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Chapter seven hundred and forty fourth Japanese mode

 Under the modern accounting system, there are various indicators to measure the wealth of a person or an enterprise.

For example, personal assets, net worth, and funds that can be mobilized.

Some rich people have luxury cars, live in villas, keep famous dogs, and take care of mistresses, and they are famous in public. But once the bank loan is deducted, they really become a millionaire. Therefore, the concept of net worth was born.

They are called high-net-worth individuals, not high-quality men.

However, this will cause another problem. In order to avoid taxes or transfer assets, some wealthy people do not put the money in their own names, but put it in funds and various enterprises. For example: JP Morgan, the head of the Morgan Consortium.

Or, the chairman of some large companies is very powerful. For example, Steve Jobs of Apple and Michael Eisner, the former emperor of Disney.

For another example, some rich people’s assets may not be listed in Fortune Magazine, but the funds they can mobilize are very scary, such as Duan Yongping, whom Jing Gao contacted. Duan responded to a financial program on why they are not listed. The answer

Yes, I can get the money I raised from the stock market in just a few phone calls.

For example: Chaoshan and some business districts in Wenzhou.

So, how do you measure a rich man’s power, wealth, and capital?

For a company, the early standard was the company's assets, making it bigger and stronger. This was South Korea's Daewoo model. But with the collapse of the Daewoo Group during the Asian financial crisis, this was abandoned.

Measuring whether an enterprise is healthy and capable becomes net profit! That is, how much profit it makes in a year.

At present, the most recognized standard is the sales volume of an enterprise in a fiscal year! This represents the market influence of an enterprise.

In 2018, Huawei's sales revenue was US$89.311 billion. It ranked 72nd on the Fortune 500. The ratio of US dollars to euros is roughly the same. Think about it, one Huawei is equal to how many Roche?

The last one on this list, Swedish communications company Ericsson, has sales revenue of US$23.556 billion. Think about it, how far behind is Roche from these modern large companies? 20 times!

Therefore, it is very easy to understand that David Rothschild's attitude towards Igao is slightly complimentary at this time. This is no longer the era of Roche! They were once brilliant, but they have declined.

Igao smiled politely and politely and said: "Mr. Rothschild is overly praised. It is not my fault alone. Mr. Pinault and Deutsche Bank have given me a lot of help."

Little Pino said with a smile: "Mr. Jing, don't be humble. Just watch Arnault surrender and look for you to know your role."

Jing Gao laughed.

The two exchanged business blows for a while, and Little Pino said: "Mr. Jing, regarding the initial shareholding ratio, the Rothschild family holds 30%, I hold 60%, and you hold 10%. David and I have already communicated


After the establishment of the Sixth Bank of France, it is not a big problem to obtain investment banking, securities and other licenses. It should be completed within half a year. However, if you want to fully enter the French banking industry and make a difference, Rothschild will be indispensable in the future.

Family assistance.

Therefore, David would like to hear your plans for the development of the Sixth Bank of France! What strategies will you adopt?"

Jing Gao listened to the narration of Pinault's translator David Lewis, took a sip of tea, and looked very calm.

He transferred about 330 million euros of interests to Pinault Jr. for the establishment of this bank. Pinault Jr. approached the Rothschild family for a partnership, and he agreed. Because this is a Jewish family.

The Jews have no homeland.

They are true practitioners of the motto of capitalists: as long as there is a profit, they are even willing to sell the rope that hangs them.

The Rothschild family came forward when establishing the Sixth Bank of France, smoothing relations and other expenses, and the benefits to be exchanged were paid by Pinault Jr.

But what the younger Pinault said is that the Rothschild family is willing to provide more help, and of course it also demands more benefits.

Jing Gao put down his tea cup and said: "Mr. Pinault, Mr. Rothschild, I hope that the Sixth Bank of France can become the top bank in Europe, America and Africa. The banking groups I want to compete with are Deutsche Bank and UBS.

France lacks a strong enough local bank. This is incompatible with its status as a major country. As for the final organizational structure of the Sixth Bank of France, I hope to adopt the model of a Japanese consortium. To be precise, it is the model of the Mitsubishi Consortium."

Everyone on earth knows the fact that Niben, who lived a good life in his childhood, was a colony of Hawk-chan! Therefore, in order to cope with the high pressure and various controls and restrictions of Hawk-chan’s father, the Japanese consortium spun out a very unique consortium organization.


What is the specific external manifestation? That is, the top leaders of a certain bank or core enterprise (such as Sony, Toyota) are the chairman and president. They are the chairman and general manager.

Once something goes wrong or the father of Eagle Sauce is offended, these two guys can bow down and step down. But the real actual controller of the consortium behind them will not move a single bit.

The core reason is that the real controller only holds a small amount of shares in the company, maybe only 2%, and even the board of directors elects agents.

So what if we can achieve relative control over large consortiums when the equity is extremely dispersed?

Take the Mitsubishi Consortium as an example. In its core enterprise, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi uFJ, which is the largest commercial bank in Japan, the real control of the board of directors may be two or three companies such as Iwasaki, and there are more than a dozen small families dependent on two or three companies. This gang

The "Chinese" constitute the decision-making layer that can truly control the member companies of the Mitsubishi family.

One circle after another, from the inside out. One carrot and one hole.

If something happens to someone, a member of his family will come up.

Rank and status are very stable.

The board of directors and the "Jin Yao Hui", a social organization of Mitsubishi presidents, are just appearances. According to modern law, the shareholders' meeting decides the board of directors. This is the source of power. The "Jin Yao Hui" is enough to affect the management level.

Mitsubishi's core family wants to control the smaller families that are attached to it, or to attract new blood, through marriage, dirty information, social hierarchy, interest exchange and other means.

You must know that in a certain sense, Japan is still a feudal society with personal dependence.

For example, if a tenant of a landlord's family becomes successful with the support of the landlord, can he change his family? How is that possible? At most, he can change his status as a tenant to start his own business. But he will still belong to the faction of the landlord.

Therefore, the Japanese consortium still maintains its control, but its strength has declined with the recession of Japan's benzene economy. In 2018, the once powerful Sony (a member of the Mitsui Consortium) is now a wage earner of Huawei, giving

Huawei provides electronic accessories for mobile phones. Samsung has completely become an American company. Most of its shares are in the hands of large American companies.

I have to say that sometimes Benzi’s cleverness is really better than that of the world’s most powerful country.

The reason why Idaka designated the model of the Mitsubishi Foundation is because there are examples of the Mitsui Foundation among Japanese consortiums. Of course, the control core and organizational model are exactly the same. The difference is that the core company of the Mitsubishi Foundation is Mitsubishi Tokyo uFJ Bank, while

The core enterprise of the Mitsui Consortium is the famous Mitsui & Co.

When he established the Sixth Bank of France, he formed a consortium with the bank as the core.

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