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346. Positioning

Although Tan Xuan is not good at finding people, he is always consistent with his ancestry. He can even detect ghosts, so what's wrong with finding a living person? The worst he can do is treat the living person as a dead ghost.

Tan Xuan found the pajamas worn by Tang Miao from the clothes scattered on the ground. Although the closer the clothes are, the better the effect, but Tan Xuan doesn't know which of those small clothes were worn by Tang Miao and which were not. What's more,

Who knows how much filth is hidden under her pure appearance, Tan Xuan will not touch it.

"Help me get some incense and white paper from the study."

After Tan Xuan spoke to Xiao Di, he went to the kitchen and took out a stainless steel basin and a pair of chopsticks.

When Xiao Di took back the incense and white paper, Tan Xuan took them and said without raising his head: "Help me close the door of the study and let him clean it up inside."

"Isn't it wrong for you to order Miaomiao like this?" Xiao Di reminded in a low voice, "When I went to get the things just now, he was working hard to clean them up. Otherwise, you can clean them up yourself after we finish handling this matter."

"No need, just clean it up if it can be cleaned up. If it can't be cleaned up, I'll look for it again."

Seeing that Tan Xuan did not explain too much, Xiao Di was very puzzled, but he still closed the study door obediently. Not only the study, but also the doors of several other rooms were closed, and even the curtains were drawn.

After all, his house has become the focus of the community. Who knows if there is someone in the building opposite with a telescope peeking in secretly.

Tan Xuan moved the coffee table forward, took a small stool and placed the stainless steel basin on the stool. Then he tore Tang Miao's pajamas into strips and threw them into the basin.

"What are you going to do? Do you need me to do anything?" Although Xiao Di knew that she couldn't help, she still couldn't help asking. Now she was more anxious than Tan Xuan. Seeing that Tan Xuan wanted to

Using some unbelievable means, she did not take out her equipment for recording again.

"Bring your computer over and open the map of Jiangzhou. I'll need it later."

"Okay." Xiao Di didn't expect that it would be of use to him. He immediately went to the study room to take out his laptop and opened the web version. There were several maps in the software version, all of which were switched to Jiangzhou.

Tan Xuan took off the gourd from his waist, shook it, took a mouthful of the wine in the gourd and sprayed it on the cloth on the plate, lit a cigarette, took a puff and then flicked the cigarette into the stainless steel basin.


A blue fire suddenly appeared in the basin, completely swallowing up the cloth strips in the basin, turning it into ashes instantly.

Tan Xuan took a pair of chopsticks and messed up the ashes in the basin, poured out a little wine from the gourd, mixed the mud in the basin, took out an incense stick and stuck it on the mud, marked the length, and put the high

The piece that came out was cut off, and then he used chopsticks to connect end to end to form an octagon on the basin. Then he picked up a piece of white paper and spread it on top. Finally, he tore up a cigarette and cut out the shredded tobacco.

Spread on paper.

Tan Xuan lit a cigarette again and took a deep puff until only the butt was left. Tan Xuan puffed out his cheeks and quickly puffed out the smoke. Finally, he exhaled a puff of smoke into the shredded tobacco on the white paper. The white smoke and shredded tobacco were mixed together.

, forming a layer of smoke.

Tan Xuan took another piece of white paper to cover it, and took out another cigarette, but this time he didn't smoke, but put the whole cigarette into his mouth, chewed it, and then spit out the chewed tobacco and paper.

When it came out, most of it was vomited on the white paper, and a small part fell to the ground. "This..." Xiao Di frowned. He had seen Tan Xuan perform so many spells, and it was strange that he had seen a lot of them.

But it was only once that he was eliminated like this.

Tan Xuan ignored Xiao Di's reaction and circled around the stainless steel basin. At the same time, his fingers flew up and down, back and forth. After he had made a complete circle, he suddenly slapped both sides of the stainless steel basin with both hands.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, Yin and Yang go together, get up!"

The firelight protruded under the white paper, and the white paper that Tan Xuan spat out immediately bulged up, as if there was an inflated balloon underneath, but the four corners were tightly attached to the white paper below, and from the four sides

Looking inside through the gap, I could only see smoke billowing up and down between the two pieces of paper, but the two pieces of paper showed no signs of burning.


Tan Xuan kept tapping the side wall of the basin with his fingers, lightly or heavily.

Quickly or slowly, it seems to coincide with a certain rhythm, and the firelight in the basin also shakes. Gradually, the firelight condenses into a ball. The firelight shines through the white paper on the lower layer into the smoke, and only a slender black shadow is seen.

It kept twisting, disappearing and appearing, while the tobacco debris chewed by Tan Xuan on the upper white paper quickly fell off the paper, leaving only some light marks.

"Is this the round sky?" Xiao Di said in jaw-dropping surprise. Although the picture in front of her was neither round nor square, but combined with Tan Xuan's words and her continuous learning over this period of time, she could somewhat relate to it.

When you reach the basin in front of you, what appears on the basin is the round sky.

"The dome is the sky, the flat plate is the earth, and the four corners are the four directions. This..."

