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Chapter two hundred and seventy-one, unified blue star

 Chapter 271, Unify the Emerald Blue Star

The movement on the Second Ring Road naturally alerted the First Ring Road of Feiling City. The alarm sounded and the police garrison was dispatched. The result was a huge shock.

Because countless tanks with searchlights gathered around them, illuminating the surrounding area as if it were daytime. Hundreds of generals holding orange-handled swords and thousands of officers holding red-handled swords appeared collectively, scaring them to stop quickly.

Wait for the order.

When the military and political leaders of Feiling City rushed over, Lin Dongyun had already disarmed and showed up with Xiaobai.

"I've seen the warlord!" they shouted in unison, causing those who were hiding in fear because of the appearance of the tanks to immediately prick up their ears and bravely come out to take a look around.

"It's just a military operation. It's none of your business. Let's go back." Lin Dongyun waved his hand, and then said to Yang Yihua, who was already beside him: "I'll leave the finishing touches to you, the Chief of Military Affairs."

"Yes!" Yang Yihua stood at attention and saluted.

Then Lin Dongyun didn't bother to see the prisoners and the surrendered garrison, and left directly on the gunboat.

Watching the gunboat disappear into the night sky, Yang Yihua also took on the identity of the Chief of Military Affairs and loudly issued orders to deal with the cleanup matters.

Early the next morning, the Propaganda Department became busy again, once again summoning all the news organizations under its control.

Ouyang Bin was confused at first when he saw a copy of the materials sent to the city government as usual. He did not expect that his military governor actually ran to Feiling City in advance.

Then I was dripping with cold sweat, because the governor there killed, arrested and surrendered thousands of garrison envoys from the two governorates of Yangshan and Zhihai!

The garrison envoys of Yangshan and Zhihai actually lurked in Feiling City early? If the governor didn't know this in advance and was attacked at his own suggestion to attend the celebration in Feiling, wouldn't he be in bad luck?

If that situation really happens, it will not only be as simple as being attacked by colleagues who are watching eagerly, but also being arrested and interrogated as to whether he participated in such an ambush!

Fortunately, the warlord's intelligence network was so powerful that he discovered the opponent's existence in advance, then directly surrounded them and eliminated them in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Bin immediately felt hot all over. The famous garrison envoys from the two governor-general areas of Yangshan and Zhihai have all fallen in Feiling City. As long as the publicity is spread, how can Yangshan and Zhihai still have the morale to resist?

Wasn't it possible to conquer two viceroyalties with just one communication?

My own warlord has truly unified the Emerald Blue Star!

No, I have to quickly congratulate the Lord Warlord!

Ouyang Bin stood up quickly, but couldn't help but sit down. He knew that this was because his mood was too high before. Even the second level of extraordinary strength could not withstand it.

After gathering himself and feeling calmer, he got up again and rushed towards Lin Dongyun's office.

Lin Dongyun received greetings, congratulations and compliments from his subordinates. The people and netizens outside had already begun to explode because of the news.

There were hundreds of miserable corpses of officers, hundreds of moaning and bruised officers who had not yet been treated, and hundreds of dejected officers who were obediently arranged in a square formation, standing in a military posture as if they were being punished.

The image of this scene was directly broadcast around the world through television stations and online videos.

The camera specifically shows close-ups of dozens of corpses with general and wounded bodies, standing in military postures.

Below each close-up is the officer's name and title.

This surprised and shocked the people who were not familiar with these officers.

As for the netizens in Yangshan and Zhihai who have been paying attention to the power situation of Lin Dongyun's subordinates and circumventing the wall to hang out online.

First he was stunned, then shocked, then he jumped up and started screaming like crazy, and finally he hurriedly spread the news video to the private network in their governor-general.

As a result, the people of Yangshan and Zhihai were in an uproar. At this time, everyone knew that no one could stop Lin Dongyun from unifying the entire Cuilan Star.

Unless the contact with the court is suddenly restored, or the previous governor suddenly returns.

But looking at the situation, these two only ways to stop Lin Dongyun are obviously impossible.

Lin Dongyun was chatting with his men here, but it was not that he had nothing to do. He had already removed a large group of tanks and a group of specially moved armored vehicles, as well as squad speed vehicles and civilian speed vehicles, all loaded with large numbers of heavily armed soldiers.

Heading to the land beyond the sea.

Lin Dongyun only needs to teleport over and capture the remaining guardian envoys when the army arrives.

However, when Xiao Hei excitedly jumped out to show the news that the remaining guardians from Yangshan and Zhihai had all sent messages to the world to express their surrender, the big snowball plan had been completed, and Lin Dongyun no longer had to arrest the guardians.

Of course, the army does not need to be transferred back. It will continue to advance and fly to various garrison areas to take over. Those garrison envoys who have expressed their surrender must come to Guangwu City to meet Lin Dongyun.

Only after this series of actions can Yangshan and Zhihai truly fall into Lin Dongyun's hands.

Ouyang Bin and other military and political personnel who surrounded Lin Dongyun were naturally trying their best to flatter him like crazy.

Well, an official who doesn't know how to flatter is not a good official. This is equivalent to their basic skills, and they are the first skills to be maxed out after entering the officialdom.

Lin Dongyun did not indulge in these flattering words, and after listening to them, he drove his subordinates back to work.

When he was the only one left in the office, Lin Dongyun said to Xiao Hei: "Ask those guardian envoys who are electrified and surrendered to quickly send the guardian seal over and ask them to arrange remote replacement authority facilities on the host area of ​​the guard area. I will destroy the entire Cuilan Star."

The entire garrison area is under my sole control!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hei went to convey the order excitedly.

The guards of Yangshan and Zhihai did not dare to delay. After receiving the order, they immediately asked people to arrange the machines at the main unit of the guard area. At the same time, they immediately took the speeder with the seal of the guard and roared towards Guangwu City.

When these guys are really serious about something, it gets done very quickly.

By night, Lin Dongyun had obtained the seals of all the garrison envoys in the two governor-general areas of Yangshan and Zhihai, and facilities had been installed at the mainframes of all the garrison areas in those two places.

As for the garrison area where more than a thousand garrison envoys had lurked before? Naturally, the left-behind personnel in the two places were in agreement and helped Lin Dongyun get it done early.

Tens of thousands of large seals surrounded the surroundings. Lin Dongyun sighed, having to do the boring and repetitive work of raising seals for authentication again.

There is no way to replace Xiaobai. Only Lin Dongyun reveals his identity with the official seal and will be authenticated.

Blood drop authentication and pupil authentication only need to be done once.

After a lot of busy work, it was already early in the morning. When Lin Dongyun finished authenticating the last big seal, a page suddenly popped up in front of him: [Mission Completed!]

Lin Dongyun shook his arms, which were a little numb due to his constitution, and grinned. This is another millions of favor points in income.

He asked Xiao Hei to count the status of the garrison areas in these two governor-general areas, and then he was going to open the system to appreciate his favor point numbers.

At this moment, the screen that had dissipated suddenly appeared again: [Congratulations to Lin Dongyun for reaching 100% control over the Emerald Blue Star and completely controlling the Emerald Blue Star. The Emerald Blue Star has given a special reward. Please exchange 10,000 Blue Star Coins immediately.


This chapter has been completed!
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