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Chapter 143, Accidents on the March

 Chapter 143, An accident during the march

Lin Dongyun and his party, tens of thousands of flying cars, were densely packed and flying rapidly in the air.

Easily crossing the boundaries of Hebin City, passing through city districts one after another, rushing straight towards the capital city.

Because it is a straight line, many of them whizzed past the city. People in these cities looked up blankly. The floating police cars in the city only dared to sound their sirens at low altitudes and did not dare to rush to high altitudes to intercept them.

This group of speedsters.

Not to mention the hundreds of suspended vehicles, the tens of thousands of suspended vehicles are enough to easily extinguish these suspended police cars.

When the big guys in these cities first heard that Lin Dongyun's speeding car group entered their own territory, they all waved their hands very proudly: "They are forbidden to enter! Otherwise, they will be shot down directly after warning!"

The person who came to report said with a grimace: "Sir, we can't ban them, we can't warn them, and we can't shoot them down, because the response mechanism shows that they have the right to enter our territory. As long as they are not stationed in the city, we will

You have no right to control them!"

"What?" The big guys were all shocked, and quickly called up the information to check. When they saw it, the response mechanism actually said: This is the team led by the Imperial Inspector Lin Dongyun, who has the authority to pass through the country's wild areas and set up checkpoints.

Seeing this line of text, the big guys all trembled and yelled: "He was actually allowed to get such official authority? Who gave it to him! Isn't this harmful to people?!"

Then he waved his hand to tell his men to stand down, and the large suspended weapons flew overhead as if it had never happened.

If you have the brains to read this text, you will understand that everyone has to be cowardly, and it is impossible not to be cowardly.

If you dare to attack someone, then you are a traitor and they will beat you without mercy.

After a few chirps, a team will be sent directly to the entrance and exit of your city to set up a card check.

Once this happens, it will be weaker than being directly beaten as a traitor, but it is estimated that killing with this soft knife will be more painful.

So, just ignore it.

Those patrol and garrison envoys who originally heard that Lin Dongyun actually crossed the border to fight the rebels were all shocked. Is this little guy so stubborn?

Without discussing the conditions with local snakes like yourself, you rush over with your troops so recklessly? Are you not afraid that you will defeat him? Or are you not afraid that you, the likes of you, will fight a civil war with him?

When they thought of this, the patrol envoys and the garrison envoys all had bad expressions on their faces, because they felt that this little kid Lin Dongyun had underestimated them and thought that they did not dare to fight a civil war, so they dared to lead the troops directly and charge over like this without saying a word!

It seems that his prestige is not enough. He had clearly refused him the right to pass before, but now he doesn't come to ask for mercy and just brings his troops up? This is because he wants to crush his face on the ground!

Those who can become patrol envoys and garrison envoys are all the proud ones of heaven, and since I have been the only one who has been the only one for so long, it is strange that I can have a good temper.

Since they think that Lin Dongyun has lost face, they are not easy to get along with!

The guard envoy directly asked half of the troops to block the monsters, and the other half to assemble, and take out all kinds of weapons that can be used. Anyway, these weapons are useless against monsters, and taking them away will not affect the monsters' defense line.

And he began to contact other guardians everywhere, preparing to give Lin Dongyun a hard blow when he passed by.

It's not that I didn't expect to defeat Lin Dongyun alone, but I thought that Lin Dongyun actually held the position of three guardians, and there were no monsters in these three defense areas, so the whole army could be dispatched.

I really can't handle half of the troops in the garrison area, so I have to recruit more friends to help.

Compared with the garrison envoys, the patrol envoys were at a disadvantage because they did not have directly affiliated troops, so they had to remove patrol battalions and police officers from their jurisdictions to carry out blocking work.

It is impossible to attack. Everyone knows how bad the patrol camp is. The police are definitely not as powerful as the army. They just rely on their numbers and status to serve as cannon fodder to stop Lin Dongyun.

It doesn't matter how many people die, as long as Lin Dongyun is blamed for firing the first shot.

These big shots began to sharpen their fists and palms, preparing to make things difficult for Lin Dongyun.

As for whether you can beat him or not, you don't need to worry about it. Anyway, the two armies are facing each other, and it is not you who will die. As long as Lin Dongyun can be accused of treason and let yourself vent his anger, it will be fine.

But as they were waiting, they were stunned when they received the notification from the big boss in front of them: "Imperial inspection?!"

Some people understand and some don’t understand, but in this era, if there is anything you don’t understand, the smart watch can explain it immediately.

So after understanding what authority this official position represented, all the big guys were furious: "Damn it! Why would such an ancient official position be released? And it was also given to Lin Dongyun part-time?! How can he be saddled with this?

The scapegoat for rebellion? There is no charge of shooting first! It is reasonable and legal for him to just kill everyone who blocks the road!"

Countless bosses scratched their scalps and smoked cigarettes, wondering whether they didn't want to kill the rebels and gain some merit.

But a patrol envoy has the power to leave the country, but he does not have the military power to destroy the rebels. Just the patrol battalion and police under their command? That is a loss of life!

Although the garrison envoy has large soldiers and good combat effectiveness, he does not have the power to leave the country. Moreover, a wave of monsters is raging in his own territory.

Even if you have the right to leave and fail to defeat the monster, you will leave the monster alone and run to quell the rebellion. If you let the monster break out of the guarded area, believe it or not, you will be shot even if you get the credit for suppressing the rebellion?

No one thinks that the rebels can hold on for long. As long as the governor comes back, the rebels will melt like snowflakes under the sun. So if you want to make a contribution, you only have this time, and if you can't, you only have this time.

This is the reason they want to intercept Lin Dongyun's resentment, that is, if I can't make meritorious deeds, then everyone should not make meritorious deeds!

However, they are all human beings. After realizing that they could not stop Lin Dongyun and that they could not benefit themselves, they changed their minds and started to benefit for their subordinates.

As a result, a series of communications reached Lin Dongyun.

Lin Dongyun has disarmed and is riding in a tank with Xiaobai.

Don't think that the space of a tank is very narrow. Think of a class suspension vehicle where you can take a shower in the rear cabin. An armored vehicle is larger than a class suspension vehicle, and a tank is larger than an armored vehicle.

Although there are many facilities and defenses inside the tank, the internal space is definitely not small.

You can see that Lin Dongyun can sit with his legs crossed, and there is a tall Xiaobai standing next to him. The driving space is still not that narrow.

Xiao Hei jumped up and said: "Master, the statistics have been calculated. On this side are the guardian envoys and patrol envoys who want to take some credit with the team. They only need you, master, to mention your name when reporting your merits."

"And those here are the most serious troubles for the guardians and patrols. They want you to force them to charge forward and retreat last. Simply put, you want them to die on the battlefield."

"As long as the owner agrees, all the guardian envoys have expressed their willingness to temporarily lend us their suspended tanks and suspended armors. The patrol envoys have expressed their willingness to support us with a batch of supplies for free."

Following Xiao Hei's words, two lists were projected on two screens in front of Lin Dongyun.

This chapter has been completed!
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