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Chapter 1405 The Eleventh Transformation and Transcendence Technique! Millions of Yin De!

Because it can see the light of day, it can reach the ground directly, and with the recovery of Shinto cultivation, the progress of collecting corpses will be much faster.

Among them, the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue also contributed a lot.

Since being kidnapped by Jin'an and returned to the Five Zang Taoist Temple, and abstaining from meat and vegetarian food with the Peacock Buddha Mother, the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue has gone further and further on the road of correcting evil and turning from darkness to light.

In the end, Jin'an found a feng shui treasure land with open terrain, buried these people together, recited a passage from the "Yuanshi Immeasurable Human Sutra", and used the eleventh transformation to save the souls of the suffering souls in the world. The matter finally came to an end.


At the moment when he saved the dead soul, an unexpected scene happened.

Avenue induction!

A hundred virtues!

A hundred virtues!

A hundred virtues!

In just a short moment, there were millions of yin virtues, and Jin An was stunned for a moment.

No one else knew about this scene, and he was the only one who could see it. Then, he nodded and smiled at the collective grave: "Good."

Zhang Zhuzhu, who personally participated in the joint burial, knelt in front of the joint grave and burst into tears. This cry included the sorrow of separation and death, the letting go of obsessions, and the loneliness and confusion of being the only one left in the world.

Jin An and Qianyan Taojun looked at the statue with a sigh, but neither of them urged Zhang Zhuzhu.

Zhang Zhuzhu cried bitterly for a while before slowly calming down.

Unprepared, Zhang Zhuzhu, who was kneeling in front of the grave, suddenly turned around and knelt down to the statue of Qianyan Daojun: "Thank you so much, Immortal Daojun, for helping me. I, Zhang Zhuzi, am a layman from the countryside. I don't know how to repay you, Immortal Daojun!"

Boom, boom, boom, Zhang Zhuzi kowtowed three times in a row, banging his forehead hard on the ground until his forehead was blue and red.

Zhang Zhuzi's kneeling scared the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist King to the point where it jumped up on the spot.


"Don't kneel to me, Lord Dao!"

The evil god turned pale with fright and let out the most miserable scream.

He tried his best to dodge, but he never expected that he still couldn't avoid Zhang Zhuzhu's kneeling.

However, the Thousand-Eyed Daojun Statue blinked next and found that the unbearable weight of cause and effect and loss of life as imagined did not happen, and it instantly changed from fright to surprise.

The Thousand-Eyed Daojun statue winked at Jin An and smiled happily: "Haha, luckily nothing happened."

Then he started to look sulky: "From now on, I can brag in both the world of the world and the underworld. I was able to survive the kneeling of an ancient immortal. Even martial arts immortals cannot bear the weight of cause and effect. I am safe and sound."

Bear it!"

Looking at the proud statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord in front of him, Jin An did not undermine this evil god's self-confidence this time, but felt relieved that he had taken the right path.

However, Zhang Zhuzi has not yet "leaved" at this time, indicating that he still has an unfinished obsession in his heart.

Jin An knew clearly that what Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't let go of the most was the scholar brother who finally came out of the family.

There is an old saying among the people that "the elder brother is like the father".

Zhang Zhuzhu didn't try to find the lost body of the scholar's younger brother, and he always felt shameless to face his parents.

In fact, Zhang Zhuzhu had already found the body of the scholar's younger brother, but he found it when his obsession persisted after his death. He was brought back to life by the corpse exorcism technique, and Zhang Zhuzhu, who only remembered his memories during his lifetime, did not know this, so he

In my heart, I still want to find my brother's body.

Therefore, there is one last thing left for Jin An to complete to finally settle this matter.

It is not difficult to find the body of Zhang Zhuzi's brother.

He has found the headless corpse of Zhang Zhuzhu's brother. When the time comes, he only needs to use Luogeng Jade Plate to find the body or "explore the bag to retrieve objects" to photograph objects from a distance, and he can retrieve the lost head, put together the complete body, and help Zhang Zhuzhu complete all his obsessions.


Seeing the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist holding up the air and supporting Zhuzhu to stand up, Jin An said at the right time: "Uncle Zhuzhu, do you still have an unfinished obsession in your heart? The one you can't let go of the most is actually your brother."

When he mentioned his scholarly brother who had the arrogance of a scholar and would rather hang himself than submit to the demon, Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't help but burst into tears again.

Jin An comforted him and said, "Uncle Zhuzi, don't you want to find your brother's body? Bury him with the villagers so that he can no longer be a lonely ghost and go on the road together in peace."

After experiencing the plague-repelling tree, Zhang Zhuzhu knew that Jin An was a living god with real abilities. His eyes were filled with hope again, and he excitedly asked Jin An if there was any way. He then begged Jin An to help him find his brother, and waited until he died.

It would be nice for Huang Quan to have an explanation with his parents so that he would not be embarrassed to face his parents after his death.

Jin An smiled: "Before leaving, let me, Uncle Zhuzi, let you know one more Taoist method. I am not only good at killing demons and exorcising evil spirits, but I also cover all Taoist methods."

Jin'an asked Zhang Zhuzhu to borrow a hair. People often say that hair is the thread of worry. Zhang Zhuzhu's worry is that his brother's bones are still exposed in the wilderness.

Jin An picked up the soil from the ground, made a small clay figurine, and tied a piece of hair on the wrist of the little clay figurine: "Blow a breath, and it depends on your breath whether you can find your brother."

Hearing that there was hope for finding his younger brother, Zhang Zhuzhu looked excited and blew several times on the clay figure in Jin An's hand.

Seeing this, Jin An laughed and said, "One breath is enough."

Then he planted the little clay figurine in the soil, shouted three times, and a towering tree grew on the spot, bearing ginseng fruits born in clay.

As the melon ripened and fell off its stem, one of the ginseng fruits with a clay body fell to the ground. The clay body broke and a headless body fell out.

It was the body of Zhang Zhuzhu's brother that he buried with his own hands when he first encountered Zhang Zhuzhu.

At the same time, the towering tree disintegrated and turned back into a handful of ordinary soil.

Seeing the familiar clothes on the headless corpse, Zhang Zhuzi's eyes instantly turned red, he hugged the corpse and cried, not timid because of the dead.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, where is my brother's head? My brother hanged himself, why is his head missing? Who cut off my brother's head!" Zhang Zhuzhu helplessly asked Jin An to help him.

The younger brother found his lost head.

Jin An: "It should be those who built the plague-repelling tree. After your brother's death, he chopped off his head and made your brother a headless wandering soul, unable to enter the underworld and reincarnation. You watch, and I will give you a complete brother."

Jin An performed the Taoist technique of "exploring the bag to retrieve objects" for the second time, and this time the medium was a headless corpse.

"Long! Long! Long!"

The headless corpse sprouted and grew, and in a few moments it grew into a strong tree. The trunk, branches, and leaves were all covered with saints' famous articles.

In the end, these articles bear the fruit of a tree of articles.

The soul of the scholar is Wenquxing who descends to the earth. The soul of the soul lives in the Zifu. Enter between the two eyebrows. One inch is the bright hall, two inches is the bridal chamber, and three inches is the Zifu. Because what Jin'an is looking for is the scholar's head, so the knot on the tree is

Article fruit.

(End of chapter)

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