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Chapter 233, the attitude of the foreign powers

 Chapter 233, Attitudes of the Great Powers

It's obviously the Zhaoyang Empire that's causing the trouble, so why do everyone think it's the MiLi Federation?

The reason is very simple. In the perception of the great powers, the Zhaoyang Empire is a colony of the MiLi Federation.

Yes, even though the Zhaoyang Empire is also deployed in the Qinglin Empire, it looks like a great power, but this small country adjacent to the Qinglin Empire, a long time ago, the Mili Federation became the first to set foot in the Zhaoyang Empire.

Great powers.

Because the Zhaoyang Empire was very weak at that time and had no interests, the other major powers acquiesced that the Zhaoyang Empire was within the sphere of influence of the MiLi Federation and acquiesced in the MiLi Federation's exploitation of the Zhaoyang Empire.

This is a common practice. For non-powerful countries, whoever gets there first will get it.

But if you can't completely control it, then other powers can get involved.

Then depending on their respective capabilities, perhaps the first great power took over the non-great country, or two great powers united to block the other powers and divided the country.

Of course, there are also countries that cannot swallow it no matter what.

For example, the Qinglin Empire is such a country. At the beginning, it was only the Angeli Empire that was the first to contact the Qinglin Empire. As a result, Angeli was left disheartened.

The other great powers tried their best to come in, but they didn't get any results. Then all the great powers came in, only to find that no one could do anything about it, and finally the current situation was formed.

Therefore, since it is discovered that the Zhaoyang Empire is causing trouble, of course, we have to find trouble with the controlling country, the Mili Federation.

The planet general ambassador of the MiLi Federation looked indifferent and spread his hands as if nothing had happened: "I'm sorry, our government has recognized the Zhaoyang Empire's status as a small power, so anything the Zhaoyang Empire does has nothing to do with our country.

, you should ask the Zhaoyang Empire’s envoys, not me.”

"What?!" Everyone was shocked, and their eyes were fixed on the face of the Zhaoyang Empire envoy who was sitting in the neutral position and looked like the leader of the Mi Li Federation.

The great powers frowned and inquired, while their allies all had expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

They say they are allies of the big powers, but in fact they only have the status of a colony, a puppet state, and a dependent state.

Everything in the country must be approved by the big powers. Once the interests of the big powers are involved, the interests of the big powers must be taken into account.

There is no freedom at all, that is, you can follow the big powers to participate in world affairs and let your face shine, but there is no lizi at all!

Of course, there is a way out of this predicament, and that is to become a small power recognized by the big powers.

But this is extremely difficult. Some thoughtful people have worked out several conditions. The most important condition is that the nation must have self-respect and self-reliance.

This kind of national character cannot accept being controlled by foreign countries. No matter how poor or miserable they are, they dare to risk their lives and continue to resist.

The great powers have the biggest headache for such a country. Generally, when encountering such a country, they only need the support of the country's ruler, and will not interfere with the country's affairs, nor exploit it too much.

But there are very few countries with this kind of national character in the world, and most of them are nationals from the great powers. Most of the small countries have national characters that are ignorant and arrogant.

That kind of.

The second condition is that you must have strong force. Force that can make the great powers feel painful. Otherwise, no matter how strong your nationality is, all of them are indigenous. Do you believe that the great powers will directly turn the planet you live on into a Death Star?

The third condition is to be social! You must have friends, otherwise you will have no help from other countries and just let the controlling country bully you.

In other words, the Zhaoyang Empire has achieved these three conditions without saying a word? And it is obvious that the Zhaoyang Empire's force is very strong, which will make the Mi Li Federation feel that if you bite it hard, your teeth will break. In addition, the meat is not big.

Only the MiLi Federation will let it go.

You must know that the Mi Li Federation is a country of merchants! They value profits most, and if what they gain is not enough to make up for their efforts, they dare to change their stance immediately.


Here I want to talk about the political forms of the world's great powers.

First of all, most of the great powers are standard countries where the aristocracy controls real power. Whether it is an imperial system or an aristocratic parliamentary system, it is a country where the aristocracy controls everything.

Among so many great powers, only three stand out.

The first big wonder is the second most powerful country in the world - the Republic of Valance.

