Chapter 974 Corpse Soul and Parchment Scroll

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The location they are currently in is a thousand feet deep in the ocean. Even the Yuan Shen of the Three Ultimate Realm cannot withstand the heavy water pressure here. If they want to board the ship, they have to rely on Feng Shui spirit beads.

The number of people to board the ship was limited, and in the end only four people were selected: Luo Tian, ​​Mr. Mo, Master Juehai from Zhenguo Temple, and Zhenren Xuanlei from Yujing Golden Tower. Jin An was excluded.

Luo Tian's explanation was also very simple. The Feng Shui Lingzhu would continue to protect the Shenzhou. He had no other skills and could only bring four people aboard at most.

"Little brother, don't you have Erlang Zhenjun's water talisman? Why don't you board the ship with fellow Taoist Xuan Lei? Don't you care about what's in the sunken ship?" After watching the four old people board the ship, the old Taoist priest looked at

Jin An looked calm and looked around with alert eyes.

Jin An replied softly: "As long as we can find the sharp sword on this trip, all other details are insignificant. The return of Donghuang Taiyi to the ruins and the Shaoyang Bureau are not as important as finding the sharp sword."

"It is enough for Xuan Lei to board the ship. He will tell us what is in the ship afterwards."

Jin An glanced at the people in the Tianshi Mansion from the corner of his eyes. He didn't say a word. He had to keep some backup plans, just in case. He didn't want to prematurely expose the eleven-time emperor Erlang Zhenjun in front of the Tianshi Mansion.

The matter of the imperial water talisman.

When it came to looking for a sharp sword, the old Taoist priest's face was filled with concern. He held the barrel and thought about sharpening the sword, and no longer paid attention to what was in the sunken ship.

It was about half a cup of tea before Xuan Lei and the others entered the sunken ship. Suddenly, the Shenzhou under their feet accelerated and dived rapidly, rushing down the bottomless valley. It was as if they had lost control. Many people were unprepared and fell into gourds on the ground.

Jin An had a strong body and quick reactions. He grabbed the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li by their collars with one hand to prevent them from falling together with the others.

The barrel held by the old Taoist priest could not be saved, and the juice flew all the way. Finally, it was placed on the head of some unlucky guy, knocking him unconscious and making other people look horrified.

Uncle Lin took action equally quickly and caught Liu Tai and several of the Criminal Investigation Division brothers at close range. Just as the Shenzhou screamed and was still diving down quickly, four shocking rainbow lights flew out of the decaying sunken ship, and the Shenzhou teleported

On the deck, Luo Tian controlled the Feng Shui Lingzhu and led a boatload of people to escape quickly.

Jin An noticed that Luo Tian was holding a parchment tightly in his hand.

The rapid dive of the Shenzhou under the sea water of thousands of feet put great pressure on the Feng Shui spirit beads. It was seen that the Feng Shui spirit light surrounding the Shenzhou was dimming rapidly, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time, causing a disaster of shipwreck and loss of life.

But Luo Tian still controlled the Feng Shui Lingzhu to escape with the Shenzhou. Standing next to him, Mr. Mo looked solemn and stared gloomily in the direction of the sunken ship behind him.


There was a violent explosion in the deep sea surface, and a huge shock wave hit the Shenzhou, causing violent turbulence and pushing the Shenzhou to accelerate downward.

There was a creepy aura coming from behind. Even through the Feng Shui divine light, I could still feel that the aura was extremely cold. The backs of my hands were exposed outside my clothes, and the hairs on my neck grew cold.

It was just dark in the bottomless valley, and nothing could be seen. Jin An jumped on the mast

Rod, staring at the stern of the ship, still unable to see what was rushing out of the sunken ship, what could be so embarrassingly chasing down several mid-level masters of the Third Realm.


A broken iron chain broke through the resistance of the sea water, like a black lightning, instantly traveled through space, and flew like lightning and a cannon ball towards the Shenzhou.

