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024 Try adding points

Tennis Training Master, in the final analysis, is still a training system. As for the growth potential, it should be the icing on the cake.

Now, the most important time has come. The growth attribute has reached 100% for the first time. So which one should be added to the first personal attribute point?

Physical attributes? Technical attributes? Mental attributes?

After just thinking for a moment, Gawain focused his attention on the plus sign behind "Body Attributes", condensed his attention, and clicked lightly.


Another wave of light blue water ripples gently rippled, and then you can see that the value of the body attribute evolved from "52" to "53".

At the same time, all the plus signs behind the attributes disappeared and were hidden, and the growth potential value returned to 0.53%.

All changes confirmed Gawain’s conjecture——

Growth potential is indeed used for upgrading. 100% growth potential represents an attribute point, which improves strength in a digital way.

So, why choose physical attributes?

This is the case for most competitive sports. The younger you are, the more amateur you are, and the earlier you are in the early stage, the more obvious the advantage of physical talent will be. With the passage of time and the accumulation of age, the advantages of technology, tactics, and experience will slow down.

Show your power slowly.

Tennis is no exception.

In the NCAA, youth and low-level hope games, the advantages in strength and speed are very prominent, coupled with the immaturity of the psychological level, collapse-style big score wins and losses can be seen everywhere; conversely, if there is not enough advantage in physical talent

, then even if you can win, it often requires a lot of effort.

Within the Bruins team, Thompson belongs to the former and Geelong belongs to the latter.

Strictly speaking, Macdonald and Gawain also prefer the latter.

For Gao Wen, the most lacking shortcomings at this stage are strength and explosion. If you want to improve the power of your serve and forehand, then strength is the foundation of everything.

But the system couldn't directly add points to strength, so Gawain chose physical fitness without hesitation.

The light of the water ripples slowly dissipated, and Gawain once again carefully looked at each item of his physical fitness.

This time, you can clearly see that the histogram has increased more or less. The most obvious one is endurance. You can see that the histogram has lengthened a bit with the naked eye. Gawain is very sure that it is not his own eyesight; but the histogram of strength

It is still difficult to distinguish.

“Is this going up or not?”

Gawain was also a little bit dumbfounded.

However, it’s not surprising if you think about it seriously.

Originally, in one's physical talent system, strength and explosiveness were the weakest links. Even if the overall physical fitness was improved, according to the system allocation, the increase in these two sub-categories would definitely be the smallest. After all, the potential and ceiling are limited.

It's all there.

It seems that if you want to improve a single attribute, you still need special training - don't forget, doubling the training effect is definitely a great weapon.

Gawain glanced at the strength training pamphlet in the training manual.

Since strength training is imperative and requires slow accumulation over a long period of time, starting one day earlier is...an extra day of "double effect". He should start pounding iron as soon as possible.

Fortunately, compared with other physical talents, strength can be developed through acquired training. Just look at the strong men in the NFL. Except for a very, very rare few players who are born with magical powers, most other players can develop it through training.

He grew up step by step through acquired training.

JJ-Watt (justin-james-watt) is feared by everyone in the world. He is ruthless and doesn't talk much. He can flip tires, push trucks, and hit sandbags. He is basically a strongman who challenges the Guinness record.

However, when he was young, Watt was also a handsome young cowboy with a green smile and a beautiful tree. So in high school, he played the position of tight end; later he entered college and then to the NFL professional league, where he determined

The defensive end's position on the field has been out of control since then.

In other words, as long as you are willing to spend time and energy, and with the correct training methods, strength can be improved through acquired efforts.

However, tennis and rugby are different. They use the same strength training but pursue different goals.

If you want to increase your strength but don't want to become a muscular man like Arnold Schwarzenegger, which will affect your mobility, this will undoubtedly require more energy, and your daily training and diet also need to be more professional.

More refined.

At this time, the role of the system becomes even more valuable.

In addition, Gao Wen should also tell the coach his training plan and conduct strength training under the guidance of the school's professional physical fitness group. In this way, his improvement in strength can be explained in the most reasonable way and will not attract attention. He does not

I'm interested in working as a guinea pig in District 51.


Gawain breathed out gently and withdrew his attention, Gawain finally had time to pay attention to the mini duel going on on the court.

MacDonald seemed to have few options in front of Thompson.

Firstly, the advantage in strength and speed is indeed difficult to reverse; secondly, Thompson is in the best form of his career, and his nineteen-game winning streak is not just something to talk about casually. This also means that his touch and prediction are particularly good.

Some risky balls can also be hit in full.

Thirdly, MacDonald is still too young, and his batting tactics are relatively simple. When faced with a difficult situation, he either takes random risks and leads to mistakes, or he can only chase the ball and defend - but there is no tactical defense.

It can only be defeated step by step.


Thompson won very easily, not just by the score, but more importantly by the progress of the game. The entire mini-showdown only lasted less than fifteen minutes. In sharp contrast to the previous mini-showdown, the two players did not have many rounds.

The whole game is very fast-paced.

Of course, this is the normal rhythm of a hard court game.

MacDonald was very disappointed with his performance. Although he forced a smile and hugged Thompson, when he turned back to the sidelines, the corners of his raised mouth drooped.

"Hey, Gao, let's have a game tomorrow?" Thompson raised his chin to Gao Wen and said with a smile on his face.

Thompson is now at a stage where his confidence is at a high point. He is not afraid of any opponent. You can feel his full confidence in his words. It seems that the mini duel just now did not make him sweat much, so he is looking forward to a high level.

Literature can bring more challenges and impacts.

Gawain snapped his fingers and replied with a bright face, "Of course there is no problem."

Thompson was very satisfied with Gawain's positivity and nodded repeatedly, "I'm looking forward to it."

Gawain withdrew his gaze, looked at the dejected Macdonald, bumped his friend lightly with his shoulder, and whispered, "I'm going to start strength training. What do you think? Do you want to join me?"

Frustration is not because of weakness, but because one has more expectations for oneself and the game, and the best way to change the current situation is to invest in training.

MacDonald raised his head and looked at Gawain who was eager to try, and the smile on his lips couldn't help but rise.

This chapter has been completed!
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