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Chapter 108, the madness of various forces

 Chapter 108, The movements of various forces

The reason why the two of them have completely different understandings from Ambassador Gran is very simple.

First of all, Lin Yanyun, a fatherless and motherless orphan, reluctantly joined the white-haired middle-aged organization in order to take care of his infant brother, and became the direct subordinate of the white-haired middle-aged man.

With the character of a white-haired middle-aged old man, he will not fail to check the background of these subordinates, and will monitor them for a long time, and the more capable they are, the more intensive the monitoring will be.


Considering that Lin Yanyun's statement about quitting the organization actually alarmed the white-haired middle-aged man, we can see how capable Lin Yanyun is. After all, ordinary members would not alarm the white-haired middle-aged boss.

Therefore, the white-haired middle-aged man knows everything about Lin Dongyun's situation. It can even be said that Lin Dongyun is a surveillance officer sent by the white-haired middle-aged man who has watched him grow up.

How could a white-haired middle-aged man not know if Lin Dongyun had a backer behind him when he had seen everything from a young age and conducted comprehensive investigations from time to time? How could he not know that the incident in the Guangwu Governor-General had nothing to do with Lin Dongyun?

Similarly, why they were only slightly surprised and got used to it after learning that Lin Dongyun suddenly became extraordinary and had great strength. It was also because they had been monitoring Lin Dongyun all year round, but they knew that Lin Dongyun had been training rigorously for more than ten years.

Isn't it normal and natural for a person who has been training hard every day since he was a child to a teenager to suddenly become extraordinary and have a sudden increase in strength?

The white-haired middle-aged faction, as well as other factions and other organizations in the organization, were secretly snickering when they desperately searched for Lin Dongyun, the rising star of the Guangwu Governor-General Region.

Because Lin Dongyun's family and friend relationship chart, personality analysis, behavior analysis, and even mentality and other information have been in the hands of the white-haired middle-aged people for more than ten years, and they are updated from time to time. Where is the need for them to be everywhere like headless flies now?

Collect information.

"Yes, Brigadier General Lin Dongyun is indeed unlucky. I heard some guys speculate that there is a powerful behind-the-scenes pusher behind Brigadier General Lin Dongyun to push him to the top. I gritted my teeth and suppressed my smile, and nodded with a serious face.

Yes." The white-headed middle-aged man said with great pride.

"By the way, sir, Miss Lin Yanyun still doesn't know about Brigadier General Lin Dongyun's promotion. Do you need to wake her up?" the assistant suddenly asked.

"No, this is my brother who wants to surprise my sister. Why should we get involved!" The white-headed middle-aged man stopped him quickly, and then said with a smile: "But Miss Yanyun's position and official rank, we have to start working on her promotion.

After all, my brother is likely to become a patrol envoy in the future. Helping him then would be just the icing on the cake. Even now it is a bit late. You must know that Hebin City is already under the jurisdiction of Brigadier General Lin Dongyun, and Mayor Ouyang has become his subordinate.

Excuse me, do you think Mayor Ouyang will not promote Miss Yanyun?"

"Hey, who would have thought that Brigadier General Lin Dongyun could jump from major to brigadier general, and also get the position of patrol officer in three cities at the same time, and it has only been a few days, and we can't even help him in times of need." The assistant said helplessly.

"It's okay. We can make Miss Yanyun's official promotion smooth and secure. Outsiders won't be able to gossip. Now Miss Yanyun is responsible for city management. Then let our power help Miss Yanyun make her job beautiful.

Liang, remember, this matter must be clarified with Miss Yanyun first, otherwise people won’t know about it even if you don’t try hard enough,” said the white-haired middle-aged man.

"Yes, I will take care of it now, but how can Brigadier General Lin Dongyun sell it well?" the assistant asked.

"It's very simple. Just give the information about the rebels to Miss Yanyun and ask her to pass it on." said the white-headed middle-aged man.

"Ah, will this make Brigadier General Lin Dongyun aware of our existence?" the assistant was worried.

"We just need to let him know that there is no need to worry. Have we deliberately persecuted Ms. Yanyun since she joined our organization? At most, we have strict requirements, and there is no lack of salary, subsidies, and benefits.

Under such circumstances, will Brigadier General Lin Dongyun be hostile to us? As long as he has a brain, he will only be grateful to us, because without our support, the two siblings will not be able to survive in Hebin City! In the end, we are the two siblings.

My great benefactor!" the white-haired middle-aged man said proudly.

The assistant bowed solemnly and respectfully. It was very simple. Although the organization had strict rules, it also had super high welfare and a certain degree of human touch. This was what the big man in front of him demanded against all opinions. Even other factions did not fulfill this requirement.

When the welfare and human touch are increased, this adult's faction is executing it.

It’s not like I haven’t been ridiculed before, because most of the peripheral members below are just cannon fodder, so why do I need high benefits and human touch?

But now it seems that after so many years of hard work, Brigadier General Lin Dongyun alone is enough to bring double and double the benefits!

That's why the assistant bowed with uncontrollable sincerity.

The white-haired middle-aged man looked at the back of his assistant leaving with his head high and his chest high, and couldn't help but puff out the smoke proudly. Although the leaders of other factions in the organization often said that his mother-in-law was very weak, which caused his ranking in the organization to drop all the way.

But I just don’t change it, because I know the rules of putting a long line to catch big fish and raising big fish in deep-water fish ponds. Anyway, I don’t lack that. Wouldn’t it be better to let my subordinates think that I am humane? I wonder if one of my subordinates will one day just because of this little thing.

And what about saving yourself?

At that time, I took this idea to do something, and the result was good. Among the female gangsters on the periphery, a younger brother with a young dragon appeared, and all the benefits were doubled.

Therefore, the white-haired middle-aged man is deeply proud of his choice.


"Mayor, do we need to send a briefing on the affairs of this city to the patrol envoy?" In the courtyard of Meilan City Hall, the secretary asked Mayor Meilan.

Mayor Mei Lan hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Send it over so that others won't find fault."

"Yes!" The secretary naturally went to work.

At the same time, this scene appeared in the courtyard of Ganjie City Government, but the mayor of Ganjie waved his hand: "What are you reporting? Just follow the usual practice and send it to the provincial government. Humph, a little kid who is still young, thinks it's hanging. Did the three-city patrol officer really become my immediate boss? Is the backer in my province fake?"

"But the mayor..." The secretary still wanted to persuade.

"Do as I say!" Mayor Ganjie shouted with a glare. The secretary naturally obeyed the order obediently. He and the mayor were tied together and could not resist.

This chapter has been completed!
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