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One hundred and sixteen chapters, biochemical people

 Chapter 116, Cyborg

The speeding car directly crushed several trees and landed on the ground. The hatch was opened and Lin Dongyun walked out at the lead with a saber in hand, followed closely by Ling Jie and Ling Li.

 Five corpses with their heads missing and blood sprayed all over the ground were lying on the ground.

Lin Dongyun glanced indifferently, Ling Jie glanced at it, immediately turned his eyes aside, and swallowed dryly. Ling Li's expression changed drastically, she turned around and retched several times.

Lin Dongyun didn't pay attention and just looked at the five headless corpses. To be honest, he was very surprised when he saw the five corpses.

 Because these five corpses were tall and strong, with strong and bulging muscles, they looked like elite soldiers with good bodies.

 The five bodies seemed to have exactly the same body shape. It was a pity that the appearance of this carefully selected standard soldier was silenced.

 I really don’t know who I have offended for having such capital.

There was a crashing sound, and the two second lieutenants, who were in bad condition, forced themselves to block Lin Dongyun. Even if they saw that the soldiers rushing out from the woods behind were their own, they still blocked Lin Dongyun.

 It was not until 12 heavily armed soldiers stood at attention and saluted to say hello that the two women moved aside.

They both looked much better at this moment, but they still turned their attention to their surroundings and did not dare to look at the bodies on the ground.

 The 12 soldiers, after Lin Dongyun returned the greeting, thought they were surrounding him and prepared to stand guard all around.

 Just after seeing the five headless corpses, they, who were originally solemn and majestic, hesitated in their steps.

Although their faces were still tense and they still stood in the security position, seeing their Adam's apples shaking and their eyes wandering as they dared not look directly at the corpses on the ground, you could tell that they were not in a calm mood.

Lin Dongyun, who noticed this, was stunned for a moment, then his mind turned around and he came to his senses.

Even though these soldiers are battle-hardened, they have only experienced wars against monsters.

As for the monsters created by the alien space generator, after being killed, they will turn into liquid, and the liquid will eventually vaporize.

 It can be said that the war with monsters is exactly like playing a game! No matter how much you kill, there is nothing that is too bloody or uncomfortable.

 Seeing this headless corpse now may be the first time they have come into contact with real blood since they joined the army. It should be normal for them to behave like this.

The reason why I don’t feel any discomfort at all is, of course, that I have caused too much blood in my mind when I was practicing basic sword skills, and I have long been used to it.

Thinking of this, just when Lin Dongyun was about to say something, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out, and then the armored vehicle immediately rose into the sky and moved over, projecting five beams of light on the five headless corpses.

You can see that the beam turned into a grid, the kind of three-dimensional scanning that scanned the five headless corpses in all directions.

 “What’s going on?” Lin Dongyun asked.

"Master, look! Although these five corpses have slight differences in body shape and muscle size, they are 90% similar overall. And if you look at this again..." Xiao Hei shouted and projected the picture in front of Lin Dongyun.

 The picture shows five headless body skeletons, and then these five skeletons overlap one by one to form one skeleton.

Lin Dongyun was confused: "What does this mean?"

Xiao Hei said eagerly: "Oh, Master, look at these five skeletons stacked together. They are the same as one skeleton. There is no difference at all. In other words, the skeletons of these five bodies are exactly the same!"

“Exactly the same? You wouldn’t say these are quintuplets, right?” Lin Dongyun was surprised.

“Master, it is impossible for identical babies to grow up to be exactly the same! Because as long as the strength of one struggle is different from the others at birth, it will be different in the future!”

 Xiao Hei grinned and said: "But they can also be said to be quintuplets, or even decuplets, centruplets, or thousandths."

“Huh? Is it the kind of test-tube baby?” Lin Dongyun was a little confused.

"I'm not a test-tube baby, Master. They say that as long as they grow up from individual babies, there will be differences when they grow up because they eat more bites and eat less bites. And this kind of people who are so strong and so big have the same bones, only

Ripened cloned biochemical man." Xiao Hei explained jumping up and down.

 “Cybroids?” Lin Dongyun was stunned: “Didn’t it say that there is an international convention that prohibits the creation of cyborgs?”

“Chichi, master, do you believe in international conventions? That is just a contract between the great powers to avoid triggering a world war. If we really want to start a war, the contract is useless.” Xiao Hei grinned:

"Just think about it, in most situations nowadays, cyborgs can appear at will without causing alarm, but machines are being targeted from a long distance away. This reason alone is enough for various countries, forces and organizations to secretly create cyborgs.

.Not to mention that cyborgs can be used in various scenarios. If it were not for the high price and ethical issues, cyborgs would have been abused long ago."

Lin Dongyun was speechless. A single cyborg could be used to assassinate someone, which was countless times easier than sending a robot or something to assassinate someone. You could tell that those forces would never give up on cyborgs.

As Xiao Hei said, if it weren't for the high price and a series of issues related to human ethics and morality, biochemical humans would have spread throughout society long ago.

"This is a bit troublesome. Those who can create biochemical humans are only powerful people. When did I offend the powerful people? They are watching me so closely!" Lin Dongyun frowned.

 Xiao Hei began to command the 12 soldiers: "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and get some people to search for the corpses! Do you need my master, your guard, to take action?"

Hearing what Xiao Hei shouted through the loudspeaker of the armored vehicle, everyone was shocked, especially Ling Jie, the public secretary.

 You guys are really bad! Is this the time to stand aside and pose? Shouldn't you be searching the scene as soon as possible?

Ling Jie gritted her teeth, pointed to a few nearest soldiers, and took the lead to search for the corpses. Two other soldiers went to collect the abandoned weapons, and the remaining soldiers continued to stand guard and watch the surroundings.

Seeing that the soldiers were busy, Xiao Hei looked at the pensive Lin Dongyun and grinned: "Master, do you suspect that there is something wrong with your sister? Has your whereabouts been leaked?"

“My sister will be fine!” Lin Dongyun said firmly.

“Of course there will be no problem with my sister, but there may be a problem with the person who gave her the information.” Xiao Hei said.

"Indeed, otherwise my action would be regarded as impromptu. No one would be able to know in advance, and only that person can carry out the ambush!" Lin Dongyun's eyes wandered, but he suddenly thought of something and shook his head: "No, the speed of this arrangement is too fast.

It’s too fast, can you predict that I will take this route?”

This chapter has been completed!
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