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64. Change dormitories

The pit on the ground is not big, only about two meters square, and less than two meters deep. The environment inside the pit is clear at a glance. There is no place for the kid to hide. Only two ripples nearly half a meter thick can be seen in the pit.

Guan, Tan Xuan is speechless. I don’t know where Mr. Li’s ghost ran away from, and he can’t chase him even if he wants to. The municipal pipe network is like a mesh, so only the ghost knows where he ran away from.

It was easy to jump down, but it was troublesome to jump up. The vertical pit was not even a place to grab hold, and the soil around it was loose. It took Tan Xuan a long time to get back to the ground.

"You bastard can run fast. If I meet you next time, I will definitely make you regret being a ghost..." Tan Xuan patted the dust on his body and returned to the car with a curse.

"Did you kill that guy?" Xiao Di asked eagerly as soon as Tan Xuan returned to the car. She didn't see clearly what happened to the ghost just now, but she could clearly see what Tan Xuan hit him with.

, she was all too aware of Tan Xuan's behavior of getting into a fight whenever he disagreed.

Jiang Yingyue stared at Tan Xuan blankly. Everything was too unbelievable for her. At this time, she could only worship Tan Xuan. Good guy, no matter whether his actions just now were impulsive or not, he can defeat ghosts just by relying on people.

This act is a feat. No normal person would dare to do it. If you see a ghost, you won’t be able to run away.

Tan Xuan shook his head and sighed, "No, I originally wanted to catch it and ask them about their purpose and what was behind them, so I didn't dare to do anything serious. But I never expected that this guy would become a ghost just after he acted.

He actually escaped with his heart's eye."

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Di asked in disbelief. She didn't quite believe that a ghost could escape from Tan Xuan. After all, the few she had seen not only failed to escape, but they were all gone afterward.


"What should I do, cold salad?" Tan Xuan said angrily. There were many things that he couldn't figure out, so how could he bother to explain them all to Xiao Di.

Xiao Di did not get angry with Tan Xuan because of Tan Xuan's tone, but became more convinced that Tan Xuan did not catch the ghost and was run away by the ghost. He continued to ask: "Then they are so unscrupulous to an ordinary person like Jiang Yingyue?"

If someone takes action, no one will take care of it?"

Tan Xuan snorted, "Someone is in charge."

Before Xiao Di and Jiang Yingyue could get happy, Tan Xuan immediately poured cold water on them, "It's just that those guys are too inefficient in their work. There are too many supernatural things waiting for them to deal with. When they come to investigate this matter, what can happen?"

It's hard to say without finding out, and I can't guarantee whether Jiang Yingyue will be harmed by a ghost when he arrives, and those guys each have their own principles, so it's difficult to count on them!"

Seeing Tan Xuan shaking his head, Jiang Yingyue felt cold and felt the urge to cry again.

"Then what can I do?"

Now, the rhythm is that the sky is not responding, the earth and the earth are not responding, and she is about to collapse.

"It's okay, isn't it me?" Tan Xuan patted his chest and said.

"Hey!" Xiao Di's eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was filled with joy, "Tan Xuan, isn't that friend of yours, Sister Quan'er, specializing in dealing with ghosts? If you ask her for help, it's just right for you to get rid of ghosts and save people."

Tan Xuan shook his head, "Sister Quan'er can easily deal with ghosts, but it's unrealistic for her to save people. She only cares about ghosts and not people. She won't do anything beyond her business scope. You can't let Sister Quan'er

Just stay by Jiang Yingyue's side all day long, she is usually very busy. Everyone should perform their duties and abide by their responsibilities, and as a friend, I shouldn't make things difficult for her."

"Ah! What should we do?" Xiao Di remembered that Sister Quan'er did say something similar to Yu Jing last time, and the light in his eyes dimmed instantly.

"Now we can only try and exploit them. I want to see what else they can do."

As he said that, Tan Xuan turned his head and winked at the person sitting behind him, pretending to be relaxed and comforting: "Don't worry, I'm here, you should do whatever you want, just put your heart in your stomach."

Here, I promise not to let them hurt even a hair on your head."

After saying that, Tan Xuan started the car and went around the pit in front and continued driving.

Jiang Yingyue looked at the profile of the person in front of her, feeling somewhat confident for no reason.

Jiang Yingyue still lived in the same house, and it was still a bit unfamiliar to her when she moved in for the second time. After all, she was unconscious the first time she came here. Xiao Di came to Tan Xuan's house for the first time, and he didn't expect Tan Xuan to be alone.

Living in such a big house, compared with her crowded little home, this place is simply a mansion.

Xiao Di stayed in the study room. She was not picky about where she lived. Although there was no bed in the room, the tatami was large enough, and this room faced the sun. It was just for Tan Xuan who dedicated his master bedroom to hospitality.

The method is a bit confusing.

After washing up and sleeping, regardless of whether they could fall asleep or not, the three of them returned to their respective rooms.

At dawn, when Tan Xuan came out of the room, Jiang Yingyue and Xiao Di were already dressed and waiting in the living room.

"Hey, you guys got up so early, how did you sleep last night?" After Tan Xuan finished his embarrassing opening remarks, he realized that Jiang Yingyue had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, obviously he didn't sleep well.

"I slept okay, I prefer a bed when sleeping." Jiang Yingyue lowered her head shyly.

