Chapter 969 Meeting Mr. Yi again after a long absence

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The reborn heretic Immortal Flower Divine Lotus once again became the focus of everyone's attention. Even the people in the Tianshi Mansion temporarily turned their attention away from Jin An and carefully looked at the Immortal Flower Divine Lotus in the Golden Crow's lair.

"When the divine object was born, the heaven and earth were filled with such pure and fragrant essence energy. I couldn't help but think of a divine object that I had read about in ancient books..."

The people in Tianshi Mansion have been dealing with mountains and rivers all year round, and they have measured the world and are well-informed, Mr. Mo said in a deep voice.

Tianshi Mansion's words attracted the attention of everyone in Shenzhou. They asked what kind of divine object it was, and Mr. Mo solemnly replied, "Transformation Fruit."

"Even in the ancient times when saints emerged in large numbers and the immortal ancestors ate dragon and phoenix meat every day, the transformation fruit was rare. From time to time, there were stories of saint beasts from heaven and earth visiting the immortal monasteries to seek the transformation fruit for their disciples.

Come out. According to ancient records, the scene of the birth of the fruit of transformation is similar to the one before you. The heaven and earth are filled with the essence of heaven and earth, and there are strange phenomena of heaven and earth nearby."


"But what?" a prince urged.

Mr. Mo looked at the rapidly changing fairy flower and divine lotus, frowned and said, "However, the transformation fruit in the ancient books is not a divine lotus, but one that grows on a sacred tree."

"The lotus is a sacred object of the three religions, and it is not necessarily impossible that it can have the effect of the transformation fruit. The ancient mythological era when the immortal ancestors ate the flesh and blood of dragons and phoenixes is too long ago. That long and wild era was full of countless variables, so

It’s not unusual for a few outliers to come out.”

"It makes sense. Lotus root itself is a medicinal material. Nezha used the lotus root body formed by the sacred lotus to reshape his golden body. It can be explained by saying that lotus root has the effect of transformation." Luo Tian nodded in deep agreement.

"Listen to what Mr. Mo said, whether it is the fruit of transformation or the fairy lotus root that can reshape the golden body, they are the supreme holy medicine." Several princes looked at Mr. Mo, their eyes thinking, and they didn't know what they thought of at this moment.


Mr. Mo did not answer immediately. He looked in the direction of Jin'an first and then replied with a smile, "Yes, the rhizome of the sacred lotus is Tang Monk's meat. One bite can extend your life, a few bites can extend your life by ten years, and eating a whole root can make you youthful."

The elixir of eternal life and immortality"

Mr. Mo's tone was mysterious and somewhat meaningful.

After listening to Mr. Mo's explanation, the princes looked at the fairy flower and divine lotus that was still changing, and they obviously had other thoughts.

Then he frowned and looked at Jin An. Everyone was silent, each hiding their thoughts.

This elixir of immortality is a magic weapon to win over the imperial masters and elders. These people will help him achieve the throne in the future.

As the fragrant essence of the essence emitted from the lotus pod reaches its ultimate concentration, the sky and the earth outside the storm area are completely bright, and the Golden Crow's lair blooms with extreme brightness, filled with mysterious energy, resonating with the sky and the earth.

Everyone was surprised.

The crisp jade sound emitted by the leaves of the fairy lotus resonates with this resonance of heaven and earth. It seems to have some kind of sound of the great road, washing away people's distracting thoughts, making the spirit pure, feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Feeling relaxed all over.

At this point, the Immortal Flower Divine Lotus is pulsing with life, and its rich vitality is particularly astonishing.

The fairy lotus transplanted into the Golden Crow's nest absorbs the mysterious energy that spews out from the Golden Crow's nest at dawn. In the vision of heaven and earth of blowing conchs and beating drums, it sprays out large streams of golden spiritual energy into the sky, which looks very sacred.

It was like being in a dense fairyland. Those golden spiritual rains carried the aura of Golden Crow Yang Fire and the majestic energy of life. They were filled with water and overflowed with energy. The people on each giant ship were showered under these golden spiritual rains, and their faces changed.

