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Chapter 164, Lin Dongyun's Sao Operation

 Chapter 164, Lin Dongyun’s riotous actions

Lin Dongyun entered the city government compound, and when he opened the gate outside, he immediately arrested all the remaining leaders of the city government compound.

But there are still a large number of officials who are full of ambition and feel that they have some status among the remaining people. They rush out and lead Lin Dongyun to the mayor's office.

The office was extremely spacious, covering several hundred square meters, and the facilities were very gorgeous. However, Lin Dongyun's eyes were not on these places. Instead, he was staring at a white jade seal held on a simple tray on his desk.

"Huh? The mayor's seal is still there?" Lin Dongyun was a little shocked.

"The former mayor and several deputy mayors suddenly disappeared, and all the objects in the city hall were not missing." A junior official in the general office said immediately. Apparently after Lin Dongyun announced the liberation of Guangwu City, these caring people had already carefully inventoried them.

Lin Dongyun nodded, his eyes flashed with light, and he walked forward to pick up the mayor's seal.

Then he activated the official seal function, but unfortunately, he could still only have a bird's-eye view of three cities, not Guangwu City.

While playing with the official seal, he touched his chin and thought, how did the bird's-eye view of his official seal expand? It was because he became the chief official of other territories and was recognized by everyone above and below him.

Now that the information cannot be connected to the Star Brain, the connection is obviously broken. So with the approval of the people below, can I include Guangwu City in my bird's-eye view?

Thinking of this, Lin Dongyun straightened up and ordered: "As the commander-in-chief of the Guangwu Allied Forces, the restorer of Guangwu City, and the temporary controller of Guangwu City, I appoint Lin Dongyun as the mayor of Guangwu City! This order is issued to all walks of life through the formal appointment process.


The heads of various departments gathered in the office looked at each other and felt that Lin Dongyun's words were a bit unnecessary. Now that the whole city is under your control, is it necessary to make such an appointment?

However, there are some shrewd people who immediately understand that this is preparation for procedural justice. As long as the procedures are followed, then even if the Governor comes back tomorrow, and General Lin can only resign immediately and leave in despair, he will already have a regular civilian official.


According to the custom of the empire, with this resume, if Lin Dongyun wants to transfer to the civil service in the future, he must at least be the mayor of Guangwu or above.

Don't underestimate the mayor of Guangwu City, this is a fifth-grade civil servant position! It is the same level as the governor of a weak province!

When they think of this, these smart people can't help but want to give a thumbs up.

He was more eloquent and immediately applauded: "General, this is a really good decision. Only by being justified can the whole city be stabilized, and only the superiors and subordinates can have rules and regulations. The lower official feels that it is better for the general to concurrently take the position of battalion officer of the Guangwu City Patrol Battalion."

Well, with the position of military and political chief in hand, you can better manage Guangwu City."

Lin Dongyun raised his eyebrows and nodded approvingly at the flattering official, which made the official feel a little weak in his bones. The other officials stared at their colleagues with envy and jealousy.

Then things were just like acting. Lin Dongyun returned to the Governor's Mansion first, holding the newly carved seal of Commander-in-Chief of the Guangwu Allied Forces, Restorer of Guangwu City, and Temporary Controller of Guangwu City, before appointing himself as Mayor of Guangwu City, Guangwu City

The appointment document of the patrol battalion officer was stamped with a seal.

The governor's seal is actually still in the governor's mansion. The rebels didn't care about it and didn't destroy it or take it away. However, Lin Dongyun couldn't use it, let alone put it on his appointment document, because it would be a matter of seeking death.


These two documents were then photocopied and distributed to various military and political departments, so that any soldier in the patrol battalion and any government staff would know that their immediate boss's immediate boss had been replaced.

Then, Lin Dongyun first went to the patrol camp next to the Governor's Palace, received his appointment letter, and announced that he would take up his duties as the officer of the Guangwu City Patrol Camp.

Because the current patrol camp personnel are all brought by him from the three garrison areas, or he accepted officers who were abandoned by each garrison area.

So when Lin Dongyun was performing his duties, regardless of whether it was child's play or not, the people below all stood at attention with their legs crossed, saluted and shouted respectfully: "Hello, sir! I've met you, sir!"

Lin Dongyun slightly appeased these officers and asked them to act according to the original patrol camp rules for the time being. Then he led a large number of people to the city government compound and once again performed the ceremony of accepting his appointment.

The officers of the three garrison areas, such as Liu Junran, Ling Feng, and Yang Feng, the three second-in-commands of the garrison area under Lin Dongyun, all looked at each other with complicated thoughts.

It's very simple. They already know that their garrison has gathered more than 40,000 officers, including 5,000 captains alone.

The rank of captain, which was originally a rare thing, has now become a rarity!

It was strange that Ling Feng and Yang Feng, two officers who still held the rank of captain, were not worried. So they all looked at Lieutenant Colonel Liu Junran with envy.

Liu Junran was naturally surrounded by the group of officers from the Zhangxia garrison who were promoted to majors. They also understood the envy of the two garrison officers, Ling Feng and Yang Feng, and they were all extremely proud of themselves.

But Liu Junran smiled bitterly and poured cold water on them: "Don't be complacent. This is Guangwu City, where the headquarters of the Guangwu Army is located. It is said that when the rebels rose up, many school-level officers hid. Now that the situation is stable, they will definitely show up to perform their duties."

Yes! By then, we lieutenant colonels and majors will be in the same mess!"

The officers' expressions changed and they couldn't help but encourage themselves: "Ah, well, we are the close relatives of the guardian, and the guardian should be able to make great use of us."

"That's for sure. Otherwise, why would the envoy of the town transfer all the people from our three towns to Guangwu City? There are only residents left in the three towns now. It is said that government personnel from Hebin City have also been transferred.

Two-thirds of the people are here." Ling Feng said with great certainty.

"I guess the intention of our Guardian Envoy is to take advantage of the time when we are in control of Guangwu City to place your manpower in various departments of Guangwu City. In this way, even if the Governor comes back, you will have roots all over Guangwu City, no matter what you do.

Everything will be much more convenient." Yang Feng, a usually taciturn captain, also said aloud.

"Hey, I never expected that the rebels would be so vulnerable. If I had known, I would have advised you not to accept troops from other garrison areas to join and form a coalition. In this way, the credit for the recovery of Guangwu City will be yours alone, which is enough to make you jump.

Become a patrol envoy." Liu Junran said with emotion.

All the officers sighed. Indeed, who would have thought that the massive rebels could not even fight and just retreated? Nine mechas were actually used as forts, which shows how rubbish the rebels are.

This chapter has been completed!
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