Looking at this fierce momentum, the Feng Shui Lingzhu, which has reached its limit, may not be able to withstand the blow.

Once you lose the blessing of the Feng Shui Spirit Pearl in the deep sea, you will definitely end up with a shipwreck and death.

At this time, many people on the boat were still badly beaten and had not yet regained their footing. They had not yet realized that a huge crisis was coming. Only a few people who saw this scene were strong in the Three Realms, and Jin An was one of them.


The speed of the black iron chain was too fast, and the others had no time to counterattack. In the end, Jin An pulled out the Kunwu knife and used his sharp knife technique to make a virtual slash towards the stern of the ship.

sulfuric acid!

Even the indestructible sword technique couldn't cut off the iron chain. It just knocked the iron chain back, exploded with a few sparks and was immediately submerged by the sea water.

Jin An was surprised to see that even the sharp knife technique could not break it.

He finally understood why Master Xuan Lei and the others ran so decisively. They were able to find the people from the Shaoyang Bureau here many years ago before the three major spiritual holy places of Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion. They must have great backgrounds.

, I am afraid that it was the super sect of that era, and even if it dies, it can still cause harm for thousands of years.

This gave Jin'an a very bad premonition. Even such a being died miserably in this dark and cold deep sea. This blue sea is more dangerous than they imagined.

Just when Jin An was repelling the iron chain, the pair of scarlet eyes in the dark sea water was already close to the Shenzhou. A huge shadow enveloped the Shenzhou, swallowing all the light emitted by the Feng Shui divine light, bringing an oppressive and uncomfortable cold atmosphere.

Overlooking a boat of creatures.

Just when Jin An frowned and prepared for a life-and-death struggle, he heard the clanging sound of the iron chain being stretched straight, and the huge terrifying shadow was dragged back by the iron chain, unable to take another step forward.

This crisis came and went quickly. Only people in the third realm saw it. Jin An and Uncle Lin all frowned seriously. That thing was at least the late stage of Fu Dou!

Seeing that they had finally escaped from the dangerous area, Luo Tian controlled the Feng Shui Lingzhu to slow down the speed of the ship. After calming the hearts of the people on the ship, everyone had time to ask what happened in the sunken ship and what was chasing them. "That's a corpse soul."

Master Xuan Lei said solemnly. Corpse Soul

"Old Taoist, my dear mother, you have encountered a corpse." Before Master Xuan Lei could finish speaking, the old Taoist priest had already screamed and jumped up.

"Taoist Chen has traveled all over the country and has seen a lot. Could it be that he has seen corpses?" Master Xuanlei and others looked at the old Taoist priest in awe.

The old Taoist priest said: "The corpse soul cannot be killed. The only way to encounter the corpse soul is to stay away from the place where the corpse is buried. Otherwise, once entangled, it will be the end of a fight to the death. The fight to the death here does not mean that the corpse soul is killed, but that the living person is killed."

Drag to death, because the corpse soul can be resurrected after death, and finally it can be exhausted and exhausted! Fortunately, the corpse soul has movement restrictions and cannot leave its burial place too far. The corpse body is the greatest limitation of the corpse soul.


"The existence of corpse souls is very special. No one has ever been able to explain how corpse souls are created.

Yes, but corpse souls can be strong or weak. The corpse soul I met back then could only move around in a small mountain village. Compared with the corpse soul just now, there is no comparison between a bastard and a mung bean, a big witch and a small witch.

." The old Taoist priest shook his head like a rattle and said with lingering fear.

After hearing that the old Taoist priest had so many amazing experiences, and that he could even encounter very harsh and rare evil monsters such as corpse souls, Mr. Mo and Luo Tian looked at the old Taoist priest a little differently.

Only Jin An noticed one detail. The parchment that Luo Tian brought out from the sunken ship was hidden at some point without mentioning it. Perhaps he hid it while taking advantage of the chaotic scene just now...

This chapter has been completed!
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