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264. Drinking Injury


Xiao Zheng was startled and reached out to push Tan Xuan.

"Tan Xuan, what's wrong with you? I said you drink alcohol like medicine. Don't get into trouble with me. Are you drinking wine or poison?"

Xiao Di came over and pushed Xiao Zheng over, and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Are you satisfied this time?"

"What am I satisfied with?" Xiao Zheng asked in confusion. Facing his own sister, he felt guilty and no longer as harsh as before.

"Tan Xuan can't drink. You have to let him drink with you. This time he drank too much. Are you satisfied?"

"Did he drink too much? But he only took two sips, not even half a liang of wine." Xiao Zheng compared the cups, drank all the wine in his cup, and then signaled to Xiao Di,

Such a small amount is not even enough to rinse your mouth.

"Can he be the same as you? He's considered good. The first time I drank with him, he drank one glass..."

Xiao Di was embarrassed to continue talking. She couldn't bear to look back on the past, and she shed tears when she talked about it. Although that was the starting point of her happiness, she couldn't tell outsiders, not even her own brother.

Xiao Zheng was very embarrassed for a moment. Even though he had seen a lot of things in the world, he had never experienced this kind of situation. The food had just been served and before he had even taken a bite, the host who was accompanying the guest was actually drunk. How could the guest continue?

Go ahead.

After all, she was her biological sister. Seeing Xiao Zheng's embarrassment, Xiao Di did not continue to complain.

"Okay, Tan Xuan can't drink with you, I will drink with you."

Xiao Zheng waved her hand, "Why don't you drink with me? Let's carry him back first. It's uncomfortable for him to lie down like this."


It was too late for Xiao Di to stop him. Xiao Zheng had already stood up and took Xuan's arm and put it on his shoulder.

"If you said you couldn't drink, just say so. I didn't force you to drink. I thought you were too restrained in front of us. This was over before it even started."


Xiao Zheng made a waist and horse movement, but was stunned and didn't move at all.


Xiao Zheng tried again, but still couldn't lift Tan Xuan.

"Hey, let me go, good guy, you can't drink enough, but the portion is quite sufficient."

Xiao Zheng reached out to push Tan Xuan's arm, intending to take a rest first. The two blows just now were too strong, and he was a little bit too much. But Tan Xuan's arm was not pushed away, and it was still pressed on his neck.


Xiao Zheng turned around and saw Tan Xuan staring at him with a pair of red eyes. His eyes were a little scary, but there was no focus. He seemed to be looking at him, but not like him.

"Are you awake? When you wake up, eat something quickly and drink. You who have no tolerance for alcohol, don't drink anymore."

"Who are you talking about?" Tan Xuan asked inarticulately, his originally red face now turning a little purple.

"Who else, except you, who pours you a drink wherever you can. Don't drink anymore, otherwise I'll want to beat you up when I see you like this."


Tan Xuan's face changed, and he raised his fist to hit Xiao Zheng very quickly. By the time Xiao Zheng realized something was wrong, Tan Xuan's fist had already hit him in the face, or in other words, he had already used his face.

Caught it.


Xiao Zheng was beaten so hard that she fell from the chair to the ground, with blood flowing from her nose and the corners of her mouth.

"Ah..." Those women were even more confused by the sudden situation in front of them. It was normal for them to fight after drinking too much, but they just started drinking. Only Xiao Di knew how much Tan Xuan drank and knew that he was unwilling

The scene she saw finally appeared, and she didn't have to wait too long.

"Asshole! You..."

Xiao Zheng licked her lips, wiped her face, and immediately became angry after saying that she was embarrassed. She got up from the ground and wanted to fight Tan Xuan. As a result, as soon as he got in front of Tan Xuan, he was punched in the abdomen by Tan Xuan.

The beating made him bend over and keep spinning in circles.

"You..." Xiao Zheng was sweating profusely in pain.

"you wanna die!"

Tan Xuan muttered. Although his eyes were dull, his expression was fierce. He raised his hand and struck Xiao Zheng directly.

