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Chapter 145, the situation has changed drastically

  Chapter 145, The situation has changed drastically

From the very beginning, Lin Dongyun's march route was laid out in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone who cared about it was watching to see what would happen.

 When I knew that Lin Dongyun had the status of an imperial patrol inspector and could roam freely outside the cities within the empire, I couldn't help but (ˉ▽ ̄~) think about it, thinking that it was not a good show and diverted my attention.

Some of the intelligence was relatively solid. It was found that the patrol envoys on Lin Dongyun's route began to provide supplies, and the garrison envoys began to provide tanks, armored vehicles, and officers. They were all stunned.

 Isn’t that right? Didn’t you say it very forcefully before, saying that Lin Dongyun dared to attack if he dared to step into their territory without consent?

Even if Lin Dongyun cannot attack because he has the imperial patrol status, there is no need to give support, right?

After further investigation, I found out that these patrol envoys and garrison envoys provided two lists. The people on one list were still staying in the boundaries of these patrol envoys and garrison envoys, and the people on the other list had already joined Lin Dongyun in tanks and armored vehicles.

In the suspended armed vanguard.

 After investigating the two lists, we can immediately see the situation.

Damn it, the list of names left in the territory are all close associates of the patrol envoy and the garrison envoy, but the list of people sent out to join Lin Dongyun's troops are all the thorns under the patrol envoy and garrison envoy!

Anyone with a little bit of brain can understand what this means. Especially those whose votes were left in the territory, the people on the first list were all beaming with joy, and looked like good things were about to come, while those who joined Lin Dongyun's troops were

They look like dead mothers one by one. Who can guess the reason behind this situation?

Some people also wonder, since they are all taking credit, why don't those patrol officers and guards just join Lin Dongyun's side? In this way, not only will the credit be gained more, but also all the credit will fall on the big boss. When the time comes, the relationship will be discussed.

You can also take the opportunity to get promoted.

These kind of people will all be sprayed in the face by discerning people.

Let’s not talk about the garrison envoys for now. Let’s just talk about the patrol envoys. They all have the rank of lieutenant general and general. You want them to condescend to join Lin Dongyun’s side? Listen to the orders of a brigadier general? Are you still shameless?

Besides, let alone being superior to others, even if he is an equal, Lin Dongyun will not accept him. If he is willing to be a subordinate, he has to say, want to stand on Lin Dongyun’s head? Just dream. You can take all the credit, why should you hire a lieutenant general?

The general is squatting on his head?

As for the garrison envoys? Although most of them are majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels, etc., there is no problem at all in being subordinate to brigadier general Lin Dongyun to get credit.

But there is a big problem here. If you really want to become a subordinate of the past, what will you do when Lin Dongyun has made great achievements and becomes a patrol envoy, and his territory happens to take over the territory of these guardian envoys?

 Perhaps you might say, aren’t we all the same subordinates? What’s the difference?

But don’t forget, Lin Dongyun became the patrol envoy, and he immediately dismissed and imprisoned the only garrison envoy who was not under his control, and he concurrently served as the garrison envoy for all the garrison areas in the territory!

Do you think that after this guy becomes the patrol envoy, will he also serve as all the garrison envoys in the territory?

Who can guarantee it? No one can guarantee it!

 So that’s it, it’s better not to make sure that the relationship between superiors and subordinates is good, so it is the best choice to get some credit for your subordinates.

 The patrol envoys and garrison envoys on the route all did this, and the patrol envoys and garrison envoys elsewhere saw it.

Well, or it should be said that their close subordinates saw this situation and couldn't help but get excited and immediately encouraged their superiors.

These superiors, that is, the patrol envoys and garrison envoys outside the route, saw that there were so many people supporting Lin Dongyun. Naturally, they felt that it would be okay to support them themselves, right?

Anyway, it was Lin Dongyun who took the lead in the defeat. If he won, his subordinates could still get a share of the credit. Worst of all, the governor was back and he had an excuse. He could just say: "I support Brigadier General Lin Dongyun in his crusade against the rebels."

Get rid of the charge of sitting back and ignoring the rebels.

Of course, it was either that there was no patrol or that the guards were too troublesome, or they were simply jealous of Lin Dongyun and did not want to have anything to do with Lin Dongyun. However, his subordinates watched eagerly, with a green light in their eyes that they wanted to benefit from it.

This made these big bosses who were unwilling to get involved feel a little jealous. Then, with the encouragement of these cronies, they thought that they had nothing to lose and could appease their subordinates. Naturally, they followed the trend and sent Lin Dongyun a request for credit.


Of course, the loan of tanks and armored vehicles is unavoidable.

Just like that, Lin Dongyun walked forward, negotiating with people, and gathering people's hands.

Even at the end, Lin Dongyun was confused, because according to statistics, all the patrol envoys and garrison envoys in the entire Guangwu Governor-General Region had sent him communications, given two lists, and given supplies.

and loaned out tanks and armored vehicles.

This has changed from Lin Dongyun's solo crusade against the rebels to all patrol envoys and all garrison envoys in the Guangwu Governor-General supporting Lin Dongyun in his crusade against the rebels!

 When I think carefully about why things have changed like this, and look at the statistics table, I can't help but sigh.

No way, at first it was just greedy people surging, and then as more and more people joined in, the situation snowballed, and people who originally didn't want to get involved at all found that the situation had become: "You don't support it."

Lin Dongyun, that means siding with the rebels!"

When it comes to such a situation, no matter what you think in your heart, you must adopt a conciliatory attitude and action, otherwise you will be in serious trouble!

Lin Dongyun, who understood this, was naturally filled with emotion. Unexpectedly, he just met some important people during the march who were unwilling to take credit personally, but he was not willing to waste the opportunity, so he threw out a group of them and either wanted to destroy them through war, or

People who want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain credit.

Lin Dongyun felt that there were not enough manpower, so he unceremoniously accepted the manpower that was thrown out to die. He did not want the gold-plated guys to disrupt his battle, and just let them stay where they were and wait to share the credit. He only needed to put the tanks and

Just lend out the armored vehicle.

After all, if we really want those guys who are going to be gold-plated to go to the battlefield, there is no chance that they will find excuses to back down. As soon as Lin Dongyun said: "You stay at home, you will be indispensable for the credit." These guys got excited when the incident came out.

  Naturally find people with the same status as them to attack: I can get credit even if I sit down, and that disgusting guy I told you before has finally been driven away. It is said that he will accidentally die on the battlefield!

 Who are the people with the same status as them? Naturally, they are all close associates of big bosses in other places.

 Knowing that you don’t need to go to the battlefield to get credit and throw away the thorns! How could you let go of such an opportunity!

 This is the fundamental reason why they desperately encourage their boss to support Lin Dongyun, and why the snowball keeps getting bigger and bigger.

This chapter has been completed!
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