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Chapter 1812, Strange Strength

 As for the other four Tang family warriors with extraordinary late ninth level strength, their eyes were also full of shock.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Although they are all advanced to the late ninth-level extraordinary level through the secret method of the Star Saint Alliance, there is no difference between them and ordinary late-level ninth-level extraordinary warriors, but their strength is slightly weaker than that of normal warriors who have reached the late-level ninth-level extraordinary level.

Just a few.

But after all, they were all at the late ninth level of extraordinary strength, and there were four of them. The joint attack of four warriors at the late ninth level of extraordinary strength just disappeared again.

Let alone them, any other person would be equally shocked by such a situation.

Lin Dongyun saw the reaction of the hook-nosed Tang family warrior with extraordinary ninth-level strength and the other four Tang family warriors who had just launched an attack on him. He showed a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth and said:

"It seems that your attack is not very good. If that were the case, I would not be the one who was killed today."

Hearing Lin Dongyun's words, the face of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late ninth-level strength changed for a while, and he said: "What on earth did you do, and why did those attacks disappear?"

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun shrugged and said, "Don't ask such boring questions. Now you should be concerned about your safety."

"Damn thing, no matter what you did, you will die here today!" The Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-level ninth-level strength cursed angrily when he heard this.

After saying that, the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-9th level strength did not continue to watch the battle, but took the initiative to attack Lin Dongyun.

Feeling the attack of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late ninth level strength, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but have a look of doubt in his eyes.

Although the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-9th-level strength was in the late-9th-level extraordinary realm, his attacks always made Lin Dongyun feel a little different. Although he didn't know what was going on, Lin Dongyun could feel it.

The energy contained in the attack of the Tang family warrior with a hooked nose and extraordinary late ninth level strength was slightly weaker than that of an ordinary warrior.

"It's really strange. He is also a late-level extraordinary ninth-level warrior, so why does his attack seem so weak?" Lin Dongyun then sensed it carefully again. After discovering that it was indeed the case, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but murmured.

When the four Tang family warriors with extraordinary late-9th-order strength had just attacked together, he had not paid too much attention to it, but now the attack of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-9th-order strength aroused Lin Dongyun's interest.

Immediately, with a thought in Lin Dongyun's mind, a long sword with sword intent instantly condensed in Lin Dongyun's hand.

The next second, Lin Dongyun flipped his wrist, and the long sword in his hand directly faced the attack of the Tang family warrior with an extraordinary late ninth-level strength with an aquiline nose, and quickly slashed out a sword beam.


The dazzling energy gathered into a sword light and quickly rushed towards the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late ninth level strength.

A rumble suddenly sounded.

The sword light struck by Lin Dongyun suddenly collided with the attack of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-9th level strength, instantly causing a terrifying shock wave in the void.

Lin Dongyun looked at the attack that was easily blocked by him, and couldn't help but show a trace of doubt on his face.

Although his realm has now reached the late stage of the extraordinary ninth level, and his mastery of sword intention has also improved a lot, he did not use all his strength just now, and the power of the sword light he slashed was at most as powerful as that of a late-stage extraordinary ninth level warrior.

His normal attacks are almost the same, not even as powerful as a random strike from an ordinary late ninth level extraordinary warrior.

However, such an attack actually blocked the attack launched by the Tang family warrior with an extraordinary late-9th level strength with an aquiline nose.

At this moment, Lin Dongyun also saw some clues.

Although the man with the aquiline nose was in the late ninth level of the extraordinary, his actual combat power was somewhat different from that of a powerful warrior in the late ninth level.

"What's going on? Could it be that his strength..." Lin Dongyun also had doubts in his heart for a while, and couldn't help but say.

But just as Lin Dongyun was thinking, the voice of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late ninth-level strength rang out again, and he spoke to the other four Tang family warriors with extraordinary late-9th level strength.

Hearing this, the four Tang family warriors with extraordinary ninth-level late-stage strength did not hesitate at all, and immediately mobilized their energy to quickly attack Lin Dongyun.

Immediately afterwards, a series of terrifying attacks appeared in the void, quickly attacking in the direction of Lin Dongyun.

Looking at the attacks of the four extraordinary ninth-level late-level Tang family warriors, Lin Dongyun did not rush to respond, but carefully sensed the power of the attacks by the four extraordinary late-level ninth-level Tang family warriors.

You don't know if you don't sense it. After such an induction, Lin Dongyun suddenly frowned and his eyes were full of doubts.

There was no other reason. Lin Dongyun clearly sensed the difference between the attacks of the four extraordinary ninth-level late-level Tang family warriors and the extraordinary late-level ninth-level warriors he had met before.

Although it seems that the auras of the four warriors are all of late-9th-level extraordinary strength, their attacks are weaker than those of ordinary late-9th-level extraordinary warriors.

"What is the reason? How could their strength be..." Lin Dongyun couldn't help but murmured the doubts in his heart.

However, Lin Dongyun didn't have much time to think about it. Before he could figure out the reason, the attacks of the four Tang family warriors with extraordinary late ninth level strength came in front of him.

Lin Dongyun looked at the attacks one after another, and with a thought in his mind, the figure disappeared directly on the spot, easily dodging the attacks of the four Tang family warriors with extraordinary ninth-level late-stage strength.

At the same time, the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late ninth-level strength saw Lin Dongyun dodge the attack at such a close distance, and a hint of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

As for the four extraordinary late-level ninth-level warriors, they also looked at Lin Dongyun who appeared on the other side with shocked expressions. They obviously did not expect that Lin Dongyun could dodge the attack at such a close distance.

"Little thing, you...how did you do that?" At this time, the voice of the Tang family warrior with an aquiline nose and extraordinary late-9th level strength rang out and asked Lin Dongyun.

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun showed a faint smile on his face and said: "It's very simple, your attack speed is just too slow."

This chapter has been completed!
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