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Chapter 211, Star Pirates

  Chapter 211, Star Pirates!

“How long will it take to return to the Emerald Blue Star?” Lin Dongyun asked.

“It takes about 10 hours. If you activate the level breaker, it will only take 6 hours.” Xiaobai said.

“Wow, I just saved 4 hours. This level breaker is really powerful.” Lin Dongyun smacked his lips.

“Do you want to activate the level breaker? Master?” Xiaobai asked.

Just when Lin Dongyun was about to agree, he suddenly noticed a bright light flashing in the upper left corner. He couldn't help but turn his head to check in confusion, and Xiaobai naturally zoomed in on the camera.

At this sight, if he hadn't been restrained by the safety belt, he would have jumped up: "Isn't it?! Battleships are bombarding each other? Is the imperial fleet coming? Are they fighting with the Gran Empire?"

Although the distance has been shortened, the displayed image is very blurry, and only the light of the explosion of human weapons can be vaguely seen. A discerning person can tell at a glance that two small fleets are bombarding each other.

“Sorry, Master, that place is outside the scanning range of the shipborne radar, so the exact situation cannot be scanned,” Xiaobai said.

Lin Dongyun also understood this, and couldn't help but sigh: "The gunboat I bought from the Balari arms smuggling dealer is said to be able to scan the entire star system. Isn't it out of the range of the Emerald Blue Star System?"

 “No.” Xiaobai said truthfully.

“Hey, this means that the gunboat technology of the Gran Empire has lagged behind the Ballari Empire.” Lin Dongyun said with emotion.

 Then he pointed in that direction and said: "Sail that way."

Xiaobai naturally controlled the gunboat's steering direction without even thinking about it.

And Xiao Hei jumped out to dissuade him: "Master, it's dangerous over there, so it's better not to get close!"

"It doesn't matter, let's take a peek from a distance." Lin Dongyun said, licking his lips.

“But master, what if the empire goes to war with the Gran Empire or the Valanxi Republic over there? Their warships will definitely detect us in advance. If you enter the battlefield, which side are you going to join?” Little Black Dot woke up.

“It will not be the war between the empire and the two major countries. If the empire had such backbone, the warships of the great powers would not enter the empire’s territory.” Lin Dongyun shook his head and said.

Xiao Hei was speechless for a moment. Indeed, if the imperial fleet had such backbone, how could the great powers dare to act arbitrarily?

However, Xiao Hei still reminded: "But what if there is a war between the Gran Empire and the Republic of Valance?"

"What else needs to be said? Of course I joined the war on the side of the Gran Empire! I have been determined to be the one favored by the Gran Empire. I have already taken sides and cannot escape!" Lin Dongyun said decisively.

Seeing that Lin Dongyun had become so aware, Xiao Hei remained silent. Anyway, as an auxiliary assistant, he had fulfilled his duty of reminding him. There was really nothing he could do to stop his master from doing anything.

Soon, the battle over there still hadn't entered the radar range of the gunboat, and a communication came in: "This is the combined fleet of all countries in the Zhengyang Star Territory! Anyone who comes, please tell me your identity!"

“I am Lin Dongyun, Brigadier General of the Guangwu Governor-General of the Emerald Star, attending the Star Territory Meeting!” Lin Dongyun responded and motioned to Xiaobai to send his identity.

“Brigadier General Lin Dongyun, please cooperate in destroying this group of interstellar pirates that invaded the Zhengyang Star Territory!” The other end of the communication said this and sent a message link.

“Interstellar pirates?!” Lin Dongyun was stunned. He had only seen interstellar pirates in movies and TV series when he was growing up, but never in reality.

It is not that there are no interstellar pirates in the empire. After all, the empire is so vast, with thousands of star fields, that it is impossible to take care of it. It is impossible to say that some pirate lairs will be hidden in these star fields.

 But in the thirteen star regions with administrative stars, there is no trace of pirates. The main reason is that the imperial fleet will patrol from time to time, and there are also great powers who are rooted in these thirteen star regions.

 Which pirate would dare to provoke so many great powers when he is full? So judging from the data of the military and political system, the thirteen star regions of the empire have been peaceful for several years, and interstellar pirates have almost become something only seen in movies and TV series.

 In fact, you can understand what's going on as long as you replace it with the ancient environment.

 The thirteen star regions with administrative stars were replaced by the thirteen cities of the ancient dynasty, and the thousands of star regions were replaced by the barren mountains and mountains of the ancient dynasty.

The dynasty could guarantee that there would be no bandits in the thirteen cities, but it could not guarantee that there would be no dens of thieves in the vast barren mountains and ridges outside.

In other words, those thousands of star fields are nominally the territory of the Qinglin Empire, and the world's powers also recognize it, but neither side cares about it. What they care about are the thirteen star fields with administrative stars.

These thousands of star fields may have poor resources and other factors, but it is impossible to say that there are no planets suitable for human habitation.

It is also impossible to say that there are no human forces in these thousands of star fields.

But to say how powerful it is is equally impossible.

If a place really develops, do you think the empire will send out its army to take over this place? This is equivalent to an extra administrative star! It is equivalent to the achievement of opening up territory and expanding the territory.

This feat is enough to make officials from the emperor to the ninth grade blush.

 So occasionally pirates appear in border areas, and even small neighboring countries protest against attacks on merchant ships by pirates. This is normal for everyone.

The empire doesn't care, anyway, as far as the empire is concerned, as long as pirates don't harass the thirteen star regions, they don't exist.

After all, the empire is a sovereign country whose overall strength is not much weaker than that of the lower powers. The imperial fleet will be a few percent weaker than the fleets of the upper powers before the battle. But if it is to fight pirates, do you believe that the imperial fleet can perform beyond its level? Because now the imperial fleet is the only

His greatest feat in foreign wars is fighting pirates!

 Generally speaking, the pirates near the empire are hidden and do not dare to act arrogantly. They only attack some merchant ships secretly, and then disappear and hide in an instant.

Now they actually dare to appear in the Zhengyang Star Territory carelessly? And they are so brave that they will fight against the combined fleets of the great powers? Who gave them the courage and confidence?

These are the reasons why Lin Dongyun lost his composure when he heard about interstellar pirates.

“Master, the link given over there is the joint information coordination of the combined fleets of the great powers. If you accept it, in addition to sharing their information, you will also need to obey the orders issued by the fleet commander.” Xiaobai reminded.

“I am an imperial soldier and cannot accept the command of officers from foreign powers!” Lin Dongyun refused directly.

  Damn it, this is a gunboat. It can be killed by one shot on the battlefield. Do you obey the orders of the combined fleet? What if you let yourself die? So I didn’t say anything. I didn’t accept their link and wandered over to look for opportunities.

As for whether he would be deliberately hit by stray bullets by the Combined Fleet? Lin Dongyun had already revealed his identity and had identified friend or foe. He would have been hit by stray bullets. It was obviously intentional by the Combined Fleet. Generally speaking, the Combined Fleet would not dare to do such a thing.

If there is a fleet of a single great power in front, there is still this danger, but if there is a combined fleet in front, at least two great powers, then this danger will not exist. Because there are many problems between the great powers, and they are eager to get hold of each other.

The whole world knew it immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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