Chapter 245 The Return of Qin Qiong

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"Master, with this military salary, we can support you for more than half a year!" Qin Shubao said with a smile.

These days, only when you have money can you recruit troops.

If you don't have money, let alone recruiting troops, like the Li family, you won't even be able to pay military salaries, which will directly lead to unstable military morale and constant desertions!

Lin Fan shook his head: "The world will be in complete chaos. Although gold and silver are useful, once the war breaks out, they will not be as useful as food and grass!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

As Lin Fan said, if everything is reduced to a pot of porridge, who will exchange grain for gold and silver?

"What do you mean by being the master?" Li Jing's pupils narrowed and he had a guess in his mind.

"Li Jing, take your people and silver immediately to buy grain and grass! The world will be in chaos, the more the better!"

Hearing this, Li Jing nodded, with a serious look on his face: "The boss is planning the strategy, I will take the brothers to deal with it now!"

Others nodded equally, knowing very well the importance of this matter.

If we run out of food, we can't have hundreds of thousands of soldiers surrounding everything and gnawing away at the gold and silver, right?

Qin Shubao couldn't help but said: "As the head of the family, food and grass are of course important, but there is too much money. If it were all replaced by food and grass, it would be too much, and we can't eat it at all!"

Lin Fan smiled: "The current Wagang Army has no shortage of weapons. The original money is enough to exchange for cotton-padded clothes and so on. How can we exchange all these for food and grass? If we can't use it, there are others who can use it!"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "You have a plan in mind."

What the rebels need is word of mouth.

And war brings disaster.

The current Wagang Army has more than 100,000 people, but it can only be a local leader.

Not to mention that it can't be compared with the four great clans. Even Du Fuwei has more soldiers than Wagangzhai.

Once a war breaks out, Wagang Village will easily become the target of cannibalization by other beings.

Unless there are twice as many soldiers in Wagang Village, we can stand firm.

As for how to quickly double the size? It can be said that the best way is to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Once the world is in chaos? Will the people be displaced? No clothes to cover their bodies? No food to eat.

Will there be famine everywhere? All people are living in dire straits.

More importantly, at that time, all the armies in the world were gathering soldiers under the banner of rebels.

And those real volunteers? They don’t know who are the real rebels and who are the fake rebels? There are three religions and nine streams, and they don’t even know who to turn to.

If it were this time, Lin Fan would open a warehouse to store grain? To help the people of the world.

So Lin Fan's reputation will surely be unparalleled in the world? And the Wagang Army will also become famous.

As a result, those aspiring people will rush to Wagang Village from all directions to seek refuge with Lin Fan.

A person’s name, a tree’s shadow!

And once this reputation is established, it will surely win over the world, make Lin Fan the master of enlightenment, and make Wagang the best destination.

By then, when the world comes to vote, it will be difficult for Wagang not to rise!

Lin Fan is a time traveler after all, and he has unified the world in Yitian World and Deer and Cauldron World.

When it comes to rebellion and uprising, even Li Shimin is no match for Lin Fan!

At this time, Qin Shubao looked at the Beiming Army behind Fu Junma, touched his beard, and couldn't help but said: "Master, you said these two thousand men and horses can be worth the five thousand elites of Wagang? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"That's easy to say. You just need to find five thousand elites to fight with my two thousand Northern Ming Army."

Lin Fan smiled.

Qin Shubao will not shed tears until he sees the coffin!

But just as Qin Shubao was about to nod and look for someone, a figure came over very quickly, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Master, what's wrong? The second master went to find Zhai Rang. Remembering his old friendship, he just brought a few followers with him. Unexpectedly, Zhai Rang turned his back and refused to recognize anyone. He directly surrounded the second master. Now the second master is in danger. Please

The boss takes action!"

"Zhai Rang, hum! This guy, the second boss treats him with sincerity, but he is like this."

Qin Shubao was furious: "Master, let me lead two thousand troops to kill this guy."

Lin Fan waved his hand: "Qin Shubao, don't you want to see the strength of my Beiming Army? Come with three hundred Beiming Army, kill Zhai Rang for me, and save the Second Master!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three hundred Bei Ming troops came forward.

"Uncle Bao, you know the way, lead them there!" Lin Fan smiled lightly.

Qin Shubao looked at the three hundred Beiming Army with a complicated expression. Finally he couldn't help but said: "Master, there are more than a thousand of them, so I will take three hundred. Isn't it a bit too little? No matter how powerful they are, they can't fight four of them.


Lin Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are a rare tiger general, I won't let you die!"

Qin Shubao nodded: "Okay, boss, Qin Qiong will fight! Let's go, three hundred heroes, when we return in triumph and capture Zhai Rang, I'll treat you to a drink!"

Afterwards, Qin Shubao took three hundred Beiming troops, turned around and left, heading straight to Zhai Rang's mansion.

Seeing this scene, Fu Junma couldn't help but said: "Husband, you are so relieved, do you want us to come and have a look?"

Shan Xiongxin and others also looked worried, suspicious, and full of disbelief.

Lin Fan smiled faintly, shook his head and said, "No, let's go back, let's go back and drink tea and wait for them to come back."

Although Wang Bodang, Shan Xiongxin and others felt uneasy, seeing Lin Fan being so sure, they had no choice but to nod their heads and follow them into the Chinese army's tent, silently waiting for information from Qin Shubao and others.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Lin Fan was drinking tea leisurely, the atmosphere was calm and the wind was light.

But the generals such as Wang Bodang, Shan Xiongxin and others below had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. They were restless and couldn't help but look outside.

First, the second boss Li Mi was surrounded by a thousand men and horses from Zhai Rang and was in danger!!


It was Qin Qiong who led the three hundred Northern Ming Army to die again!!

How can they not worry about this?!

Lin Fan looked at everyone's embarrassment and smiled faintly: "Drink tea. In less than two hours, Qin Qiong and Li Mi will return, and everything will be clear!"

Lin Fan is very confident in these Bei Ming Army.

They have achieved a small success in practicing Beiming Gong. Although it is only a simplified version of Beiming Gong and cannot absorb people's true energy for their own use, they can turn people's true energy into it, which is equivalent to the star-absorbing method!

To a certain extent, these three hundred Bei Ming Army are almost a weakened version of the old Xingxiu monster Ding Chunqiu. With such combat power, how could the Bei Ming Army be defeated?!

Everyone could only nod their heads after hearing this, but no one had the intention of drinking tea.

Later, Wang Bodang stood up and paced back and forth, full of anxiety.

But just when everyone was anxious, they saw Qin Qiong and Li Mi returning, bringing almost all of the 300 Bei Ming Army with them, with almost no losses!

At this moment, Li Mi was covered in scars. Faced with Zhai Rang's encirclement and suppression, Li Mi was alone and unable to survive, so he was naturally severely injured.

But Qin Qiong's body was almost unscathed.

This chapter has been completed!
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