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Chapter three hundred and eighty fifth long difficult sentence

 The meeting place was in the office of Guanguan College Building. Professor Shen looked very young, with a round face, glasses, medium height, and a bit of weight. He looked about thirty years old, but he was actually forty-one years old. And He is already a sea cucumber boss in Inner Mongolia.

Professor Wei shook hands with him and introduced with a smile: "Teacher Shen, this is one of my students, Jing Gao. He wants to ask you about some issues in network governance."

Professor Wei's title of "student" touched Jing Gao's heart. But he restrained his emotions and shook hands with Professor Shen, "Hello, Teacher Shen. I have read your forecast of the US election in April. It's very good. Wonderful. The conclusion contained therein: The emergence of the King of Understanding is the product of the self-correction of the American system, which is straight to the point."

Professor Shen smiled modestly and said: "This is just my observation. At that time, Hilary's voice was very high, so I thought about it and analyzed it to understand the king. It was a fluke that my prediction was right. If my prediction was wrong, I have little talent and need to continue to practice. "

After sitting down and chatting for a while, Professor Wei said goodbye and left. He was busy with work.

Jing Gao knew that the time of scholars of this level was precious, so he asked straight to the point: "Teacher Shen, my company acquired Sina not long ago, and I took advantage of the trend to hold a meager holding. However, in the current chaotic and complicated network environment, I am very concerned about a Confused about how social platforms should be positioned.”

Professor Shen adjusted his glasses and said brightly: "What are you confused about?"

Jing Gaodao: "I am very dissatisfied with some of Weibo's current operating strategies. It is known from above that anti-thieves are everywhere. There are already comments saying that it is a 'cesspit' and needs to be uninstalled. From a personal perspective, I can't stand it." certain remarks.

But after I acquired Weibo, I did not interfere with its daily operations for the time being. Because Weibo's current number of active users and its performance on the US stock market are on the rise. Its current market value exceeds that of Twitter.

However, I think being small is contrary to the general trend. If we don’t change the direction, we will be doomed to decline in the future. I want to change it. So I want to hear Teacher Shen’s opinion.”

By January 2017, a meager rise and fall report had long been placed on Jinggao's desk. The success of Twitter in the United States in 2007 made domestic entrepreneurs see the new Internet trend and start their own businesses one after another.

The one that took the lead this year was "Fanfou" founded by Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan. The number of users first exceeded one million. Then Fanfou was shut down. Sina Weibo took over and the users of Fanfou. In NetEase Weibo, Tencent Meager, Sohu stands out from the meager.

This is the case in the Internet field. As long as you don't make big mistakes, being "first to move" is a very big advantage.

But Weibo subsequently encountered problems. After its listing, user growth dropped. The reason is that first, the emergence of WeChat took away a large number of active users. Second, internal applications were unable to attract users.

In the second half of 2014, Weibo began to reflect and make changes. That was sinking. It made efforts in three aspects: content, users, and structure. Many people will find that Weibo is the first choice for releasing information about many movies.

At present, Weibo is in the stage of rejuvenating its second spring. Its stock price is rising slowly and is approaching the highest point since its listing.

As the saying goes, Jing Gao did not look at it from the perspective of Internet technology innovation, changes in user habits, etc. He was thinking about an essential problem.

Social media is essentially media. In the era of print media, how can we achieve the greatest sales?

Professor Shen thought very quickly and asked: "What is the general trend you mentioned?"

Jing Gao said calmly: "The general trend of history is vast. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. According to the textbook: the wheel of history rolls forward. The general trend of our current era is the rise of China. China of revival.

Some accounts on Weibo continue to output negative energy and treat the general public as fools. Over time, they will inevitably be abandoned by users.

Of course, neoliberalism is sweeping the world. As we open the country and come in, the current Chinese society is very diversified. There are diversified cognitions and interests. It is difficult to reach consensus on one thing.

The surface is a debate on social media. WeChat is a public platform that can provide such debates. WeChat and Douyin cannot do this for the time being. So WeBo is very popular now.

However, if it remains unchanged, its market share will definitely slowly decline, and it will be unable to compete with Twitter and Facebook."

Professor Shen listened carefully and nodded occasionally. It was obvious that Mr. Jing was no idiot and had something of his own. His area of ​​concern was not business, but political economics. After pondering for a moment, he said: "

I generally understand your question. I also have an account on WeBo. I often communicate with people. Business operations and models are not my research direction, so I will not comment. Regarding cyberspace governance, I can mention three things. point.

The first point is that social platforms are not "neutral" in the absolute sense, and their positions are bound to be biased. As for which way you want to go, or where Weibo is currently going, you can make a choice. You The idea is right.

From my personal perspective, the advice given is of course: the management of social platforms, or governance, should be conducive to China’s national interests, serve as an accelerant for China’s rise, and help build a certain social consensus. If we promote operations with this purpose, we will definitely be able to find, or explore, a suitable commercial path.

The second point is that the governance of cyberspace still needs to be governed by laws. In this sense, online platforms should cooperate with the government's governance, rather than doing their own thing, filtering information and manipulating the information based on the preferences and values ​​of the company owners. Users, on the contrary, become a force that harms cyberspace governance.

The third point, you mentioned Twitter and Facebook, is actually very simple. The answer you need lies in these two companies. Those who know it are their teachers. Of course, you must pay attention to the security of user information and do not misuse or leak it.

The media broke the news about the UK's Brexit practice in 2106 last year. It was a data company called Cambridge Analytica, which promoted this Brexit by analyzing users' habits and preferences and placing targeted advertisements.

The current relevant domestic laws are not perfect enough. It is not prohibited to collect user data. It can even be said to be semi-public in the Internet world. But I still need to remind you."

What a long and difficult sentence!

Jing Gao discovered Professor Shen's diction habits. He particularly preferred long sentences, which required concentration to understand. He put away his notebook and stood up to say goodbye: "Teacher Shen, thank you for your answers and opinions. I don't know if I can have similar questions again. When the time comes, come over and ask for advice. Oh, this is my business card."

"Okay." Professor Shen drank some water, added WeChat with Jing Gao, exchanged business cards, and said: "This year's Wuzhen Internet Conference invited me to serve as the assistant secretary-general of the high-level expert advisory committee. Were you there at the time?"

Jing Gao said: "Yes." He was fighting with Ali at the time. During the Internet Conference, he also chatted with Ma Yun once, and they completely broke up with each other.

It was around 11 a.m. when Jing Gao came out of Professor Shen's office. While waiting for the elevator at the stairway, Jing Gao flipped through his notebook and had a rough idea.

Regarding Weibo, in terms of management, you can just learn from Twitter and Facebook. If Weibo is under his banner, you must not sit on your butt crookedly. And in terms of social management, you need to communicate more with the superior authorities.

As for the general principle, Professor Shen has just made it very clear. What such a think tank-level professor says is basically the general direction, and you should follow it.

At this time, Jing Gao's cell phone rang, and it was Wang Hanjun. His voice was clear and sweet, "Brother Jing, are you still in our school? Xi Xi said that like Zhang Li, she wants to join the Phoenix Foundation as an intern."

Jing Gao was slightly surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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