Xiao Di took a deep breath and didn't dare to say anything casually anymore. It was useless to say it right at this time, and it would distract Tan Xuan if he said it wrong. He could only watch the movements in Tan Xuan's hands attentively, because that was her

The only thing that can be done now.

"With the stars as the direction and the air as the guide, where is this shadow at this time? Appear!"

Xiao Di hugged the stainless steel basin with both hands, as if he couldn't feel the temperature of the flame in the basin. He shook it hard, and the fire in the basin suddenly went out. The smoke between the two white papers on the basin suddenly vented, and the paper on top

It collapsed and covered the piece of paper below. Tan Xuan put down the basin, carefully moved the white paper to the coffee table aside, and uncovered the paper above. The tobacco on the paper below had condensed into a wrinkled shape.

The circle is tightly attached to the paper. And the paper is no longer white now. There are smoky marks one after another on it, some green, some yellow, and a lot of black, one after another.

, one piece after another, and the place where the tobacco shreds gather is under a piece of blue.

"Xiao Di, please help me compare it with the map. The cyan is water, the yellow is soil, the black is mountains, and the brown line left by the tobacco is the path she walked in the last time she burned the incense. Take a look.

Is there anywhere on the map that has the same pattern as the mountains and rivers in these marks? It seems she is hiding somewhere now."

"So that's why you used the map."

Since he was being used, of course Xiao Di did his part. After all, computers were a bit too high-tech for Tan Xuan. Xiao Di first looked at the paper carefully based on the classification of landscapes mentioned by Tan Xuan, and then took a look at the paper.

Just glance at the beginning of the map and keep comparing it.

There are mountains and rivers, and the area has been delineated a lot. Xiao Di thought that things would be very simple, but after comparison, Xiao Di found that things were not that simple. Jiangzhou has no shortage of mountains and rivers. A large river runs through Jiangzhou in an S shape.

Moreover, this map is neither accurate nor proportional. I only know that the location is far away from the mountains and close to the water, and it is also on the water. It would be really difficult to find it with just a pair of naked eyes.

"Is this difficult to find?" Tan Xuan looked at Tan Xuan and asked. He had already seen Xiao Di and started to scratch his head. If he found someone who was good at Feng Shui survey, he might be able to spot the place in the picture at a glance.

, but they are not good at it and cannot find such a person to help immediately.

Xiao Di shook his head, "It's not difficult to compare with satellite maps, but the graphics on your paper are a bit abstract. It would be much easier if you could connect these mountains and water to make their directions more obvious."

"Really? Can't we just connect them?"

"You told me earlier." Xiao Di glared at Tan Xuan angrily, "I thought you couldn't draw on this. If I had known it could be connected, I've already found that place now. Find a pen quickly.



Tan Xuan hurriedly looked for a pen, but the more anxious he became, the less he could find it. There were usually a lot of pencils and ballpoint pens at home, but now when he used them, he could not find any of them. There were writing brushes in the study, but they were not suitable now. In the end, Xiao Di

She was quick enough to find her eyebrow pencil from her makeup bag and solved this urgent problem.

After describing the landscape trend in detail on the paper, the following things became much simpler for Xiao Di. Of course, Tan Xuan could not understand it at all. Xiao Di first took a picture of the landscape trend with his mobile phone.

She came down and imported the photos into the computer. Tan Xuan didn't know how she did it. Anyway, after one operation, a simple electronic version of the landscape trend chart appeared on the screen, and she no longer needed to compare it with the human eye.

After comparing it on the computer, I quickly found two places on the map that were similar to the place on the map.

"You see, there are two places within Jiangzhou that meet the requirements, but one is on the outskirts of Jiangbei and the other is in the city, more than ten kilometers downstream from where I found you."

"That's undoubtedly where it is." Tan Xuan pointed to the place behind Xiao Di and said, "I remember there was a small island there, and there was a wooden house on the island, which was where the bird feeders lived by the river in summer. After winter, there was

It's always been empty, so she must be hiding there. I didn't expect that she ran so fast that she could get there in such a short time."

Tan Xuan stood up with a gloomy expression, and his fists clenched loudly, "When we meet, I will definitely skin her."

Xiao Di immediately closed the computer, "Then let's go find her quickly. She will run away again soon. Now she has not left, which is very beneficial to us."

Tan Xuan looked at Xiao Di and shook his head, "Don't go with me. She can't swim there so quickly. There must be some helpers. It would be too dangerous for you to go."

"No, I have to go with you. She has helpers, and you are not alone. Don't try to persuade me. She is a human, not a ghost. I'm not afraid of her. Little ***, let's see if I don't hit her.

The ground is full of teeth."

Looking at Xiao Di whose attitude was firm and unwavering, Tan Xuan hugged her hard and said, "If you have a daughter like this, what more can you ask for?"

"Stop being so lyrical and hurry up and chase him before he runs away." Xiao Di pushed Tan Xuan away and walked away first, holding his computer and jacket.


Tan Xuan gave a bitter laugh and hurriedly chased after him. When he closed the door, he didn't forget to take a look at the study with the door tightly closed.
This chapter has been completed!
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