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Two hundred and eighty-six chapters, fief determination

 Chapter 286, fiefdom confirmed

Lin Dongyun was a little confused as he walked on the port terminal with an all-metal floor. There was a huge and vast transparent protective shield on the side.

You can see the endless number of ships moored in the port outside. Countless transport tools are unloading materials from the big ships and transporting them to the small ships. It looks very busy.

On the other side of the road, there are countless shop signs hanging in front of my eyes. Countless people are going in and out of these shops. The streets are crowded with people. Is this still a port? It is already a city.

Lin Dongyun looked around, looking like he had never seen the world. Naturally, he fell into the eyes of some caring people hanging out at the port.

When these people wanted to take action, they saw Xiaobai following Lin Dongyun, and they also saw the bright yellow reward medal tied at Lin Dongyun's waist.

Seeing these two conspicuous things, these interested people immediately raised their watches and looked like they were making inquiries.

They had obviously looked up the information about Xiao Bai and the bright yellow reward card, and understood what it meant. They all shrank their heads and turned their gazes to the other bumpkins.

Lin Dongyun wandered around freely, not afraid of getting lost, because Xiao Hei had already shouted with joy: "Ahhh! I'm finally connected to the empire's network again, how happy I am!"

Then Xiao Hei projected the map and marked two light spots on it: "Master, this is the port city map of Wuwei Qian 978. Your location is here, and the landing port for the spaceship to the imperial capital you are looking for is here.


Lin Dongyun just glanced at it and ignored it. He was also planning to take a tour of this port city.

At this moment, Xiao Hei, who was singing happily, suddenly flew in front of Lin Dongyun, half-obsessed, with the corners of his mouth bent downwards, staring at Lin Dongyun with a cold expression, and said in a cold tone: [Imperial Lieutenant Lin Dongyun, why are you leaving without permission?

Duty comes to the imperial capital?!】

Lin Dongyun was stunned. He was a little confused at first, and then he woke up. Is Xiao Hei possessed by the military star brain? It should be that he calls himself the Imperial Lieutenant!

Lin Dongyun's heart tightened and his mind was racing. When he saw Xiao Hei's eyes narrowed again, he immediately stood at attention and saluted and said: "Master Xing Nao, my subordinates destroyed the rebels and brought the entire planet back to the empire. However, due to the communication problem,

There is no barrier, so I came to the imperial capital in person to report the results of the battle!"

Originally, there were many passers-by pointing at Lin Dongyun because Xiaobai following behind him was too dazzling, but when Lin Dongyun suddenly projected the image on his watch, he stood at attention and saluted loudly and said the four words "Master Star Brain".

, those who know how to do it will just slip away.

And seeing that there is no one around Lin Dongyun within a hundred meters, it is obvious that these people who hang out in the imperial capital circle are all knowledgeable.

The corners of Xiao Hei's mouth became smoother, and his tone became calmer: [So that's what happened. Although your watch recorded your military exploits, it was unable to contact the mastermind of the Emerald Blue Star and could not make any comment on your military exploits.

Accurate assessment, so write down your military exploits for the time being.】

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say the real purpose of his visit this time.

Xiao Hei's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened, and he said in a cheerful tone: [This is the Star Brain of the Ministry of Rites, Lin Dongyun of the Tenth Household of Imperial Jinyi. It has been found that you are already at the third level of Extraordinary. You can apply for the title of knight. Are you ready to apply?


"Ah? You can apply here?" Lin Dongyun was shocked. He didn't need to go to the capital of the capital?

The Rites Star Brain probably encountered this kind of thing too often. He slightly bent his eyes and said with a smile: [Originally, you can apply on the Cuilan Star, but the information on the Cuilan Star is blocked. ]

Lin Dongyun thought about it for a moment, and realized that the people who had been promoted to the third level of Transcendence in the empire should be spread across all the planets in the thirteen regions.

It would be really time-consuming and laborious for them all to come to the Imperial Capital to apply, and it would not reflect the benefits of the interstellar era at all.

So he nodded hurriedly: "I want to apply!"

Rites Star Brain said: [Okay, your information has been updated. You are now an extraordinary noble - warrior class. Please continue to work hard to become a higher noble class. The specific details have been sent to your watch. ]

Seeing that Xing Nao from the Ministry of Rites was about to leave, Lin Dongyun became anxious: "Where is my fief?"

[Are you sure you want a fief? Nobles who own a fief are not allowed to leave the fief without an order.] Xing Nao from the Ministry of Rites came out with a puzzled expression on his face.

Lin Dongyun was stunned again. He was really ill-informed. Now the rules have changed? After a noble receives a title, can he not need a fief?

Seeing Lin Dongyun's confused look, Xing Nao of the Ministry of Rites explained: [Because many nobles have jointly protested against the law that "nobles are not allowed to leave their fiefdoms without orders", the court has revised the law. As long as nobles without fiefdoms are not subject to this law,

Restrictions, so do you still want to enclose the land?】

Lin Dongyun asked carefully: "Under what circumstances can I apply to leave the fiefdom?"

[Military orders, political orders, and applications to me will be decided by me as to whether they are approved or not.] Xing Nao, the Minister of Rites, squinted his eyes and smiled.

Lin Dongyun keenly felt that the Rites Star Brain was friendly to him, so he wanted to kill the snake and stick it with him, and asked for the reason why he would be allowed to do so.

But at this time, the Rites Star Brain suddenly became cold and said to himself: [Warrior Lin Dongyun, it is confirmed to receive the fief, and the fief has been selected...]

"Huh?" Lin Dongyun was stunned. He hadn't agreed yet. How could he have confirmed it? And he had started to choose a fief? He asked hurriedly: "Wait! Can I choose a fief by myself?"

Unfortunately, the Star Brain of the Ministry of Rites ignored him and said coldly: [The fiefdom has been determined.] Then a huge galaxy map appeared.

Lin Dongyun looked at the galaxy map where he saw thousands of star fields for the first time. He saw that the shape vaguely resembled diamonds, and he couldn't help being surprised: "Is this a panoramic view of the Qinglin Empire?"

Once I was sure that this was the panoramic view of the Qinglin Empire, I immediately saw that the 13 blue star fields scattered in various locations on the galaxy map, such as supporting this diamond-shaped star map, were obviously the thirteen administrative star fields of the current empire.

Then Lin Dongyun saw that in the galaxy map, a star field far away from any of the 13 administrative star fields suddenly lit up, and then the screen immediately switched to an unfamiliar star field map, with more than a dozen star systems appearing on it.

One of the central star systems emitted light, and the star map changed again. Several planets appeared, and one of them, which was at a moderate distance from the star, shone brightly.

The Rites Star Brain also said coldly at this time: [Lin Dongyun’s warrior fiefdom has been determined, located in: Lower 1365 star field, 15th star system, No. 1 planet. The seal information has been transmitted to Lin Dongyun’s watch. Please be aware that it will be announced on the 3rd

It will be closed if you go within the month.】

Lin Dongyun had been staring blankly. At this time, without thinking, he subconsciously asked: "Is the entire planet my fiefdom?"

At the same time, in the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites of the Imperial Capital, a light-year away, an official canceled the authority control over the Star Brain of the Ministry of Rites, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise I would have been so close that I wouldn't be able to do anything."

Completed the request from foreign friends.

Then he yelled angrily: "What is the cabinet doing?! It actually allows the nobles not to have fiefdoms! Without the nobles to open up wasteland, how long will it take for so many desolate star fields to be developed! I have to go to this court to impeach this violation

The unhealthy trend of ancestral rules!"

This chapter has been completed!
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