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Chapter 156, Declaration of the Restoration of Guangwu Capital

Chapter 156, Declaration of Restoration of the Capital of Guangwu

  Guangwu City, the capital of the Guangwu Governor-General Region, is a huge city with a very vast area. There are only five such huge cities in the entire Cuilan Star, and it is the capital of the five governor-general regions.

I don’t know if the culture of the Qinglin Empire is different or something else, but all the cities are arranged in concentric circles and radial radius.

How vast is Guangwu City? With the Governor's Palace as the center point, there is a wide ring road extending 10 kilometers outward, and then there is a second ring road extending 10 kilometers outward.

There are a total of 20 such ring roads in Guangwu City, which means that the urban area of ​​Guangwu City has a radius of 200 kilometers, and only the areas outside the 20th ring road are called suburbs.

Similarly, in addition to this circle of equidistant ring roads, there is also a radius straight road starting from the Governor's Palace and extending straight to outside the 20th ring road.

This radius straight road is built according to the degree of a circle, up to 350 degrees, which means that there are a total of 36 straight radius roads.

These 20 circles around the city, plus these 36 straight radius roads, see from a high altitude that Guangwu City is divided very neatly. The space enclosed by each ring and ring and radius and radius is a district, with an equally huge area.


 Coupled with the roads in the district and the roads connecting ring roads and straight roads, the entire Guangwu City is like a huge spider web, and the Governor's Palace is at the center of this spider web.

Looking at this terrain, we can understand why the rebels were able to occupy the entire Guangwu City so easily after occupying the Governor's Palace. This is because the transportation is so convenient. It takes the same time to reach anywhere in the city from the Governor's Palace.


Lin Dongyun watched as the suspended armed forces he led roared towards Guangwu City in units of cities, and watched as they automatically split up and occupied Guangwu City in units of garrison districts.

Looking at the way they were scrambling, Lin Dongyun knew that even if he ordered them to come back and assemble now, except for the troops in the three garrison areas where he was the garrison envoy, the others would probably resist his order.

After all, they have rushed into Guangwu City, and they have already obtained the credit for countering the rebellion. Why do they have to show off their power in Guangwu City and make sure their credit is fulfilled!

Furthermore, they have no superior-subordinate relationship with Lin Dongyun. They just lent the suspended weapons to Lin Dongyun for use. With just an order from their own guard, the loaned suspended weapons can be taken back.

So when Lin Dongyun ordered the entire army to enter Guangwu City, even the troops from the three garrison areas under his patrol envoys from the three cities roared away in excitement.

As a result, he only has seven or eight hundred unmanned hover tanks that have fought against mechas that are directly controlled by Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei, who is sinister, has not returned these unmanned tanks.

It’s not that no one asked Lin Dongyun for these unmanned tanks, but Xiaohei didn’t convey the information at all, and was going to keep these unmanned tanks for himself.

Now these suspended weapons are quietly surrounding the suspended tank where Lin Dongyun is, quietly waiting for the next order.

I don’t know why, but Lin Dongyun couldn’t help but think of the feeling of hundreds of thousands of suspended weapons surrounding him before. Comparing it to now, Lin Dongyun couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Sure enough, if it's not my own, it's different."

"Master, with our troops spread throughout Guangwu City, Xiaohei and I have controlled the city's broadcasting system through the suspended weapons. You can now announce your arrival to Guangwu City!" Xiaohei jumped and shouted excitedly.


Lin Dongyun immediately became energetic, walked to the cab in front, and took the communication microphone from a soldier.

Although you can directly open your mouth and speak and the sound will be conveyed, but using a microphone to speak, the feeling will be different.

"Dear residents of Guangwu City, I am Brigadier General Lin Dongyun of the Guangwu Army. The Guangwu Allied Forces led by me have recaptured the capital of Guangwu! However, in order to clear out the remaining rebels, at this critical moment, I, as the commander of the Guangwu Allied Forces,

Identity, declare martial law in the city, all people should go home immediately and do not go out, and wait for the moment when the martial law is lifted."

"As the commander-in-chief of the Guangwu Allied Forces, I take over all power in Guangwu City! Now I order all public officials to return to their units immediately. The chief officer will immediately communicate with the upper and lower levels to maintain the normal operation of the organization. If the chief officer is absent, his deputy will take over.

If the deputy is absent, the highest-ranking official in the unit will take over!"

"All medical institutions in Guangwu City immediately made medical preparations and rushed to various hot spots to provide medical assistance. All fire departments used the principle of proximity to extinguish and rescue disasters in their jurisdictions. If they were unable to do so, they immediately reported to

Apply for assistance from your superiors!”

“All military, police and other armed personnel will immediately take to the streets to maintain order. Anyone who disrupts social order, regardless of their identity, will be arrested immediately! The Guangwu Allied Forces throughout the city are ready to support you!”

Due to the sudden disappearance of the rebels, interested people found that Guangwu City had become a power vacuum zone, and they were fanning the flames to cause trouble everywhere. Coupled with the thick smoke rising into the sky in countless important areas, the entire huge Guangwu City had long been plunged into chaos.

As for the huge Guangwu Allied Forces, they were scattered to occupy various districts and important locations, so everyone only saw a few suspended weapons coming above their heads. Such a small number did not make everyone feel afraid at all.

Coupled with the fact that some ambitious people were looting various stores, setting fires everywhere, killing, robbing, raping, and looting, the violent atmosphere directly caused everyone's uneasiness. They either hid in fear, or their wild nature was aroused and they participated in the chaos.

At this moment when there was noisy everywhere and smoke billowing everywhere, Lin Dongyun's images and sounds were transmitted through all the public and private broadcasting systems throughout the city, such as the advertising screens projected on all high-rise buildings, the broadcasting systems of all stores, the radio stations of all cars, and the broadcasts of all TVs.

The channel was broadcast to all locations in Guangwu City.

 The advertising screen on the street, the TV at home, the watch projection, and the forced pop-up on the mobile phone, Lin Dongyun's figure appears in front of the world.

At any other time, no one would have recognized Lin Dongyun's appearance. It is impossible to say that seeing Lin Dongyun's military rank and young appearance, some people would say disdainfully that he was a second-generation man again.

But before that, the news that Lin Dongyun formed the Guangwu Coalition Army spread widely in the Guangwu Governor-General. The revolutionary army in Guangwu City did not intercept the signal at that time, so everyone in Guangwu City knew who the young brigadier general was and what he was here to do.


 Suddenly, everyone subconsciously stopped, listened and watched.

Hearing Lin Dongyun's announcement, the first person to cheer was not other people, but the police department, which had long held its breath.


This chapter has been completed!
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