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Chapter 305, the benefits of the star girl's surrender

 Chapter 305, The benefits of Star Girl’s surrender

"Xiaolan, do you know how to get blue star coins and red star coins?" Lin Dongyun asked.

Xiaolan turned around, holding the yellow star coin in her mouth, shaking her head in confusion, and then turned back.

Lin Dongyun scratched his head and sighed: "This is a bit troublesome. Forget it, I guess Star Girl will know it automatically when the time comes."

Then Lin Dongyun smiled proudly and said: "I know there are benefits to controlling other star girls. This 60% of the stock star coins can be used freely, but it is a super benefit! More than 40 billion can be used directly without me paying any attention.

That’s a lot of white star coins! This is really a huge profit!”

"Master, the heads of government of those little blue stars are already crazy. They are afraid that you will cause destruction in this desert area. After all, the black clouds, thunder and lightning, and the sudden appearance and disappearance of huge sandstorms scared them.

, they are coming to see you now." Xiao Hei then jumped out and said.

"You don't need them to come over. They have a global political deliberation body, right? Where is it? I can just go there on a gunboat." Lin Dongyun said casually.

After taking two steps, he suddenly stopped and then felt a bump on his lower back. He turned around and saw that Xiaolan was retreating in a panic. Apparently she had been following him step by step.

He casually touched Xiao Lan's head, and then said to Xiao Hei: "Let those biochemical soldiers control the machines to lay the coagulant in this desert area, and then move all the spacecraft machines down. I want to build my base in this desert."


"This place is good. It's far away from the indigenous people and it's a vast desert area with no human habitation. It saves a lot of trouble." Xiao Hei first praised, and then said: "Master, don't worry, Xiao Hei will build it as a combat readiness base!"

Drawings for this kind of construction were often purchased during the procurement in the imperial capital. Thanks to Xiao Wu Ge, a nobleman who had once been a feudal lord, as a broker. Otherwise, if he were allowed to purchase equipment by himself, he would definitely find that many things were lacking.

Lin Dongyun nodded with satisfaction and took Xiaobai onto the gunboat. Of course, Xiaolan naturally followed Lin Dongyun and boarded the gunboat.

This shows that although she is dissatisfied with Lin Dongyun, she has surrendered to the system and may be more attached to Lin Dongyun than Cuilan.

Lin Dongyun didn't care about Xiao Lan who was following him. In his opinion, Star Girl only allowed him to have real control over the planet and harvest star coins. Generally speaking, he felt that it was not as good as the tasks given by the system, because then he would

will progress.

But who allowed him to set foot on this little blue star? Xiaolan didn’t give him a mission, but gave him hostility? And he allowed himself to make some showmanship, coercion and inducement, and actually surrendered directly, allowing himself to get tens of billions of white star coins.

Other gains.

Lin Dongyun didn't know what other functions Star Girl had, that is, when she was bored, she would touch Xiaolan's head and tease her, and at other times just let Xiaolan follow.

Lin Dongyun flew to meet with the government heads of Little Blue Star. Even though some of the leaders spoke very arrogantly before, when they really met the aliens, their momentum immediately weakened.

But Lin Dongyun is easy to talk to, and with Star Girl in hand, he doesn't really have many requirements for this planet. What's great is that he needs the manpower of this planet to help with things, but now it's just starting, I can't believe it, and Lin Dongyun doesn't mention it.

Therefore, after these government heads recognized Lin Dongyun's status as a lord and his ownership of the planet, Lin Dongyun was very generous and directly stated that he would not interfere with how they formed a unified government or the management of the planet.

Lin Dongyun only wanted the millions of square kilometers of desert, and of course, the area was extended directly to the seaside, turning this place into his own territory.

He also said that he would use coins to buy the supplies he needed. He also said that each leader would throw two White Star Coins at them.

The leader who got the White Star Coin was a little dazed at first. When Lin Dongyun said: "This is the unified currency of the known star countries in the entire universe. The White Star Coin is the lowest value star coin. Of course, each country has its own currency. If you compare it,

The difference between the gold of your planet and the paper currency of various countries.”

The heads of state immediately grasped the White Star Coin tightly. Is this the currency of the universe?! You need to study it carefully!

And this alien lord actually said that he would use star coins to buy supplies for this planet? How kind!

Of course, people are unpredictable, and sometimes they wonder, if this alien lord is so easy to talk to, can he get more benefits?

If you think about it again, is it so easy to talk? Is this star coin fake? It can't be made of some alien garbage material, and then use this method to harvest the wealth of this planet, right? Just use glass like our ancestors

Pearls are as good as gold from the natives!

Lin Dongyun was too lazy to pay attention to their random thoughts, and said very straightforwardly: "Most of the materials I brought this time are used to build my territory, but the current situation is that you all seem to be dissatisfied, so I don't want to

I will distribute the supplies to you for free. I will only use them in the desert area I designated, and if you want, just use star coins to buy them."

Of course, some people thought Lin Dongyun was easy to talk to, and they immediately started to defend themselves, saying, Lord, you should build on a large scale and use all those materials around the world, so that people around the world can recognize your status and identity, and then the planet will be your true


You are concentrating on developing that desert area, but you are artificially creating a gap. After all, understanding is the prerequisite for recognition, and so on.

Lin Dongyun is not really a young girl, how can he be understood by such words that only want benefits and do not want to take responsibility? He simply waved his hand: "No need to say anything, I only look at actions and performance, not your empty words.

Just talk nonsense. That's it." After saying that, he got on the gunboat and left.

The originally excited leaders immediately calmed down, playing with the white star coins in their hands and saying, "Have you noticed that the yellow jade ring that the little girl in ancient costume put in her mouth to suck looked very similar to this white star coin?"

"The White Star Coin is white, and the yellow jade ring should be the Yellow Star Coin. I just don't know what the exchange ratio between the Yellow Star Coin and the White Star Coin is."

"Didn't you notice? The little girl is sucking the yellow star coins. Does that mean the star coins can be eaten?" Someone put forward this speculation.

Among them, the head of country A put the White Star Coin in his mouth and started sucking it, while all the heads of state stared at him.

Then while sucking, the leader of country A suddenly said in surprise: "Strange, I feel much more energetic! Is this an illusion or does this star coin have a beneficial effect?"

"Everyone, please take one out and let scientists test it to see what it is made of and what effect it has. If this thing is really the unified currency of the universe, we can earn it to buy alien technology!" The leader of Country B was very happy.

He said it excitedly, because this is a process he is familiar with. Before the rise of country B, domestic assets were exchanged for the currency of country A, and then the currency was used to purchase advanced technology.

"Is the alien willing to let us buy it?" someone asked.

"He is going to sell his goods. We are not allowed to buy other people's goods. Can't we just buy his goods? When we become stronger, we will definitely be able to find other ways to buy." A leader said very proudly.

Powerful countries are very good at restricting trade.

"Now we should form a unified government first, and then concentrate on earning star coins from the alien, and then use the star coins to buy technology from him!" the leader of country B suggested.

The leaders immediately became noisy and began to quarrel again for unified government positions.

Xiao Hei kept recording their every move. Lin Dongyun couldn't help but sneer when he saw these contents: "You want to make money to buy technology? After they know the price of technology outside, I'm afraid they will be desperate."

Then he ignored it, returned to the desert area, and began to command the biological and chemical troops to build his own base.

This chapter has been completed!
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