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Chapter 102, the outbreak of the Bahrain warning zone

 Chapter 102, Outbreak in Bahrain Warning Zone

"How dare you arrest me?! I'm going to shoot you!" Chen Zhen struggled with all his strength in shock and anger, and yelled at the captain and lieutenant beside him: "You just look at it like this? Why are we all the same?

Colleagues of twenty years! I have never felt sorry for you!"

When the captain and lieutenant heard this, their expressions changed, and they were about to step forward to stop them. At this time, the impatient electronic voice of the Bahrain host came out: [Suppress Chen Zhen quickly! The whole army is ready to welcome the new guardian envoy and patrol envoy.

s arrival!】

When the gendarmerie captain heard this, he immediately took out an electric baton and stabbed Chen Zhen, who was struggling for life, and was shocked to the point where his whole body trembled and he fell into a coma with foaming at the mouth.

The two gendarmes holding him were unable to drag him away, so other gendarmes had to step forward to help. They lifted up their hands, feet and head to lift Chen Zhen, who was like a big fat pig.

  Seeing the end of the guard who had been so powerful in the guard area for 20 years, everyone had mixed emotions.

The soldiers were more happy than nervous, while the officers were more frightened than shocked. Especially Chen Zhen's direct relatives did not know what to do.

Calling everyone to oppose? Damn it, the Bahrain host is already on their side, and they are still brigadier generals! What a fool to oppose!

While feeling uneasy, 3 tanks, 10 armored vehicles, and 50 hovercrafts from the Bahrain garrison area suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the sky.

Before everyone could react, a huge army of suspended weapons came roaring into the air like a black mass.

Those with sharp eyes can immediately spot the 9 tanks at the front, the 30 armored vehicles in the middle, and the 50 hovercrafts at the rear.

As soon as they saw this number, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Well, there is no need to think about other things. Not to mention other things, just 9 tanks are enough to blast the Bahrain garrison into powder.

“Everyone stands at attention! Get ready to welcome the arrival of the envoy!” A captain yelled and took over the command.

 The officers and soldiers present all subconsciously stood at attention and looked up at the suspended weapons that began to slowly descend.

At this moment, a shrill siren suddenly sounded, and everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the cordoned area, followed by intensive gunfire from that direction.

The captain who took over the command did not hesitate and immediately shouted: "All personnel are ready for combat! The logistics department immediately transported ammunition, equipment, and personnel to supply the security area! The reserve team immediately headed to the security area!" He said, regardless of the suspended weapons above his head.

He rushed off the stage with a few of his subordinates.

 The rest of the officers naturally began to get busy immediately, and the soldiers were led out of the square in an orderly manner.

There are all old officers here, and there are also many veterans who have participated in a battle in the security zone. They all know what to do after a war breaks out in the security zone, so the whole order is still in good order.

Lin Dongyun in the sky couldn't help but be a little shocked when he learned that the Bahrain host easily asked the military police to arrest the previous governor of Bahrain.

It’s not that I’m shocked at others, but I’m shocked that I was able to seize power so easily. It seems that having high authority is awesome!

 But he has some shadows in his mind. Now that he has high authority, he can seize power and suppress people. With a random order, he can dismiss a guard who has been a guard envoy for 20 years!

So when someone with higher authority than you comes to mess with you, wouldn't it mean that several hosts in the guard area, including the black guy on your watch, will directly betray you without hesitation?

When he thought of this, Lin Dongyun didn't feel happy to be a Balin Shou again, but felt heavy in his heart.

 Because he knew that if he wanted to complete the task given by the system to destroy more than 300,000 different space generators on the entire Emerald Blue Star, he had to climb up and seize power and money.

 But if you do this, you will definitely look intimidating, and you will definitely attract a large number of enemies.

 If those enemies are not as powerful as yourself, then of course there is nothing to say, just crush them by yourself.

 But the enemies all have supporters behind them, and it goes without saying that the backers of these enemies must have higher authority than themselves. So if they crush me, how should I resist?

 Awaiting capture? Lin Dongyun definitely won’t do it!

 So you have to consider how to take advantage of the loopholes in your authority. When you can seize power and make money as soon as possible, you will not be taken advantage of by someone with higher authority than you!

 Lin Dongyun, who was thinking about this, just responded to Xiao Hei's behavior of desperately showing off his abilities.

At this moment, Xiao Hei's expression tightened: "Master! The Bahrain warning zone broke out! The first round of monsters is out!"

“Sure enough, it’s here!” Lin Dongyun muttered, switching his mind to the official seal function to get a bird’s eye view of the situation in the Bahrain warning area.

At this sight, Lin Dongyun took a breath of air. He saw densely packed wild dog-like creatures emerging from the black mist, and then rushed towards the first line of defense fortress in the warning zone like a crazy tide.

That number is completely different from what we encountered in Zhangxia Village! Is this a regular monster outbreak?

The backward weapons of the fortress were fired at full strength, and countless tongues of fire were spraying metal bullets, beating the wild dog monsters to pieces.

 But there are so many of these monsters, and monsters are being created almost non-stop in the black mist.

The corpses piled up by the monsters first fell down hundreds of meters away, then went up hundreds of meters, then tens of meters, and just relied on the superposition of corpses to advance towards the defense line.

As the monsters surged forward, the second line of defense behind the fortress began to prepare, but there were still a large number of soldiers and weapons being transported towards the first line of defense. Some eager soldiers even leaned against the fort with old weapons.

Fire at the monster.

Lin Dongyun did not pay attention to the increasingly dangerous fortress, but instead stared intently at the rolling black mist.

Sure enough, every time a monster is released, there is a flickering light spot in the black fog. It seems that the official seal function can detect its existence only after the metal ball is activated.

After staring at the light spot for a while, Lin Dongyun felt happy.

 Because this light spot does not move disorderly in the entire black fog like Zhangxia Village, but is fixed in the middle of the black fog and flickers without moving.

Perhaps it is a design problem, or the metal ball in the Bahrain garrison area has enough energy? Or maybe the metal ball creates too many monsters, and it cannot care about flickering and dodging?

No matter what the reason is, the metal ball here in Bahrain just can’t dodge!

This is just right! Lin Dongyun made up his mind, drew a line directly on the projected map, and ordered Xiaohei: "Get down to thirty meters above the ground! Follow the line I drew!"

"Follow your orders!" Xiao Hei first controlled the direction of the suspended weapon, and then suggested: "Master, this suspended weapon is useless against these monsters. It has no other effect except making the ground into pits."

"I know this, follow my orders." Lin Dongyun said, moving his wrist, taking out the sword, checking the blade, and then stuffed it back.

This move made Ling Jie and Ling Li a little stunned on the speeder. Didn't the guard envoy want to directly parachute into the monster group to fight? That's not how you risk your life!

The two women looked at each other and decided that if the guardian dared to do this, he would have to stop him even if he was punished!

This chapter has been completed!
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