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Chapter 1, the boy with the system

Chapter 1, The boy who is close to the system

Qinglin Empire, Cuilan Star, a busy street in Yuancheng District, Hebin City, Hualin Province, Guangwu Governor-General Region.

"It's so broken." Lin Dongyun looked at the automatic recruitment room for new recruits of the patrol battalion in front of him with disgust.

"But there is no way. Who can let the patrol camp not be taken seriously? If the governor doesn't take this kind of patrol camp as a private soldier, it will be like a grandma who doesn't love his uncle and doesn't care about it."

Lin Dongyun took out his ID card and was about to swipe the door lock when his phone suddenly rang.

When you take out your mobile phone, passers-by may ignore you and pass by, shake your head with disdain and pass by a few steps away, or deliberately expose the multi-function watch on your wrist and pretend to be busy controlling it.

This kind of encounter is too normal. Who told this to be the interstellar era, and who told this to be the Yuancheng District of Hebin City? The people wandering around on this road can be said to have a multi-function watch in their hands.

These days, only the super poor still use mobile phones.

How cheap are mobile phones? The monthly number rental fee is more expensive than a mobile phone.

But there is nothing we can do. Children from housing estates are good to have mobile phones.

Lin Dongyun answered the phone calmly, and an urgent voice immediately came from the other end of the phone: "A Dong! You won't really realize your wish, will you?!"

"Hey, Fei, that's right, I'm already standing at the door of the automatic recruitment room." Lin Dongyun grinned.

"Don't mess around! A Dong! Your results have come out! It's absolutely free to attend key high schools, and the scholarships are very generous!" The voice on the other end of the phone was even more urgent.

"My long-held wish is about to come true, won't you bless me?"

"You know that in order to fulfill this wish, I have been exercising every day for more than ten years." Lin Dongyun said with a smile.

"...A Dong, I don't know why you had the idea of ​​joining a violent organization when you were 16 since you were a child."

"I also see your efforts to fulfill this wish. As a friend, I should bless you."

"But I really suggest that even if you want to join a violent organization, you should choose the imperial army or the police! Why join the patrol camp? There is no future!" A Fei on the other end of the phone said angrily.

"Oh, do you think I don't want to? It's just that the imperial army needs to graduate from college, and the police need to graduate from the police academy. They are both over 16 years old." Lin Dongyun sighed helplessly.

Perhaps this sigh caused the other end of the phone to misunderstand, and directly shouted excitedly: "Where are you? I'm here to persuade you!"

"No need, I have to join a violent organization under the empire when I am 16 years old, and the patrol camp suits my requirements." Lin Dongyun said.

"Don't be impulsive! You who ranked first in the city's unified examination in junior high school actually went to the patrol camp to serve as a soldier?"

"You are a college student in our housing estate! The village elder and your sister will collapse if they find out!"

"You know, the teacher and the principal are happily choosing a high school for you!"

The other end of the phone shouted urgently: "Wait! I'll notify them! Let your sister and teacher call you!"

Lin Dongyun hung up the phone without saying a word, and then turned off the power of the phone.

Putting away the phone, he sighed helplessly.

In fact, he didn't want to join the army at such a young age, just after graduating from junior high school, or be part of the governor's private army, a super hopeless patrol battalion.

But look at the screen that appears before your eyes as you focus:

[The favored one: Lin Dongyun]

【Bone age:16】

[Strength: 0.7 (45%)]

【Care Points: 0】

[Favor: one in a billion]

[Mission: Join any violent organization in the empire before your 17th birthday (10 days left); Mission accomplished: Reward 10 favor points, open the mall, and increase favorability; Mission failure: favor stripped away, bad luck will envelope yourself and your loved ones for life. ]

This screen would appear in front of his eyes as long as he focused his attention, and would disappear as soon as his attention was diverted. He didn't know when it appeared in front of him.

Maybe it was there when he was born? Anyway, this thing has been with him as long as he can remember.

When I was a child, I didn't know how to read and didn't know what it was. After I learned how to read, I naturally understood it and told people about it, but I was too young at that time and no one cared about his words.

As a newly literate person at the time, he was troubled by people's incomprehension, so he learned to look for information on the Internet. After reading various fantasy novels, he naturally understood that this was an opportunity for him, and he no longer revealed the existence of this screen to others.

The next step? It’s very simple. Start exercising your body and start looking for various professional books to read and study.

Needless to say, that kind of continuous exercise and learning is really boring, but every bit of progress you make will be recorded by the strength bar on the screen.

The percentage improvement bit by bit, the strength improved bit by bit, such clear progress allowed him to persevere year after year.

Likewise, the ever-dwindling time on the taskbar also gave him a sense of urgency.

That's why I got my diploma and took the high school entrance examination, and immediately came to recruit recruits.

This has been my wish for 16 years, and I don’t allow anyone to stop me, not even my sister!

Because the punishment for not completing the task is too terrifying!

Is bad luck hanging over you and your loved ones throughout your life?

Who knows how far this bad luck has gone! Who can guarantee that this kind of system that has existed with him since birth can't do it?

So under the astonished gazes of passers-by, Lin Dongyun used his ID card to swipe the access control without hesitation and stepped into the automatic recruitment point where the patrol camp was located in the busy city of Yuancheng District.

It is estimated that no one has been to this automatic recruitment point for several years. As soon as I entered, I felt that the air was not very good.

Perhaps sensing the presence of people, the air system automatically turned on, the surrounding sensor lights brightened, and the door creaked shut again, blocking out the noise of discussions and prying eyes outside.

[Welcome Lin Dongyun, a resident of the empire, this is the recruitment point for new recruits for the patrol camp in Hebin City, Hualin Province, Guangwu Governor-General. This intelligence is at your service.] An electronic voice said with a somewhat urgent and warm welcome.

Blinking his eyes and looking at the bright but bare recruit recruitment point, which was about ten square meters, Lin Dongyun asked hesitantly: "Zhi Nao, I want to join the army, what should I do?"

[Empire resident Lin Dongyun is 16 years old, has a junior high school diploma, and meets the minimum age and diploma requirements for the patrol battalion. Please go to the empire resident Lin Dongyun and stand in the blue light circle on the ground, and I will conduct a physical examination for you. ]

Following Zhinao's words, a blue circle of light appeared on the bare floor, and Lin Dongyun naturally walked in and stood up.

The blue aperture rose from the ground, and the last blue pillar directly enveloped Lin Dongyun. The voice of Zhi Nao issued a prompt: [Please open your eyes wide for pupil scanning; please open your palms for fingerprint scanning; please move your head.

, scan the ears and facial features; please stretch your arms and move your legs to scan the body.】

This process was very fast. The blue cylinder disappeared in less than a minute. Then the floor cracked and a robot arm stretched out: [Please put your finger into the probe. It will hurt a little. Take blood for DNA testing and recording.

This chapter has been completed!
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