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111 Unstoppable

"University of Virginia vs UCLA".

This is not only a repeat of last year's National Championship finals, but also a battle between the No. 1 and No. 2 teams in the U.S. this season. It is also a head-to-head conversation between the last two undefeated teams. After this battle, only one can win the undefeated title.


There is no doubt that the collision of various factors makes this game full of spectacle.

This is also true.

At the beginning of the game, the Bruins, who went to an away game to challenge a strong enemy, took the lead in the doubles match that had been hit hard this season. All three doubles matches went to tie-breaks. In the end, the Bruins overturned their opponents and took the lead in winning two games.

Doubles points are in the pocket——

Originally, doubles was the strength of the University of Virginia Cavaliers. Last year they won the doubles championship of the NCAA National Championship. They also made great achievements this year. However, in the strong showdown at home, they were robbed of doubles points by the Bruins.

, the situation suddenly became unfavorable.

Subsequently, Geelong came on the stage as the Bruins' top singles player and faced off against the Cavaliers' first singles player, Mitchell Frank. This was also a duel between the fifth player in the country and the fourth player in the country.

Just like the rankings, the duel between the two sides was very close. They fought fiercely for three sets, and all three sets went into tie-breaks. In the end, Jilong withstood the pressure at the critical moment. After losing the first set, it won the second and third sets and reversed course.

Defeat Frank and gain another victory for the Bruins on the road.

Then, MacDonald came on the stage as the fourth singles, and the scores were also close-quarters, "7:5", "6:4". He successfully defeated the outstanding Ryan-Shane and directly defeated the University of Virginia.

Pushed to the edge of the cliff and took the lead in grabbing the match point.

Seeing that a sweeping "4:0" victory was about to be achieved, the Cavaliers still showed their profound heritage, and Boland's deployment of troops gradually showed its power.

First, in the fifth singles, Justin-Shane narrowly defeated Bremer in three fierce sets. Although he lost the first set "1:6", he won two consecutive tie-breaks. The big heart at the critical moment defeated Virginia.

The university came back from the brink of defeat, and the atmosphere at the Cavaliers' home court reached a new climax.

Objectively speaking, Bremer's performance was not bad, and he was even only one point away from victory at one point. But this is the case in tennis. Standing on the edge of the cliff, Shane was more daring to take action and exert more force to break Bremer.

Being conservative and balanced, he crossed the finish line first.

This victory not only allowed the University of Virginia to stand on the court and continue fighting, but also became a turning point, sounding the clarion call for the Cavaliers' counterattack.

Then in the third singles, Mac-Styslinger defeated Thompson, who was ranked No. 1 in the United States, in three sets amidst the cheers of the fans. The final score was "6:4".

4:6", "7:6", very close scores, and the small points in the final set tie-break did not determine the winner until "7:5".

The home court is in a state of excitement!

Not only because they won two consecutive games with David and Goliath, but also because they narrowly escaped victory after saving match points in two consecutive games. Such a close and intense game brought the emotions of the home audience to the peak.

You can even hear your heart bursting.

At this moment, the Cavaliers are like a chicken blood, bursting out with an unstoppable counterattack momentum. If they win another point to tie the tie, then the atmosphere of the decisive game will be even more unstoppable, I am afraid the pressure will be on

It will all fall on the Bruins.

At the critical moment when the whole court was boiling, the second singles contest between the two sides came on, Gao Wen played against Alex Domijan.

Judging from the rankings, Gawain is 77 and Domiyan is 92. Neither player is in the top 20, but the quality of the game is extraordinary——

Judging from the results of the previous life, at the end of the season, Domiyan's ranking soared to seventh in the United States. This is a top player whose strength is almost the same as Frank's. It is just because of the Cavaliers' formation tactics that he is always in the top position.

Changes are always being adjusted, which results in the ranking not being displayed.

With a height of 200 centimeters, Domiyan stood in front of the net like a giant. For the first time, Gao Wen felt that he was not that tall after all.

This is a hand-to-hand match. Domiyan's technique is a little rough, but his serve is very, very good. This should be the strongest server Gao Wen has faced so far. Even if he finds some opportunities in Domiyan's serve, he will immediately

It will be flooded by Domiyan's pile of ace rain.

Similarly, Domiyan couldn't find a chance in Gao Wen's serve. Gao Wen's changeable return method and hitting rhythm kept him from finding the feeling, and he would often drop the ball within two or three beats——

The point ended with Domiyan's mistake, which also made the ball unsustainable at all. It was two extreme games from the previous game against Salamento.

Gawain could not break Domiyan, and Domiyan could not break Gawain.

The entire competition process was like a Bruce Lee martial arts movie, with ringing bells and a lively atmosphere. There was no entanglement in the rounds and everything was very fast.

The first set only lasted twenty-six minutes before going directly to a tie-break; the same was true for the second set. Judging from the score, the two sides once again struggled to a tie-break, but the game ended in less than an hour.

, even shorter than the game of "Gavin vs. Saramento".

However, the score was two tiebreaks.

In the tie-break, one was "10:8" and the other was "7:4". Gao Wen successfully had the last laugh!

Just like when Shane defeated Bramer, the bolder, more courageous and smarter side this time is Gawain.

In the tie-break, Gao Wen slightly adjusted his tactics. Facing Domi's powerful and heavy serve, he used more cutting and pushing methods to complete the return of serve. Regardless of the quality of the return, he first ensured that his return could be

Enter the court and let Domyan take as many shots as possible.

In normal times, in Domiyan's serving game, Gao Wen needs to win four or more points before he can break serve. This also means that Domiyan has greater room for error. Even if he loses one or two points, he can still stand up quickly.

Heel, come back again.

However, the tie-break is different.

In the tie-break, there is also an order of serving. Assuming that Gawain served in the last game before the tie-break, and Domiyan should have served in the next game, then Domiyan would serve first in the tie-break.

After Domiyan's one service point, then Gawain's two service points, and then Domiyan's two service points, in this order; when the total of the small points reaches six points or a multiple of six, the two sides need to switch venues.

, and so on until the tiebreaker is decided.

In other words, every point is crucial. Once you miss a serving point, you may have to miss the entire game, and the room for error is very small.

Gao Wen's return tactics are, on the one hand, to extend the round, and on the other hand, to weaken Domiyan's psychological advantage in the serving phase.

A little bit, and a little bit more, slowly eroding Domiyan's advantage, and then, seizing the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

So, in the first set, the tie-break was won; in the second set, the tie-break was won again.

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