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108 Talking and laughing

Elena's question was quite satisfactory and steady. There was nothing new in Elena's question. It could be regarded as a standard template for questions after a victory game, giving the players a chance to give official answers. However, such a well-behaved question brought back the tense atmosphere of the interview.

, back on track.

It can be clearly felt that the reporters on the scene relaxed slightly, the atmosphere relaxed, and their concentration relaxed slightly.

Anyway, Gawain's answers are all predictable and official templates, nothing worth looking forward to.

However, Elena noticed that the light in Gawain's eyes was flickering slightly, as if he was planning something.

For a moment, Elena couldn't tell whether it was her own illusion or the refraction of the sunlight falling into her pupils. Then Gawain spoke.

"Miss reporter, if I remember correctly, this is your second question. We should give everyone the opportunity to ask questions fairly."

"So, sorry, we need to listen to another question."

Huh? What?

One second, two seconds... the whole audience burst into laughter!

Facing the chaotic situation, Gao Wen showed his wit and flexibility, which completely broke the reporters' cognition, and he was able to control the situation firmly in the palm of his hand.

If Gawain answers Elena's question, of course there is no problem, but it will inevitably appear boring - because the answer is really predictable, then the reporter's mood will continue to be immersed in the depressed state just now, which is difficult to

Guarantee what their pens will write.

But Gawain "rejected" Elena out of common sense, and the scene suddenly became funny, and the tense atmosphere disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Even Elena's eyes were wide open, with "I can't believe it" written all over her face. After waiting for a reaction, she realized that there was laughter all around, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise.


Then another reporter was replaced, and he repeated Elena's question in a regular manner. Although the words changed slightly, the core content remained the same.

Immediately afterwards, you can see Gao Wen gently chin his head, showing an expression of appreciation, "This reporter's question is very sharp, very good, very good."

Hahaha, the whole audience burst into laughter again—it’s obviously the same question as Elena, okay?

Gawain remained unmoved and focused on the problem.

"Actually, we didn't pay attention to the singles rankings, but focused on potential opponents. Saramento is undoubtedly a difficult opponent. Whether it's me, Thompson, Giron, or Mike, we played against Sacramento.

As for Lamento, we need to maintain high vigilance and go all out."

"Coach Martin hopes that I can bring some unexpected factors to impact Salamento. Thompson and Giron also gave me a lot of advice during training and hope that I can find a way to fight against Salamento on the court. This

That’s all.”

"As I said before, there is only one player standing on the court, but we are all members of the team, and behind every game we can see the results of the unity of the entire team."

Smooth, light, generous and decent.

At this time, Gao Wen didn't look as sharp as before. He blurred the reporter's questions in a clever way and completed the answer based on the team as a whole. It was obviously an official routine, but it could make people feel a more concrete and vivid friendly attitude.

These words firmly grabbed everyone's attention.

Then, the conversation changed.

"Of course, I'm happy that now someone finally knows my name and it's no longer 'that handsome guy from the Bruins.'"

Gawain lightly shrugged and boasted in a mocking way.

The reporters looked at each other in confusion. Although they really didn't want to show their support and refused to smile, they could not help but raise the corners of their mouths lightly.

It has to be said that Gao Wen does have two tools when facing reporters——

From the initial tension to the current chatter and laughter, I can't believe that everything happened in just five minutes.

However, reporters are all smart people. They don't have goldfish memories, and they can't exactly follow Gawain's script. The accident happened again.

"Gaowen, after the game, you went to the other side of the stadium to help Saramento. Some people accused you of not being soft-hearted towards your rivals in the same city. What do you want to respond to?"

These were obviously words to sow discord. Gawain spent countless efforts to resist the urge to roll his eyes and said with a smile.

"Since you are the winner, you should naturally show your magnanimity and magnanimity."

Gao Wen knew that the other party did not want to hear words such as "different things on and off the field" and "competitive sports ethics", so he blocked it with one sentence. Sure enough, the other party followed up with a question as expected.

"You mean, if you lose, you won't need magnanimity and magnanimity?"

Hit the trap!

Gao Wen squeezed out a hypocritical smile, and it was so obvious that he was smiling but not smiling, "If you lose, you have to show your magnanimity and magnanimity even more, otherwise you will be chased and beaten here right now and asked if you are."

It’s not that you can’t afford to lose anymore, that’s when you’re truly in a state of embarrassment. So, when you lose, you have to show your magnanimity and magnanimity even if you show off your Oscar-winning acting skills.”

He was complaining about reporters both inside and outside of his words - anyway, no matter whether he went to support Salamento or not, reporters would have something to say, just like whether he won or lost, reporters could find fault.


The reporter who asked the question was directly hit hard by Gao Wen's combination of punches, and his subsequent words were also blocked, and he could not react for a while.

But just for this little daze, I could vaguely hear the low sneers surging around me——

For reporters, they don’t care whether the person being embarrassed is the interviewee or one of their own colleagues. Anyway, as long as there is something explosive and a gimmick, it can be used as reporting material, even if it is a fellow reporter who makes people laugh, there is no problem.

Now you can start thinking about the online news later.

"Reporters on the scene tried to find fault with the young players."

"A reporter tried to sow discord, but Gawain retorted and was rendered speechless."

"After the game, Gawain performed a noble act that was consistent with sportsmanship, but reporters questioned him. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?"

"Gao Wen bravely fought back against the reporter's provocative behavior, showing rare magnanimity and magnanimity."

"The Bruins win the intracity derby, and the Trojans lose again and again - USC reporters tried to attack the Bruins' contributors to the victory after the game."

No matter what the specific situation is, the shit will just be dumped on this reporter's head, and then the news will break out.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere on the scene had turned, turned, and turned again. In just three to five minutes, the situation had been overturned several times. While I was dumbfounded, I had to admire Gawain's ability to remain calm. Not only did he not make any mistakes,

Embarrassing, and even tricked reporters.

Wait, is this guy definitely a freshman? Where is the promised rookie? Where is the promised freshman?

Something doesn't seem quite right.

This chapter has been completed!
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