded repeatedly.

"You deserve to be the champion!"

"Thank you for standing on the court, thank you for choosing tennis, thank you for fighting until the last moment, thank you for never giving up and refusing to surrender."

"Thank you for being a light in my youth and illuminating my world."


The stumbling words were inaccurate in grammar and diction, and the pronunciation was even worse, but these words burst out with incredible power.

Every word is sincere.

Gawain himself didn't realize that his vision had quietly blurred, but he still showed a big smile and looked at the girl through tears.

Listen sincerely and attentively.

Sousa's heart trembled slightly, bathing in Gawain's sight, her hands began to feel slightly hot, and her already messy thoughts became uncontrollably chaotic.

"That night, I really cried for a long time, almost the whole night, because you were worth it, and you made me believe that there are more possibilities in life."

"I just want to tell you in person, congratulations, and thank you."

Although it was different from the plan, the words finally came out.

Sosa truly thought that she might not be able to see Gawain anymore, and she would have to go back tomorrow. Her savings had been completely exhausted, and there was no way she could continue to stay in Indian Wells.

Who would have thought that she would finally see Gawain with her own eyes. Even if he was embarrassed or embarrassed, she no longer cared because she had already reached consummation.

Happiness is almost overflowing.

Gawain nodded gently. He could deeply feel the pure and sincere emotion, but he didn't know how to respond. Standing in front of the girl in front of him, Gawain felt his own insignificance and at the same time his magnificence.


His destiny is connected with the destiny of thousands of ordinary people. They change his life, and he also changes their lives.

When they stand in the vast and vast universe and turn into small and humble specks of dust, they can then realize that they have accomplished each other.


Gawain said it again. Although it had been repeated more than once, all the complicated emotions were condensed here, and this sentence was enough.

Then, Gawain opened his arms, gave the girl in front of him a hug again, and whispered in her ear.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me. Thank you for letting me be a part of your world. Today you will also become a light in my world, guiding me to continue to move forward, continue to fight, and continue to challenge. Thank you for your willingness to accompany me.

Fight side by side with me. Thank you for coming to me."

So sincere, so gentle, and so strong.

The power of words completely burst out in the collision of syllables. Although Sosa could not fully understand it and her English was still a little behind, the power exploded in her mind and filled her limbs and body in the blink of an eye.

It seems to break free from the shackles of gravity and soar in the wind.

Gawain let go of his arms and looked at the girl in front of him face to face again. His expression had returned to normal and he showed that familiar smile again.

"There is another very important thing. We forgot to introduce ourselves——"

The next sentence is in Spanish.

"My name is Gawain. Nice to meet you."

The girl was stunned for a moment, her heart surged. She looked at Gawain's extended right hand, hesitated for a moment, and then extended his right hand hesitantly.

It wasn't until he held Gawain's right hand and felt the warmth in his palm that he realized that he was trembling unconsciously, and his voice was also trembling.

"Amy Souza, it's nice...it's really nice to meet you. Really!"

Seeing the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth, Gawain's smile also rose.

"Amy, hey, may I have the honor to invite you to watch my game tomorrow? And of course, your guardian."


Sousa's heart beat rapidly, and the impact of breaking free almost burst out of her chest. She opened her mouth involuntarily, but no sound came out.

In the end, she just nodded lightly, and then nodded vigorously, again and again, fearing that her actions were not enough and the response might not be clear enough.

So, repeat it, repeat it again.

Seeing Sosa nodding like a doll, Gawain chuckled.

"Tomorrow, at the Center Court, you can go directly to the ticket office and get the ticket from the ticket seller with your name and your face, and that's it."

Gawain explained in great detail, and because he was worried about Sosa's poor understanding of English, he emphasized it once. After making sure that Sosa nodded in affirmation, he relaxed slightly.

"Very good, then, see you tomorrow."

"Now, Gregor and I still need to go to training. Oh, by the way, it's great to see you today."

What happened next was blurry to Sosa, like a dream. She vaguely remembered some trivial fragments, but she couldn't be sure whether those things really happened or were just her imagination.

She remembered that Dimitrov also came to say hello and hugged her.

She remembered that the fans at the scene kept cheering and screaming, and it was so lively.

She remembered that she stood up again and caught up with Gawain and Dimitrov. Because she forgot to ask for an autograph and a photo, they didn't mind and stopped to sign her jersey, hat and tennis ball.


All of these were purchased with her pocket money and came from Nike's Gawain series. Now, these series have been given different meanings.

She remembered that when she turned back to the fan area, there were security personnel coming over to inquire about her condition and see if she needed to go to the hospital for examination. They were all called over by Dimitrov.

She still remembers...

All those memory fragments surged up, seemingly real and fake, as beautiful as a dream. If this was really a dream, could she never wake up?

(End of chapter)

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