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Chapter 1403 Two and a half million Yin De!

Nine hundred thousand virtues!

Nine hundred thousand virtues!

Nine hundred thousand virtues!

This is the rich reward given by killing three corpses.

Although it was already clear during the Battle of Bulao Mountain that the Yin Virtue of the false fourth realm was 900,000, but seeing it with one's own eyes was another emotional ups and downs.

There are a total of 2.7 million Yin De here!

The 2.7 million Yin De this time was relatively easy to obtain. Without much life and death struggle, he easily defeated three pseudo-fourth realm evil gods.

This is the reason for his great improvement in cultivation.

But the biggest factor is that the cleverness of Zhan Sanzhi was mistaken for his cleverness. They were smart enough to surround and kill him in the fossilized wood. They thought they had the advantage of the right time, place and people, but they misjudged that he was a martial arts immortal, and instead gave him a close range.

Opportunity to counterattack.

When he fought against those old demons of Longevity in Bulao Mountain, the reason why he was able to turn the tide was because he had the advantage of Shinto martial arts. This gave him the opportunity to gradually reach the pseudo-fourth realm by relying on the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Technique.

Here, his soul cannot leave his body, and he has lost the support of the divine way. The great advancement in cultivation is not the biggest advantage, but the close combat between martial arts and immortals is the biggest advantage.

Just when Jin'an was killing three corpses, the body on the ground with its body and head separated suddenly crackled and exploded, causing a cloud of sparks to explode.

Everyone has a cave.

Corpses also have corpse caves.

Jin An, who had a copy of "Record of Collecting Corpses" in his hand, could tell at a glance that the energy and spirit of killing the three corpses came from this corpse. They were the three evil thoughts cultivated by this corpse, which belong to the category of dead wood growing new branches.

And as all three corpses were killed by him, the dead wood and new branches that this corpse managed to cultivate with the help of its resentment after death were all killed by him, cutting off the foundation of the resentment, and the corpse holes all over the body were competing to self-destruct, and the Yin Qi, corpse Qi and resentment were

It is completely dispersed and the meridians are cut off.

This corpse has been destroyed.

The last bit of "vitality" has been destroyed by him, and it will never become a reality in the future.

This corpse with its body and head separated transformed from the fossilized wood in front of me. As the whole body self-destructed, the yin corpse energy and resentment dissipated, triggering a chain reaction. The fossilized wood suddenly trembled violently, and a large number of rolling stones and ruins began to roll down above the head.


Jin'an's sword shattered the void, and Kunwu's sword smashed the rumbling ruins above his head. When the petrified wood gradually began to tilt, he flew out smoothly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to pick up the headless corpses and dead heads on the ground and put them into the human stomach bag around his waist.

The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord, who had been waiting anxiously in the small heaven outside, saw Jin An rushing out of the dry well, and his vigilance turned to surprise: "Martial Dao Renxian, what is going on down there? Why is this Tongtian wood fossil tilted?"

At this moment, the tilting speed of the petrified wood is still accelerating. Amidst the roar, the tilt angle can be clearly felt. It is a bit difficult for people to stand. Zhang Zhuzhu is staggering, awkwardly holding the ruins and boulders to avoid falling.

The situation was critical. Jin An didn't have time to explain, so he picked up the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue and Zhang Zhuzhu and ran towards the outside of the Little Heavenly Court at full speed.

Fortunately, he could break through the void and rush on. Otherwise, he would not be able to gain a foothold on the sloping road, let alone the ruins of the Little Heavenly Palace ruins.

At this time, if there is a Shinto master here, even if he is also the strongest person in the pseudo-fourth realm, he will not be much faster than ordinary people.

But if it had been a Shinto master, he would have fallen into the trap of the Three Corpses Killer.

When Jin An rushed out of the ruins of Little Heaven, he saw that all the zombie fire pests were alarmed, and they were flying around like headless flies.

The chains hanging down from the petrified wood like an iron curtain were shaking wildly at this time, and the sound of the chains breaking could be heard one after another.

At this moment, a mournful cry like the blowing of an animal's horn suddenly came from the air, carrying a sense of indescribable sorrow and desolation, just like the last cry of a giant beast before its death.

"The petrified wood is pouring down accelerating. It's important to get out of here first."

Jin An stopped and watched for a while, then hurried away along the cliff path he came from.

Going down the mountain is much faster than going up the mountain. I jump directly along the cliff and fall quickly, with the roar of the wind blowing in my ears.

Zhang Zhuzhu was so frightened that he closed his eyes the whole time and did not dare to look down. He did not notice that as the angle of the petrified wood increased, the ruins of the small heaven were constantly falling from the sky, burying the wandering Yin soldiers in large areas.

Because of the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman, which had 600,000 yin virtues on his body, the Corpse Fire Plague Insects flying around in the air like headless flies subconsciously flew away and did not attack Jin'an and the others.


Jin'an landed safely.

At this time, he had already left the Yin Soldier area. Without any scruples, he began to crush the void and rush towards the ground above the abyss.

Before leaving, he glanced regretfully at the Yin soldiers behind him. These were all Yin virtues, but the fossilized wood was about to be dumped. He needed to leave as soon as possible, and he could not be greedy for small things and lose the big chance of leaving.

At this moment, under the abyss, there were scenes of heaven and earth shattering everywhere. The tall cliffs on both sides continued to tear out new cracks. Countless boulders fell from the cliffs on both sides. These boulders weighing tens of thousands of kilograms created many deep pits.

The petrified wood has existed for countless years, and has long been integrated with the terrain here. The collapse of the petrified wood affects the surrounding area, causing collapse everywhere, leading to a doomsday-like scene.

Fortunately, Jin An reacted quickly and did not waste any time along the way. He escaped from the Great Rift Valley before being buried alive in the Abyss Rift Valley and returned to the magical forest garden.

He rushed towards the exit of the magical forest garden without stopping.

Then he successfully crossed the river with the help of Erlang Zhenjun's water talisman.

Finally, he successfully passed through the underground river steps and arrived at the front hall of the Hades Palace.


Even though they were far away from petrified wood and walked so far, Jin'an could still hear a loud collapse, and the earthquake lasted for a long time before it stopped. People standing in the front hall could feel the shaking of the earth caused by the earthquake.

In such a violent earthquake, the front hall of the Hades Palace was fine except for some dust falling off. Perhaps it was because the dead bones and souls in the hall were protecting them...

Jin An looked around at the corpse walls and thought silently.

Seeing that the crisis was temporarily eliminated, one evil god and one man began to ask Jin An about what happened underground to cause such a sky-high petrified wood to fall apart.

Jin An did not answer immediately, but first took out the headless corpse and human head from the stomach bag.

"Hey, this is it?" The Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue was surprised, looking thoughtfully at the headless corpse and human head, already having a rough guess in his mind.

"Uncle Zhuzi, don't you want to know who is the murderer behind this misery?"

"This is!"

"It's what makes you so miserable!"

Jin'an's words were sonorous. He said these words not only to Zhang Zhuzhu, but also to the dead souls filling the wall. Although his voice was not loud, it was deafening.

He once promised these corpses all over the wall that he would avenge everyone and eradicate the culprits. He did it and brought the corpses to everyone to satisfy the hatred and resentment of the countless dead souls here.


This chapter has been completed!
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