"I slept very well. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down." Xiao Di replied with a smile.

"Haha..." Tan Xuan smiled and said nothing. He couldn't help but think of a sentence on TV before, "Heartless people have good sleep quality."

Xiao Di didn't know Tan Xuan's mental activities, so he pointed to the kitchen and said: "I cooked some instant noodles this morning. You can eat some first. After you finish eating, you can send Jiang Yingyue to work. Then I will go back if there is nothing else to do. Yesterday

I got some materials later, and I’ll process them a little more..."

"Oh." Tan Xuan agreed and entered the kitchen. There was indeed a bowl of instant noodles on the dining table. There were empty bowls and unwashed pots in the sink. It seemed that these two were not polite.

He had already eaten before he came out.

The noodles were overcooked. It was obvious that the person who cooked the noodles was not a person who knew how to do housework, and it had been served for a long time. There were signs of lumps in the instant noodles, and there were egg droplets of different sizes hanging on the noodles. There were no eggs in the bowl.

It was obvious that the eggs flew away when cooking the poached eggs, but Tan Xuan still devoured the poached eggs. Tan Xuan was very picky but not picky. Since he was someone with good intentions, he couldn't win over other people's kindness. As long as he could swallow it, it would be fine.

I don’t know which master made it, and I don’t know if that man’s ancestral tomb is smoking and he will be able to taste the delicacies they made every day.

After eating, Xiao Di left, rarely taking another ride, while Tan Xuan took Jiang Yingyue to her company. Of course, he also took Jiang Yingyue's luggage. As long as the company made arrangements, Tan Xuan

Xuan is also responsible for delivering these to Jiang Yingyue's new dormitory. Although Tan Xuan promised Jiang Yingyue to stay at his house for a few days, after this night, I don't know what Jiang Yingyue thought. He just had dinner at Tan Xuan

At that time, she said that she would change dormitories today. Tan Xuan did not persuade him to stay, fearing that others would misunderstand that he had bad intentions, but just reminded Jiang Yingyue that he might still be in danger. After arriving at the downstairs of Jiang Yingyue's company, Tan Xuan parked the car and

He went upstairs with Jiang Yingyue. He wanted to go to Jiang Yingyue's company to see if the ghost of Sister Wang was waiting here. Jiang Yingyue's company is a construction company, with a pretty good scale and enough rent.

Go down an entire floor of an office building.

Jiang Yingyue pushed open the door of the office and let Tan Xuan in. Then she followed Tan Xuan and asked in a low voice: "Do you see anything unusual here?"

Tan Xuan looked around the inside of the office. The office of Jiang Yingyue and his business department was not small, but there was no one in the office. All the seats were empty. Only the office supplies on the table indicated that there was someone there.

Tan Xuan's brows wrinkled slightly and then gradually relaxed. He shook his head slightly, pointed to a seat at the back of the office and asked Jiang Yingyue, "Where is your colleague who died yesterday?"

"Yes." Jiang Yingyue looked shocked, nodded vigorously, and then asked nervously: "Did you discover anything? Could it be that she..."

Jiang Yingyue shivered uncontrollably. She heard Xiao Di say yesterday that Tan Xuan could see things they couldn't see.

Tan Xuan shook his head, "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid, she's not here now."

Jiang Yingyue breathed a sigh of relief, but Tan Xuan then said, "She was here last night and wandered there. There is Yin Qi there."

"Ah!" Jiang Yingyue screamed and quickly covered her mouth.

"She really came?"

"Yeah." Tan Xuan nodded, and then comforted: "You don't need to be afraid, ghosts don't like to come out during the day. She may be revisiting her old place, and she can't wander here every day. And I think the size of your company should

There are a lot of people, and when her yang energy is strong, she won't dare to come out. As long as you don't work overtime at night, there won't be any danger."


"You'd better talk to your boss about changing dormitories first. You don't have to worry about anything else."

"Well, this is my seat. You can sit here and rest for a while." Xiao Di pointed to a seat near the door and said to Tan Xuan, and then quickly left the office. She wanted to go to the leader's office first.

Has the leader come?

Tan Xuan did not sit at Jiang Yingyue's seat, but came to the seat next to Sister Wang. He first circled around the seat and then sat down on the seat.

"If you're still dead and still don't stop, what do you think you're planning on doing?"

Tan Xuan muttered to himself, leaned back, put his feet on the table, took out a cigarette, lit it, and held it in his mouth without inhaling. He closed his eyes slightly and let the white smoke flow.

It rises above the head and slowly spreads in the air.

The door of the office opened, and a person walked in. Tan Xuan didn't move, or even opened his eyes, because it couldn't be someone else who came in. Except for Jiang Yingyue and where he was sitting, all the seats in the office had been closed recently.

No one has touched it.

"Why are you sitting in Sister Wang's seat?" Jiang Yingyue saw Tan Xuan sitting in an inelegant posture, and immediately turned around and closed the door of the office. When she saw Tan Xuan still had a stick in his mouth that he didn't know how to destroy.

After smoking for a long time, she frowned and said slightly complaining: "Why are you still smoking here?"

Tan Xuan opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Straight ash fell on his face. Tan Xuan shook his head and let the ash fall to the ground. When he sat down, his

His eyes returned to normal again, their expressions deep and sincere.

This chapter has been completed!
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