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Chapter 10, A chance encounter at home

Chapter 10, Encounter at home

As soon as Lin Dongyun got out of the subway station, he immediately took off his coat and wrapped the saber.

Sure enough, without the dazzling sword, passers-by at most glanced at the officer with the sword. No one stepped aside, no one lowered his head, and no one even took pictures, leaving Lin Dongyun to walk like an ordinary person.

In response to this, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He relaxed and said with a grin: "Sure enough, I am not suitable for living that kind of aloof life."

[Master, would you like to show you the walking route home?] The little black guy on the watch jumped out and asked.

"No need, if I have to get lost, it will be in vain that I have lived around here for so long." Lin Dongyun said in a relaxed tone.

Lin Dongyun walked on the sidewalk so easily and comfortably for about ten minutes, when he passed through a deep underground pedestrian passage and returned to the ground again.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed.

How to put it, if it was like being in a world with 8K resolution before, now it's like being in a 256-color world.

If it was like being in the interstellar era before, now it's like being in an era when the empire is still fighting for supremacy within a planet.

Although there is still no shortage of densely packed high-rise buildings at first glance, both the buildings and the mental outlook of passers-by on the ground have become consistent with the background of the Star Nei era.

To put it simply, that underground passage is the dividing line. One side is the interstellar era, and the other side is the intra-planetary era. The civilization gap between the two seems to be thousands of years apart.

The difference can be seen in a very simple way. Most of the passers-by on the road are using mobile phones, and only a handful of people are wearing watches.

The billboards on the roadside are all physical, not laser projections. The products in the store look like bargains at first glance, but there are similarities, and the crowds are still strong.

Lin Dongyun did not feel uncomfortable at all, but became more relaxed. He hummed a song and ran to the bus stop with some excitement. He still took the bus for free and headed towards his destination.

Watch Xiaohei couldn't help but whisper in Lin Dongyun's ear: [Master, why is the network in your area so bad? The speed has dropped by 50%! 】

"It just dropped by 50%? I thought it dropped by at least 70%. It seems that the communication company did not make false propaganda." Lin Dongyun grinned at first.

Then he sighed with long eyes: "No way, how can our Shangtang District compare with several other key areas in the city? We have the largest housing estate area in Hebin City."

[Housing estate? Does it mean low-rent housing?] Xiao Hei asked doubtfully.

"Yes, this is a great example of good governance by the government. Although there are problems such as dense crowds, lack of various facilities, and chaotic public security, this is really good governance."

"The application qualification is 10 square meters per person, and the rent is cheap. As long as you don't move out and the monthly rent is not lacking, you can live there until the applicant's death."

"If the government hadn't built so many housing estates, so many low-income people would have no choice but to live in tin houses in the suburbs!"

"That is a more chaotic place than the housing estate." Lin Dongyun said with emotion.

[10 square meters? A small house.] Xiao Hei sighed.

"We have calculated that some housing estates have been completely occupied by social groups, and the low-rent housing has been converted into cage houses for subletting. Do you know how big a cage house is? It is two and a half meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high. A 10

A square meter of low-rent housing can be stacked into six cage houses!" Lin Dongyun said with a grin.

[...] Xiao Hei was speechless. He could not imagine the scene of a person living in such a dog cage.

While chatting like this, the public bus stopped at a certain stop, and Lin Dongyun got off the bus carrying a saber wrapped in a military uniform jacket.

Looking around at the fifty-story buildings with the same appearance, and at the chaotic and noisy scenes around him, Lin Dongyun smiled happily, this is his hometown.

Lin Dongyun was very clear that he had such a wandering mentality. This was the sequelae of practicing such a long sword technique in that dream.

Although many of the various senses have been eliminated by the strange power, the changes in the mood cannot be eliminated.

Lin Dongyun walked forward briskly. When passing by an alley, he heard muffled screams coming from inside. He looked up and saw several figures beating a person.

Lin Dongyun shrugged this matter and prepared to leave as if he hadn't seen it.

After all, this is so normal. In Shangtang District, even the police would ignore a fist fight.

You can understand this if you look at the two policemen who were patrolling the street before. They only glanced into the alley and then continued patrolling.

But at this moment, the man who was being beaten suddenly broke free and ran quickly out of the alley.

Just when this man and Lin Dongyun were passing each other, Lin Dongyun wanted to take a step back, but suddenly felt something and smiled and stood still.

Then he watched the man stumble into the street, and watched the guy who had beaten him rush out of the alley, chasing the man with curses.

All of a sudden, the street became noisy, with screams and curses.

However, after discovering that it was a gangster who was beating someone, everyone calmed down and dodged away one by one. They stood aside and watched as the man who ran away was caught up by several gangsters and continued to beat him.

The gangsters were running on the street beating people, and the careless police couldn't pretend they didn't see them. The two patrol policemen from before had already rushed over with their guns and whistles blown, and at the same time, the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance.

When the police were dispatched, the gangsters naturally dispersed. One by one, they either rushed into the crowd and disappeared, or disappeared into various alleys. Obviously, they were very experienced in evading police arrest.

But before the gang of gangsters escaped, a gangster suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed the unfortunate guy several times, and then fled with the other gangsters.

The two patrolmen were forced to call the main station while squatting down to check on the injured.

Naturally, the passers-by on the side also saw this. One passer-by couldn't help but muttered: "What kind of hatred or grudge is this? Killing someone before escaping? It's completely turned from a small matter of a fight into a major crime of murder."

"Tsk, needless to say, it's probably a matter of silence. I don't want the police to ask anything from the deceased." A knowledgeable passerby interjected.

"You won't die, right? It's just a few simple cuts, and today's medical technology is so advanced." Someone also interrupted.

"Hey, what area are we in? And who is that person who died? Is he qualified to be taken to the hospital by a hovercraft as soon as possible? Does he have the money to enjoy high-end particle recovery treatment technology? If not, that person is dead.


"Oh, it's definitely dead." Everyone shook their heads in regret.

Lin Dongyun said nothing, just looked indifferently like everyone else.

Yes, it stands to reason that with current medical technology, as long as the brain is not broken and the body is beaten into a honeycomb shape, people can be saved.

But unfortunately, this kind of medical technology requires a lot of money and is not available to ordinary people.

And this technology is also time-sensitive. If the patient is not sent to the hospital in time, the brain will become necrotic and there will be no help.

This is why the police have a list of those killed on duty every year.

This chapter has been completed!
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