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Chapter 166, Guangwu City is brought under control

 Chapter 166, Guangwu City is under control

Although the 12 guards were not with Lin Dongyun, they were with Lin Dongyun's biological sister. It is hard to say that the future would be better than with Lin Dongyun!

On the contrary, Ling Jie and Ling Li, after they woke up, seemed to have been forgotten by Lin Dongyun. The other two people in the guard area were also very bad, and they immediately added manpower to the escort team, and suddenly the trap was taken away.

All taken!

As a result, Ling Jie and Ling Li are now at a disadvantage, and they don't know what to do.

Hey, this is because of their weak strength. If the two of them could be injured like the 12 guards, it goes without saying that they would definitely be accepted by Lin Dongyun as their direct descendants.

In the past, we could slowly replace all the people around Lin Dongyun with people from our own organization through various means.

But now he can't do it at all, and he can't even put a nail in it, because Lin Dongyun's position is too powerful. He suddenly changed from a guard envoy in charge of three villages to a patrol envoy in charge of three cities.

, before everyone could react, he became the person who controlled the capital of the Guangwu Governor-General District again!

Anyone with any brains knows that controlling Guangwu City contains more power and benefits than controlling a province!

Apart from anything else, in the entire Guangwu Governor-General Region, only Guangwu City has a production factory for suspended weapons. In the entire Guangwu Governor-General Region, the highest technology, the most profitable business, and the most powerful weapons production are all concentrated in Guangwu City.

If Ling Jie and Ling Li were still Lin Dongyun's personal attendants, how much profit could the organization steal from them to nourish the organization's growth?

It's a pity that I can't go back to the time when I encountered the assassin.

After Liu Junran thought about this, he could only take a breath and say: "You can work here at the patrol battalion headquarters for the time being. I will find an opportunity for you to show your faces in front of the adults to see if the adults will miss the old relationship."

"Yes!" The two women accepted the order angrily.

The two of them looked at each other, and then hurriedly looked away. They did not dare to say that they had not looked for Lin Dongyun, but Lin Dongyun did not see them at all. Behind them, there was an attendant conveying Lin Dongyun's words, warning them to work hard and work hard.

Real facts.

These inexplicable words made the two women think that they were vulnerable because of the assassin's appearance and were disgusted by Lin Dongyun. How could they dare to report such a thing to Liu Junran, so they kept it in their hearts.

Now that Liu Junran has made arrangements, they are naturally relieved. They feel that they will not be punished by the organization. After all, from the outside, the failure of the mission is not due to lack of effort on their part, but just bad luck.

They had no idea that it was because of Lin Yanyun's words that Lin Dongyun, who originally didn't think he would let them follow, left them alone.


Lin Dongyun came to the city government compound, followed the standard performance ceremony, accepted his appointment, and became the mayor of Guangwu City.

As the officials bowed and saluted, Lin Dongyun once again picked up the mayor's seal.

Then I immediately felt an inexplicable force acting on myself, and immediately activated the official seal function excitedly.

Suddenly, Lin Dongyun felt like he was high in the sky, overlooking the huge Guangwu City.

"It's done! You can actually use such a showy method to bring Guangwu City under my command!" Lin Dongyun was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

He never thought that such a child's play method could allow him to so easily gain recognition from the mysterious power for his control of Guangwu City.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that not everyone can use this method.

First of all, you must at least have control over Guangwu City, and you must have a position of power that is significantly higher than the mayor of Guangwu City. If you don't have the status of commander of the Guangwu Allied Forces, a brigadier general wants to appoint yourself as the mayor of Guangwu? Just dream on it.


Also, I don’t know if it is necessary to have an official seal, and I don’t know if the official seal is an ancient seal that must be given by a superior? Or a new seal directly given by the superior can also be used.

Anyway, this can be tested in the future. Now is not the time to think about other things, but to directly find the enemy!

Thinking of this, Lin Dongyun immediately activated his ability to distinguish between friend and foe, and then countless lights and shadows appeared in Guangwu City from a bird's eye view.

First of all, the light and shadow in the city are mainly green. At a glance, there are dense green lights everywhere.

The reason for this, Lin Dongyun guessed, is that because of his status as a Liberator, the people of Guangwu City are generally kind to him, which is why there is such a scene where most of the city is filled with green light and shadow.

This makes Lin Dongyun very satisfied. In his three cities, even the basic city of Hebin City, most of the people have green light and shadow. Like the other two cities, most of the people have white light and shadow.

Now that Guangwu City has made them feel good towards him because of his recovery actions, he cannot let go of this good opportunity and must take root in Guangwu City!

After all, Guangwu City is the capital of Governor Guangwu. As long as he is still hanging around in the Guangwu Governor's District, he must pay attention to this capital city, because no matter what he does, the support of the capital city is indispensable.

If you don't take advantage of the governor's absence and the good opportunity of the people's good impression of you to take root and develop in this capital, you will be a fool.

Countless plans came to mind, but Lin Dongyun blocked them forcibly, and his eyes began to stare at the red light and black light and shadow in the large green light and shadow.

With a quick glance, there were really many red and black ones. It seemed that the so-called withdrawal of the rebels was actually just lurking down.

If I didn't have this ability to distinguish between friend and foe, I could really let them hide all the time, but unfortunately, I have this incredible ability, and they can't hide it.

Lin Dongyun was a little proud, ready to dismiss the group of civil servants surrounding him, and then carefully identify the enemy by himself.

Suddenly, I discovered that a lot of black light and shadow suddenly turned into red light and shadow, then faded from red light and shadow, and finally turned into white light and shadow.

This made Lin Dongyun stunned, what is going on? Black is the color of the sworn enemy, why did it suddenly become the white of a stranger?

A change of one or two can be said to be just a change of personal mentality. This dense crowd of people changed instantly! What change has happened?

Did the leader behind the scenes declare that I am no longer their enemy? Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to change at the same time, but is this a joke?

Just as Lin Dongyun was thinking about it, Xiao Hei jumped out: "Master, the government assassin has found out the information."

Lin Dongyun exited from the bird's-eye view and asked directly: "Tell me about it."

This chapter has been completed!
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