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Chapter two hundred and sixty-eight, extraordinary action

 Chapter 268, Extraordinary Action

Tsk tsk, is this the enemy preparing to ambush me?

Are they too well-informed? I just agreed to go to Feiling City, but I actually lurked well early?

Is this because someone in Ouyang Bin's government has evil intentions and cooperates with others? Or did the enemies predict in advance that I would have to go to Feiling City?

Lin Dongyun thought about it for a moment, then simply put aside the idea that if he continued to suspect this, it might trigger a big purge.

He also understood that because of the rampage of the guardian envoys, most of the old and powerful forces of Cuilan Planet had evacuated Cuilan Planet. Look at how even the Guangwu Revolutionary Army evacuated the planet without hesitation, including his sister’s former superiors.

, that Pulsatilla has evacuated, then we know how other organizations choose.

Therefore, his enemies should be the garrison envoys of the two governorates of Yangshan and Zhihai across the sea.

Looking at the situation, our side already has a huge advantage, especially after the Nansheng garrison envoys all surrendered. If the ambitious people on the Yangshan and Zhihai side don't take action, the longer they wait, the more likely they will be.

There is no way to recover.

That's why they dared to be so bold and lurk near Feiling Governor's Mansion. This was to prepare for a sudden attack during the celebration. One would cause a commotion and knock down their own momentum. The other would be even better if they could kill themselves.

As for why there was no attack on the last inauguration celebration?

Lin Dongyun thought about it and realized that because he was too decisive, Yang Yihua surrendered that day, and a celebration was held the next day. After the envoys on the other side of the sea got the news, they were afraid that the celebration on their side was over.

So if you want to prepare in advance, the only thing you can do is celebrate the reconstruction of Feiling Capital.

Lin Dongyun selected a few people with very different positions among the red dots, and directly zoomed in to check, and then asked Xiao Hei to project the heads of the higher-ranking guards in Yangshan and Zhihai to compare.

Sure enough, these guys who looked like station leaders were all the most arrogant general-level garrison envoys from the two governor-general areas of Yangshan and Zhihai.

"Humph, you idiots, I can't move you because there is a sea across the way. I have to prepare the army to land on the receiving site before I can move over to you. Now that you have come here on your own, I have saved a lot of trouble.

Ah!" Lin Dongyun sneered.

"Huh? What did the master say?" Xiao Hei asked doubtfully.

[Get Red Envelopes from Kanshu] Follow the official account [] Kanshu and draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Lin Dongyun did not answer, and stood up directly and ordered: "Xiao Hei, order the suspension tanks in all jurisdictions except Feiling City to activate and surround Feiling City, and order all the troops under my orders to Chaofan to immediately take the nearest suspension weapon and go to Feiling

Gather outside the city!"

As he said that, he picked up the saber on the knife stand next to him and walked out.

Seeing Lin Dongyun going out with a knife, the attendants and guards immediately got fully armed and followed Lin Dongyun out.

Take the waiting car and roar to the gunboat parked in the city hall square.

The gunboat had opened its hatch, and Lin Dongyun and his party boarded the ship one after another without hesitation. The hatch was closed, and they immediately started to soar into the sky, flying quickly to Feiling City.

Ouyang Bin, who came after hearing the news, could only stare at the empty sky in a daze. When he turned around to check, Liu Junran rushed over with senior military officials, but Yang Yihua was nowhere to be seen.

He muttered to himself: "Are you relying on your old age to show off your old age?" He asked Liu Junran: "Where is Mr. Yang?"

"Previously, there was a message from Director Yang's watch, and then Director Yang quickly rushed out of the office, boarded a speed car and left without explaining anything," Liu Junran said with a solemn expression.

"Master Liu, do you think it has something to do with the sudden departure of the Governor?" Ouyang Bin asked.

"Let's inquire." Liu Junran raised his watch, and the senior military officials behind him also raised their watches to ask for information.

Ouyang Bin and the government officials behind him are no exception.

In fact, logically, they should just stay in the office and work. Where are the traces from above that subordinates should ask about?

But Lin Dongyun would tell them in advance whenever he wanted to do something, making them subconsciously feel that they should know their boss's movements, especially in this tense moment before dawn.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to call Lin Dongyun's watch and ask him what he is doing. They are not stupid.

This group of high-ranking military and political officials had connections throughout Lin Dongyun's system, so they got the news soon.

"All the extraordinary people rushed to the outskirts of Feiling City?" Ouyang Bin was stunned. He had just informed Lin Dongyun to attend the reconstruction celebration of Feiling City. Why did his own military governor suddenly lead all the extraordinary people under his command to rush there in advance? And he didn't even say a word.


"It should be about military operations against Chaofan, so we people are ignored." Liu Junran said bitterly. It is really bitter. It is so unwelcome if he is not Chaofan! If he were Chaofan, why would he be the lieutenant colonel he is now?


Ouyang Bin was going crazy, he was a transcendent! He was still a second-level transcendent existence! All these transcendent beings were dispatched, why didn't anyone notify him?!

He hurriedly called his brother Ouyang Zheng and asked him where he was. When he heard that he was confused and said he was still busy at the police station, he hung up the phone and called his nephew Ouyang Jun. He asked the same question, but the person on the other end was wary.

He said he was on a mission, but Ouyang Jun hung up the communication first.

However, Ouyang Bin was not angry, but smiled: "It should be limited to the extraordinary actions of the army, not all extraordinary actions." He waved his hands very calmly: "Go back to work, the military governor is conducting military affairs. We will naturally deal with it afterwards.

Informed." He said and took the lead and left.

Liu Junran sighed and took the people away.

Lin Dongyun kept the gunboat's flying speed at a low speed, and then began to look at the extraordinary list compiled by Xiao Hei.

First, I looked at the total number of people. There were more than 6,000. This number is not bad, because there are only extraordinary guardian envoys from Huashan and West China provinces in Guangwu who were sold together. But there are none in Feiling, but Nan Sheng.

Accounting for more than 4,000 people.

Then Lin Dongyun pressed the extraordinary strength ranking button, and the list did not change at all. Apparently there was not even a second-level extraordinary person.

"Is there such a lack of high-level transcendences in the Emerald Blue Star?" Lin Dongyun murmured. It's not that he didn't have second-level transcendences, but he was locked in a cell by Xiaobai's punch and he vomited blood.

"It's normal, Master. Our Zhengyang Star Territory is a backward area, and the number and level of Extraordinary beings are far lower than those in the rich Star Territory. You now have 6,000 Extraordinary troops under your command, which is already a very powerful force.

.If the imprisoned Chaofans can also be subdued, the master will definitely have no problem sweeping across the entire Zhengyang Star Territory." Xiao Hei said flatteringly.

In response to Xiao Hei's flattering words, Lin Dongyun directly listened in one ear and out the other. Anyway, this guy is already shameless in order to be the mastermind.

Moreover, Lin Dongyun did not ask how the number and level of extraordinary beings are related to the wealth of the star field?

There may have been doubts before, but now that we know that planets can produce and store star coins, and star coins can enhance extraordinary beings, then whether the star field is rich or not is really related to the number and level of extraordinary people in the star field.

"Hey, our home planet is not rich enough." Lin Dongyun sighed.

Then he looked at the scenery outside the window and thought: "I really want to test my strength in a head-on battle with the Extraordinary Level 2. I wonder if there is a chance this time?"

But when I saw Xiaobai's figure reflected in the window, I sighed helplessly. Xiaobai was here, so I didn't have to think about it.


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