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167 Moment Eternity


Flat serve!

To a certain extent, Saramento guessed it, but the actual operation was still slightly off.

Speed ​​186 kilometers per hour.

Close serve.

Even though Saramento was mentally prepared, the ball was still coming too fast and fiercely. He could not completely get out of the way of the ball with his footsteps, but barely blocked it with his racket. This also meant that Gao Wen

At the last moment, he still used his ball quality to suppress Salamento's return ball.


The sound of hitting the ball is a bit dull, but surprisingly, the quality of the returned ball is not bad.

There was no speed, but the rotation was very strong, and it tore off some angles, flying towards Gawain's backhand sideline. The landing point was deeper than expected, closer to the baseline, and the suppression effect exceeded expectations.

At least, the combination of landing point and rotation should increase the difficulty of Gawain's attack to some extent.


Gawain's stance was obviously slightly delayed because of the rotation and bounce, so he needed more room to swing.

However, he was still very well prepared for his swing. He had already fully set up his backhand with both hands, keeping an eye on the tennis ball and making continuous adjustments in small steps.

The preparation for batting has been completed, but... straight line? diagonal line?

Saramento held the racket with both hands, jumping lightly on the spot, keeping his center of gravity mobile, and quickly scanning Gao Wen's preparations for hitting the ball. However, Gao Wen's backhand with both hands was very, very secret. He could use his wrist at the moment of release.

Control to change the line, this is the most difficult part for the opponent.

straight line!

Saramento could only gamble on one side, after all, the straight backhand was Gawain's strength.


The footsteps had just moved to his right, and the next second he realized that his judgment was wrong.

In the sight, Gawain stands very solidly with his legs, using his left leg as the center of gravity. The power extends from the heel all the way up, fully transferring the full force, and the swing movement is very full, and then you can see the left arm pushing the right arm.

When swinging the racket, the speed suddenly increases at the end of the swing.

One flick, one flick.

The tennis ball flew diagonally diagonally at full speed in an instant.


At the match point, Gao Wen did not choose the straight backhand line for which he is famous, but attacked the diagonal line. More importantly, the ball was hit quickly and flatly, and the entire downward pressing action was very obvious.


Saramento reflexively made a sudden stop and turn movement, forcefully pulling his body to change direction and moving laterally to the left.



The action of pushing on the ground with all your strength can firmly feel the ground reaction force coming in an endless stream, and the burst of muscle power puts the whole person into a selfless sprint stage.


Just a little bit closer!

It was almost too late, because Gao Wen's batting force was too full, with plenty of speed and power. Even though Saramento's reaction speed was incredible, it was still a little bit behind.


A split!

Saramento made a split save that was only seen on clay courts. He stretched his backhand to the extreme, barely used a machete to chop down, and barely used the friction speed of the racket head to cut the tennis ball back.


The whole body was stretched to the extreme, but in the end, the tennis ball was successfully saved.


The tennis ball flew out in a parabola, and the arc was longer than expected. It actually crossed the service area. Gao Wen, who was about to hit the ball at half court, forced himself into the baseline and took two big steps back. He stood on the baseline.

Finish the shot nearby.

Although the landing point was deeper than expected, there was no rotation or power at all. It was not difficult for Gawain who was prepared early.

Adjust, adjust, adjust in small steps.

It can be seen that Gao Wen is very focused and devoted. He adjusts his position continuously in small steps, and then finds the most comfortable position and angle. He raises his forehand, slams the ball directly, and then moves the tennis ball towards the other player.

The blind spot was buckled down.


The full sound of hitting the ball exploded over the court.




Saramento stepped hard on the ground with his left leg, supported the ground with his racket, and stood up again in the blink of an eye. Then the powerful reaction force pushed his body out, as if his feet were on fire, and he ran at full speed.


Sprint! Sprint!

Saramento could clearly feel that all the colors in the world turned into a ball of light and shadow, whizzing by around him, and the gorgeous golden sunshine was so bright and dazzling.

It seems that life is so simple, you just need to... run, and that is enough.

Run! Like it's the end of the world.

Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap.

Soon, Saramento realized that he couldn't catch up.

Gawain's return was very light, with a large amount of spin deliberately added. It was still spinning outwards after landing, and in the blink of an eye it had already penetrated into the shadows under the spectator stands.

Even if Saramento turned into a whirlwind, he still couldn't catch up.

So, this is the end.

But Saramento still didn't stop running, and even ran harder and faster.

How great would it be if life could be like this moment, running on without any care?

Saramento knows that he will never forget this game, just like he will never forget the countless moments when he was happy because of tennis, sad because of tennis, happy because of tennis, and regretful because of tennis. This is his youth and his


Once upon a time, he stood on this field and fought until the last moment, like a warrior.

When the game is over, he can leave this field with his head held high and say goodbye.

As he ran, Saramento kept running like this, almost rushing into the audience, but in the end he still failed to complete the ball.

"Game, high."

In my ears, I heard the referee's voice announcing the end of the game, officially coming to an end.

"6:1", "6:3".

Gawain, wins.

Saramento controlled his body's center of gravity, with a smile on his face. Then he stood near the baseline and glanced at the stadium with some nostalgia, as if he wanted to deeply admire all the spectators and teammates.

Staying in his own mind, he finally saw Gawain.

Gawain stood in front of the net, smiling and waiting patiently.

Saramento let out a breath, then trotted towards the net, not shaking hands, but hugging Gawain.

"exciting competition."

He said.

There are thousands of words to say, but actually there are many more that he wants to say. He wants to thank Gawain for his all-out effort, showing all his abilities in this game, and at the same time allowing him to give his best without any reservation, leaving no room for error.

No regrets. But in the end, the words turned into the simplest sentence.

He believed that this was enough.

Gawain nodded gently.

"exciting competition."

Then, they let go of their embrace - after all, they were mortal enemies in the same city, and they really didn't know each other well at all.

Saramento walked to the referee first, prepared to shake hands with the referee, and then returned to where the Trojans players were.

However, Salamento suddenly found that fans were applauding, even Bruins fans.

Saramento was a little confused. When he turned around, he could see Gao Wen raising his hands in the air and applauding. So the Bruins fans temporarily put aside their grudges with their rivals in the same city and expressed their respect and appreciation with applause.

The whole audience burst into applause.

Saramento's eyes were slightly warm, and in an instant, they condensed into eternity.

This chapter has been completed!
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