This is a country that has gone too far in promoting national participation in politics. But if you analyze it carefully, it is the military, politicians, and capitalists who really control the real power of this country.

As long as there is support from any two parties, there is no problem in directly ascending the throne as emperor.

In the history of Valancy, an invincible general was elected as the emperor, and the country became an imperial system.

But later it was directly abolished because it harmed the interests of two parties except the army, and the country became a republic again.

Moreover, there is another strange thing about Valancy. Their internal fighting is more fierce than fighting foreign enemies. In history, fleets controlled by three parties have directly gone to war. As a result, the three largest fleets in Valancy fought among themselves and suffered heavy losses.


Some countries thought this was a good opportunity and took the opportunity to invade.

As a result, the three forces that had been fighting to the death suddenly united and not only drove the invaders out, but also rushed over and swallowed up the country that wanted to take advantage.

The three parties carved up a country, and they were so full that they made Valancy calm for a long time.

This creates a situation where whenever Valancy fights internally, everyone will watch and encourage them, but they will never get involved.

The second great wonder is the Ballari Empire.

The strange thing about this empire is that the nobles of other countries are canonized by the state. But Ballari is a group of land-owning nobles who gather together to form a country.

The country cannot canonize nobles, only big nobles can canonize small nobles, because all the land belongs to the nobles.

That is to say, it is not the country that owns the aristocracy, but the aristocracy that owns the country.

The emperor of the Ballari country is just a name. He has no right to deal with other nobles, but can only deal with the nobles he canonized. The emperor is also a big noble who owns a lot of land.

Moreover, all the benefits from foreign wars were divided among the nobles, and the common people and the country were not accounted for at all.

Don't think that such a country is loose. The army of the Ballari nobles is very powerful and is known as the best in the world!

Just listen to this name and you'll know what's going on.

Moreover, their rigid character means that they only need to elect a commander, and they will resolutely obey and carry out the mission even if they are to die.

So even though Ballari has only just emerged, no one dares to provoke it.

The last big weird thing is the Mi Li Federation.

This is a loose federal state in which capitalists, that is, businessmen, control state power, and each administrative star has an independent army and independent laws.

The military of the MiLi Federation has always been the weakest among the great powers. Even the small powers do not care about the military strength of the MiLi Federation.

But the reason why the MiLi Federation is a major power is because of their method of controlling money.

All enemies will be made miserable by the Mi Li Federation's economic means. Similarly, with a developed economy, science and technology will naturally develop as well.

The basic combat power of the MiLi Federation is not good, but the top combat power is no stronger than other major powers. This is the foundation of the MiLi Federation.

This is also the reason why the Mi Li Federation is obviously a country composed of merchants, which gives people the impression that it is more chaotic than Valancy and has no credibility at all, but other countries controlled by nobles can still tolerate its existence.


Under everyone's gaze, the Zhaoyang Empire's envoy calmly stood up and straightened his clothes, bowed to everyone in a polite manner, and then sat down with a proud look on his face.

"From the Zhaoyang Empire, why don't you explain it?" Albert said with a gloomy face.

The envoy of the Zhaoyang Empire obviously knew Albert's identity. He quickly stood up and bowed first, and then said respectfully: "Sir Albert, my lords, isn't it a good choice to let the Emerald Blue Star begin to turmoil?


We can set this person who is the first to jump out as an example, so that the ambitious people in the Zhengyang Star Region can also jump out and start the prelude to the collapse of the Qinglin Empire. This should be what our great powers are looking forward to seeing, after all.

We've been looking forward to this for too long."

When Albert was about to say something, his watch vibrated silently, and the subtle sound of the watch assistant came from his ears.

He looked at Gran's planetary envoy on the Emerald Blue Star, Geert, in shock. Seeing his indifferent expression, he thought for a while and said nothing.

Seeing Albert's sudden change of attitude, a glimmer of light flashed in Zhaoyang's eyes, but he also showed off his words even more contentedly.

Then the strange thing is that under the encouragement of the Zhaoyang envoy, the envoys of all the powers actually agreed to his plan: to set up Zhang Zhiwen, who was appointed governor of Guangwu, as an example to encourage the seven administrative stars in the Zhengyang Star Territory.

The ambitious people in the world also started to act on the proposal.

This chapter has been completed!
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