"Tan Xuan, stop it!"

Xiao Di suddenly hugged Tan Xuan from the side, but was shaken away by Tan Xuan. Tan Xuan turned his head and pointed at Xiao Di. His eyes were strange, blood red and indifferent, without any emotion.

Inside, not to mention gentle.

Xiao Di was not too unfamiliar with Tan Xuan's expression, because the last time Tan Xuan and her broke the boundaries of friendship, it was the same, but the way was completely different. Last time it was to kill someone, this time it was obviously to kill someone.

"Tan Xuan, wake up, look at me, I'm Xiao Di." Xiao Di shouted loudly towards Tan Xuan.

"Xiao Di?"

Tan Xuan was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of confusion appeared in his eyes, a smile gradually appeared on his face, but his eyes were still unfocused.

"Wife..." Tan Xuan muttered incoherently.

"It's me." Xiao Di agreed with a smile, grabbed Tan Xuan's hand and rubbed it gently, revealing a tenderness that Tan Xuan had never seen and may not be able to see now.


Tan Xuan giggled happily, then his eyes suddenly widened, and then he fell back.

"Tan Xuan!"

Xiao Di screamed and hurriedly pushed her body against Tan Xuan. She had no choice but to know that she couldn't hold the unconscious Tan Xuan back with her own strength, so she could only carry him on her shoulders.

"Xiao Yu, Sister Qin, please come over quickly and help me."

Xiao Di and the two people asked for help, but the two people didn't dare to come forward at all. Their expressions were still full of fear. After all, Xiao Zheng was beaten just now when she was helping Tanxuan. They didn't think she had Xiao Zheng's physique.

I can get up on my own even after being hit. Not to mention helping, it’s already pretty good if I can do it without running away.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it. I think this bastard still dares to fight me? He really turned against him."

After all, he was still a man. Xiao Zheng wiped the blood from his mouth, cursed and walked to Tan Xuan to carry Tan Xuan on his back. Then with the help of Xiao Di, he took Tan Xuan to the bedroom.

"Are you sure he's okay?" Xiao Zheng put Tan Xuan on the bed, closed the door, and asked Xiao Di, while frowning deeply.

Xiao Di chuckled and said nonchalantly: "What's wrong with him? He just drank too much and would be fine if he took a nap. But you, on the other hand, were beaten twice by him and your nose is bleeding now. Doesn't it matter?


Xiao Zheng rubbed his face and shook his head, "What can happen to me? Our team exercises regularly and I have already mastered it. His fists are only effective at hitting ghosts, not people at all."

"Haha, is that right? I hope you're fine." Xiao Di covered her mouth and smiled. She knew that Tan Xuan's fists could hit ghosts hard and hit people even harder, but her own brother was already like this, and he was still arrogant. She also

I didn't dare to expose it.

Xiao Zheng glanced at Tan Xuan and asked Xiao Di, "He won't wake up now, will he?"

Xiao Di shook his head, "I don't know, it probably won't happen."

Xiao Zheng looked at Tan Xuan again and saw that he was breathing evenly and sleeping soundly. He whispered to Xiao Di, "Has he always been like this? He usually looks like a nice person, but why does he become like this after drinking a little alcohol?

What? It can’t be..."

Xiao Zheng pointed to her head. Some words should not be said too directly. After all, they would be too hurtful.

Xiao Di rolled his eyes at Xiao Zheng and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you talking about? His brain is not sick. You should see if your brain has been damaged by him."

"No, my silly sister, don't you understand what I mean? Although I am very optimistic about him, you and him will be together for a lifetime. If he often does this, what will you do?" Xiao.

Zheng finally couldn't hold back and expressed her worries.

Xiao Di didn't appreciate it, but became even more unhappy, "What should I do? If you didn't let him drink, could this happen? Just leave it alone. I know whether he treats me well or not, so I didn't see it.