It is rosy and full of energy. Ordinary people can use it to prolong their life and become a few years younger. Many practitioners who have self-healed chronic diseases can get it. The energy and energy that have been lost in the past few days have been quickly restored. It is more nourishing than some big medicines.

This is the nectar from heaven. It tastes as sweet as sugar.

In this sacred golden spirit rain, white gas clouds rise from the Golden Crow's nest, flickering and appearing, with the mysterious atmosphere of an ethereal fairyland. Looking from a distance, it seems to have really traveled back to the mythical years when the immortal ancestors feasted on dragons and phoenixes.

Inside, a person grows faintly out of the fairy lotus.

At this time, the Golden Crow's lair ambushed the sea area and became peaceful, full of vitality and prosperity.

The golden crow's rays passed through the golden rain and reflected onto the fairy lotus, turning the fairy lotus shrouded in the golden rain into a divine object of golden glow. The vaguely visible figure became clearer and clearer, and everyone was finally sure

, a person grew out of the fairy lotus -

"Is that... the ginseng fruit produced by the sacred lotus?"

The outside world didn't know what happened to Zhong Laosan, so they regarded this miraculous scene as the birth of a ginseng fruit, with his throat sliding and his heart beating wildly.

But the figure of Jin An standing at the bow of the Shenzhou was like a mountain weighing on their heads, making them dare not act rashly.

Although they want to get the Immortal Pagoda and Divine Lotus, they don't want to be the one who stands out. These people all want to wait until this time for someone to come out and be the one who stands out, such as the giant ship in the Burao Mountain, such as the giant coffin ship...

It's just that the two giant ships were unusually calm this time, and had no intention of snatching the treasures of heaven and earth.

Even the two statues didn't move. Others were suspicious and didn't dare to move. Mainly because there were too many masters on the Shenzhou side.

Boom! Boom!

The heartbeat of the fairy lotus behind the golden rain and golden clouds came out, and the rhythm of life became stronger and stronger. As the golden rain and golden clouds over the sea were swallowed up, the true face of the human figure was finally revealed.

"Mr. Yi, it is indeed you." Jin An burst out laughing, feeling excited.

After the trip to the Western Regions, Mr. Yi, Senior Zhong and the others were never seen when they returned to Wuzhou Prefecture. Later, when they left Wuzhou Prefecture and went south to Jiangnan, they did not see Mr. Yi, Senior Zhong and the others. Jin An has always regarded this matter as a regret in his heart.


Unexpectedly, this time I went south to the south of the Yangtze River, I not only met Fatty Li by chance, retrieved Uncle Yuyangzi, and got clues about the whereabouts of Xiejian and the Water Goddess, but I also unexpectedly reunited with Mr. Yi, Senior Zhong and the others!

This trip to the south of the Yangtze River, he came at the right time. I felt a lot of emotions for a while and was very excited.

Reflected in the Golden Crow's nest in the void, Mr. Yi, the Feng Shui master, appeared mysteriously. No one among the many masters present could see how he appeared. He picked off the sacred lotus tuber, carefully wrapped it in red cloth and hid it in his arms.

Mr. Haoyi seemed to have already known that Jin An was present. He hid the red cloth bag in his arms, turned around and smiled at Jin An, clasping his fists and saluting. Then he faded into the Golden Crow's lair and disappeared.

Although he could not really reunite with Mr. Yi, Jin An was very happy to meet Mr. Yi here after a long absence. The clasped fists and salute before Mr. Yi left showed that he had not forgotten Jin An. He probably had no choice but to temporarily

Unable to come and meet Jin An again.

For example, there is an urgent need to deal with the sacred lotus tuber and help Zhong Laosan achieve Zhongguo... At this time, Jin An was in a very happy mood. Even the old Taoist priest was smiling all the way. He did not see Mr. Yi and Zhong Laosan in Wuzhou Prefecture.

, is also the regret of the old Taoist priest.

"This time Jiangnan and I have come to the right place." The old Taoist priest said to Jin'an with great joy. In such a happy moment, he did not forget to take advantage of Jin'an.

"Yeah." Jin An nodded heavily.

He is very much looking forward to the real reunion with Mr. Yi and Senior Zhong, and believes that this day will not take long.

This chapter has been completed!
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