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Chapter 1661 Attack and Defense Confrontation

Chapter 1661 Attack and Defense Confrontation



One shot, off the net.

The scene was filled with exclamations of exclamation, and one could clearly feel the tension in the air, and the layers of pressure were released.


But then, the audience spontaneously issued a reminder, and the noise disappeared in an instant, falling into a tighter and more scorching silence again.

The heart is almost unable to bear it.

"Second District."

"The second serve, this is Murray's chance."

Bend your knees, push off the ground, and throw the ball.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball flew from Gawain's end to Murray's side.

interior angle.

Returned to Murray's forehand position again; moreover, the speed of the serve dropped significantly this time——

108 miles (175 kilometers).

For a moment, it was impossible to determine what was going on. Did Gawain do it intentionally? Or was he soft under heavy pressure? Or was he conservative to avoid double mistakes?

There was no time to think and explore in detail, and his attention was completely focused on the confrontation in front of him.

Murray was unaffected.

On the second serve, one must attack first. No matter how effective Gawain's serve is, he must seize the opportunity, otherwise, he will never have a chance again.

Murray's first reaction was very quick. He started immediately and started to hit the ball with his forehand. Then, Murray also noticed the speed of the serve.

In fact, from the perspective of the side receiving the serve, the direct feeling of the speed of the serve will not be so obvious, because the speedometer tests the speed of the tennis ball and the racket at the moment of contact; but the wind resistance encountered during the flight of the tennis ball, the friction encountered after landing, etc.

I can't see anything on the speedometer.

Therefore, sometimes, the ball speed feels average, but it turns out to be the fastest speed in the game; sometimes, the ball speed feels fast, but the number on the speedometer seems to be just that.

What really makes Murray wary is not the speed of the ball, but the bounce——

It can be clearly noticed that Gawain did not exert force, so the bounce of the tennis ball after landing was not high, and it was lower than the bounce height of an ordinary second serve.

Alarm bell, alarm bell!

Murray's forehand had already been released, but he soon discovered that the hitting point was lower than expected.


In an instant, Murray didn't panic and gently turned his wrist.

He did not choose to pick the ball, because the parabola is difficult to control. If it is slightly missing, the arc may be pulled up, which is equivalent to giving Gao Wen an opportunity to attack. The entire hitting position is very comfortable. This is obviously Gao Wen's strategy for serving.

He chose to push and block with a cut, relying on a flick of his wrist. This is also an advanced technique. To be precise, it is more often used in transition. When he is passive and has no chance to attack but does not want to passively defend, he uses

This tap controls the landing point:

On the one hand, it can completely open up the space on the field; on the other hand, it can limit the opponent's attack through the low bounce of unloading force.

Now, Murray uses it in receiving serves.

The effect is significant.

The tennis ball jumped out in the direction of the small diagonal line, and then hit a shallow ball, which landed near the bottom line of the service area and bounced extremely low.

Finally, an effect similar to an outside corner serve is created.

So, Gawain was given a difficult problem: to get online or not.

Previously, Gao Wen also cut a ball like this, making full use of the characteristics of the grass, deliberately hitting a ball that was neither deep nor shallow, and threw a problem for Murray.

At that time, Murray chose the baseline, but the parabola of the ball went up, and then Gao Wen's step up attack resulted in the winning point.

Now, Gawain chooses...

Also stick to the bottom line.

But the difficulty is obvious. The landing point is shallow and the bounce is low, which does not give Gawain much space to hit the ball.

Then, Gao Wen also arrived with the same long strides, then pulled up the parabola with his forehand and hit the ball towards the diagonal triangle area of ​​the bottom line.

To be precise, Gawain and Murray's processing is very, very similar. The whole routine is equivalent to copy and paste, but now the positions of the two people are reversed.

The tension and closeness of the master's game can be seen again at this time.

As soon as he finished hitting the ball, Gawain braked suddenly, kicked off his right leg, and then sprinted horizontally to his left side.

From a conventional point of view, Murray should choose more slashes for his forehand, even a bit stubborn.

But in this game, standing on the edge of the cliff, Murray also consciously broke the routine. The forehand line has been opened, and diagonal and straight lines are possible; now, Gao Wen's footsteps have reached near the right sideline, and the backhand position

The gap is very obvious. Judging from Murray's character, there is no reason not to choose.

Gawain ran all the way, his eyes firmly fixed on Murray, the hunting wind was stirring under his feet, and then, Murray was already in position smoothly and opened his forehand——

straight line!

Sure enough, it's a straight line!

At the same time, following the straight line of his forehand, Murray's footsteps cut directly into the baseline and hit the net.

Murray is also online!

Don’t forget that grass is the venue that Murray is most familiar with. Seeing Gao Wen frequently go to the Internet, at the critical moment, Murray also broke the balance very abruptly, using all the technical and tactical combinations that can really press the bottom of the box, and give it a try.

Tap tap, tap tap!

Gawain could clearly feel the overwhelming pressure coming towards him, so much so that he could feel the hotness and jerkiness of the air when he moved horizontally, as if he was walking through magma, with every step burning hot and stinging.

If you move forward with feelings, you may be wiped out at any time.


However, there are no solutions in desperate situations.

Murray's forehand is different from Gawain's. He rarely exerts force and focuses on control. Of course, in Gawain's serve-winning game, Murray's forehand force and line changes increased significantly. However, he is used to

It is still deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and it can be seen from the details of the batting:

Either exert force with a diagonal line, or control with a straight line. In other words, between exerting force and changing lines, choose one of the two. Murray rarely and rarely adds one to the other.

Do it occasionally.

But at least, not this time:

Murray chose to change lanes.

However, in this game, Murray's tactics did become richer, with thicker and thinner ones. Although the line changes were not matched with force, they were matched with the net.

In other words, Murray knew that his forehand straight line left a gap that Gao Wen might not miss, so he matched it with the net to continue to put pressure.

Now, Gawain needs to seize this gap.

Sprint, run wildly, across the court, lock eyes on the tennis ball, carefully observe and judge carefully, not only the rotation and landing point of the ball, but also Murray's position. The entire space of the court is clear in the fierce wind and rain.

And presented three-dimensionally.


With his left foot, he made an emergency brake to control his body. He started the backhand with both hands early, but at the moment of release, he changed his grip.

Braking, one-handed, cutting, light picking——


In the tit-for-tat clash of bayonets, Gawain forcibly broke the deadlock and skillfully passed Murray with a fake move.

It looked like he was preparing to break the net with a backhand diagonal, but in fact he used a lofted ball to break the balance of the confrontation, using defense instead of offense, tearing a crack in Murray's blockade, and launching a counterattack with hidden needles.

Attack. Defend.

Defense. Attack.

The two players Gawain and Murray show the peak confrontation of contemporary tennis. Every touch of the ball and every shot may become the key to reversing the situation:

Use defense instead of offense, defend during attack, turn defense into offense, attack and defense are inseparable, and the subtle changes in balance are elusive, truly interpreting the art of "ever-changing".

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