Did he stop when he heard what I said? You deserved the blow. Let’s see if you let him drink in the future. He hasn’t had a good meal this day, and the result is all your fault."

Xiao Zheng waved his hand and said with a bitter smile that was asking for trouble: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. Anyway, I've said it whether I should say it or not. You are not young anymore, and you have a good idea. You can just think of it yourself. It's not your big deal.

When you are bullied in the future, my brother, who is a villain, will help you deal with him. When the time comes, you will settle the old and new debts with him. I don’t believe that he, a ghost shooter, can beat me, a gunman."


Seeing that Xiao Di's face turned uglier, Xiao Zheng slapped his forehead and laughed at himself: "I drank this wine, it's too high. No, I have to eat it back, otherwise I will suffer a big loss today."

With that said, Xiao Zheng covered her face and pushed the door open and went out.

"You are so capable. You even beat up my brother. Normally, you would have assaulted the police. What can you do if you can't drink? It will be a huge embarrassment this time. With Xiao Yu's big broadcaster, I guess you are in our

The family will soon become famous, and I will continue to follow you..."

Xiao Di nodded at Tan Xuan's forehead, said angry words with a distressed look on his face, then helped Tan Xuan get the quilt, turned around and went out. The guests were still there, but the male host was drunk, so the female host could only



Tan Xuan opened his eyes, stretched out, and found that it was already bright outside the curtains, and there was no one on the bed next to him.

His head hurt a little, Tan Xuan shook his head and recalled the time he invited guests to dinner, but the scene in his memory stopped abruptly after he drank two glasses of wine.

"I'll go! The guests haven't left yet, right? That would be so rude of me."

Tan Xuan immediately got off the bed, gathered up the pajamas he had not changed all night, took off his shoes, ran out of the bedroom, and went straight to the dining room. Unfortunately, there was only Xiao Di in the dining room wearing an apron and cleaning up, and there was no one else at all.

"Where's Brother Zheng?" Tan Xuan asked with a surprised look on his face.

Xiao Di glanced at Tan Xuan and said angrily: "I'm still looking for you, Brother Zheng. I avenged you last night. Come over here and help me clean up."

The restaurant was very messy. It is impossible to fully describe how messy it was by saying that the cups and plates were in a mess. There were many bottles of wine, white, red, foreign, and beer, standing on the table and on the floor. All of them were empty. On the table

Not to mention the dishes, some were still on the plates, and more were scattered on the table and the floor. At this time, Xiao Di had already cleaned up some, and he couldn't even imagine what it was like before they were cleaned up.

"What's going on? Is this a fight?" Tan Xuan asked as he took the trash can from Xiao Di's hand and helped clean it up.

"What caused the fight? Do you think others are like you? It was caused by drinking too much last night."

"What about them? Why are you cleaning up alone? Xiao Yu didn't say anything about helping you clean up."

Xiao Di hummed and said with a smile: "Don't mention her. Without her, it wouldn't be such a mess. They all went home last night. If I don't clean it up, who will clean it up?"

"You take a rest, I'll take care of it."

Tan Xuan saw that Xiao Di looked haggard and had obviously not rested well. How could he be willing to let her work again? However, Xiao Di did not listen to Tan Xuan this time and still followed suit.

Cooking was very troublesome, and cleaning up the mess was even more troublesome. It took two people a long time to clean it up.

Looking at the hill of empty bottles on the ground, Tan Xuan asked curiously: "Did the four of you drink these wines last night?"

"Of course, but what you said is not accurate. It should have been for five people. You also drank two glasses of white wine." Xiao Di said with a smile.

Tan Xuan rubbed his head. After such a long time, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"It seems that I still need to practice more in the future, otherwise I will be laughed at by your brother in the future."

"Stop it!" Xiao Di immediately stopped Tan Xuan's thoughts, "You are not allowed to drink without my permission from now on."

"But if I don't drink, your brother will be unhappy."

"No, I can guarantee that he will never persuade you to drink again. Drinking with you is too harmful to your health."

This chapter has been completed!
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