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Chapter 515 Hidden Attributes

Chapter 515 Hidden Attributes

In the eyes of outsiders, the champion is the strongest player; but insiders know that this is a completely wrong idea.

A Grand Slam championship depends on many aspects such as draw, state, spirit, on-the-spot performance, on-site conditions, etc. Strength is only one of the aspects. Reaching the championship proves that you can perform your best in this event.

That's it, definitely not the strongest proof.

It is precisely because of this that it is so rare to win multiple Grand Slam championships in a row; it is also precisely because of this that every once in a while, you can see a dark horse ascending to the championship in an upset, only to turn around and be lost to everyone, never to be able to win again.

Better performance on tour.

If Gawain was really only eighteen years old, then he might have been carried away by a Grand Slam championship, but he was not.

Gawain is sincerely happy for this championship, but he also knows that if he wants to win more Grand Slam championships, he needs to continue to work hard and improve.

Just look at the Big Four. Even though they have been at the top of the pyramid for a long time, they are still learning, making progress, and improving themselves. Only in this way can they continue to remain competitive in the face of the continuous impact of the younger generation.

Stand firmly on top of the world.

What's more, Gao Wen also has a system that can clearly see his current strength using numbers. He knows even more clearly that he still has a lot of work and training to complete.

But...hidden attribute, what is this?

Back and forth, it was almost a year since Gao Wen got the system. In fact, the system has been continuously "updated", such as training in orange status, such as daily training plans. These functions always appear with his own progress, proving that the system can still be more comprehensive and more comprehensive.

Help yourself carefully.

However, this is the first time that the attribute section has changed.

"Hidden attributes: 77

Injury avoidance index: 75

Super performance index: 82

Current competitive status:... (negative status, tired)"

Among them, the current competitive status is not a number, but a color bar, with the left end being blue and the right end being red. The color gradually changes from left to right, and there is a yellow inverted triangle indicator below.

Currently, the indicator is slightly close to the red area, which is also consistent with the negative status behind it, showing the current status of Gao Wen. This should be a comprehensive physical and mental status indicator, but because it is not a number, it should not be modified, but

as reference data.

At least, it will allow Gawain to have a deeper understanding of his own status so that he can better prepare for the game——

Never think that professional players know everything about themselves. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Professional sports and professional projects often need to follow professional opinions.

Players should tell professionals about their feelings and status and then get professional judgment. It is precisely because of this that the team of professional tennis players is very large, including physical trainers, nutritionists, psychologists and other professional positions.

Work around a player.

So, what about the other two properties?

The meaning is not difficult to understand, it is the literal meaning.

The first item is the possibility of avoiding injury, which shows the player's potential for injury. The higher the value, the less likely it is to be injured.

As we all know, injuries are the biggest enemy of all competitive sports. Not to mention other sports, in the world of tennis, the ups and downs of the careers of the Big Four can all be seen as turning points played by injuries, and no one is an exception.

Because everyone is a mortal body, in the fierce competitive competition, both the body and the spirit are under unimaginable pressure. Although minor injuries and illnesses are annoying, they are not serious. Almost every professional player has them.

There were some ailments; but the major career-changing injuries were horrific:

The Big Four all suffered major injuries that interrupted their career trajectories. Among them, Murray suffered a devastating blow due to a serious injury to his hip joint, and even had the idea of ​​​​retirement. Although he later regained his standing through multiple surgeries.

On the field, he was never able to return to the top ranks.

Someone once said that if you can have a career that is free from major injuries, then it is the blessing of fate.

From here we can see the importance of this hidden attribute, and it is even a key attribute that changes the situation of the battle.

The second item is the possibility of extraordinary performance, that is, the super state during the game, bursting out with strength beyond one's own ability.

In professional competitions, there are some upsets because the masters are in poor condition and have no touch, so the game is not under their control; and there are some upsets because the dark horse has entered a super state of play, truly entering the state of being able to block and kill the gods without any control.

If you can defeat someone, then there is really nothing you can do.

At the French Open, Robin-Soderling played two superb games.

One game was in the fourth round of 2009. Soderling faced the "King of Clay" Nadal. He played violently throughout the game, giving Nadal his first defeat in the history of the French Open. However, Soderling lost in the final.

Lin lost to Federer, completing Federer's Grand Slam career.

One was the quarter-final match in 2010. Facing Federer, who lost in last year's final, Soderling once again performed superbly. His powerful attack made Federer lose his temper. For the second consecutive year, Soderling advanced to the final with his head held high.

As a result, he lost to Nadal like fate and finished runner-up for the second consecutive year.

The super-god state is so powerful, which is why competitive sports always have miracles of the weak defeating the strong——

Never give up fighting hard, anything is possible until the game is over.

There are two hidden attributes, one is the key that can influence your career, and the other is the key that can change the situation of the game. Their importance is self-evident.

As an item unlocked after winning the first Grand Slam championship, there is no doubt about its rarity and importance, and it is absolutely worth it.

Moreover, these two hidden attribute sub-items are the same as physical attributes, technical attributes, and mental attributes. The "hidden attributes" themselves can be superimposed; but the two subordinate sub-items are in a "read-only" state and cannot be superimposed as desired.

Otherwise, the first thought in Gawain's mind is to directly superimpose the "Injury Avoidance Index" to the full value. This is more important than anything else.

After all, a long and healthy career is worth a lot of money. As for other attributes, even if there is no attribute point superposition, you can slowly improve it through your own daily training, so there is no need to worry.

Unfortunately, the system obviously does not allow Gawain to do this.


However, now that the hidden attributes have appeared, it also means that as long as Gawain works hard enough in the future, these values ​​​​can slowly grow, which is enough.

Plop! Plop!

His heart began to beat rapidly again involuntarily, and Gawain was eager to return to the training ground immediately and continue to improve himself, so that his bathing movements also sped up.

I left the bathroom, wiped my hair and walked out. My peripheral vision turned to the mobile phone on the table. Then I remembered that I had not had time to reply to those congratulatory messages last night. I opened my mobile phone and prepared to reply properly, but there was a message from the hotel room.


At this point in time?

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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