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Chapter three hundred and thirty seventh, meet my sister

 Chapter 337, meeting my sister

"How do you say that?" Lin Dongyun asked doubtfully.

"You should first have a strong idea to conquer Cuilan, and then Cuilan has to feel this idea and make a decision to surrender. Only then can this surrender be achieved." Wade said.

"Is that so?" Lin Dongyun was stunned. He really didn't have a strong desire to conquer Cuilan before, he just said it casually.

But if you can conquer Cui Lan, then you can take Cui Lan everywhere, which is not bad.

So Lin Dongyun was naturally moved, stared at Cuilan and said: "Submit to me!"

Cuilan blinked her eyes, opened her mouth and exclaimed: "I really feel it!" Then she bowed awkwardly: "Cuilan surrenders to you."

At this time, the system naturally popped up to remind that Cuilan had surrendered to Lin Dongyun, and the entry for Cuilan Star was naturally followed by the suffix (submission).

"Eh?! I feel as if I have escaped from a shackles? As if I can leave the planet body all the way without any problem?" Naturally, Cuilan immediately noticed that she was different.

Wading Shui said with a sad face at this time: "I don't know how this master obtained this strange power. He really killed us star girls who have no masters. But if you meet one who has a master, it will be a disaster."

It’s a state of mortal enemy.”

"Hahaha." Lin Dongyun had no choice but to cover it up with a smile. He couldn't explain what the system actually was.

Cuilan was flashing excitedly everywhere on the spaceship, and the giggling bells were loud. Apparently she was happy that she would not be trapped on the Cuilan star and could wander around in the future.

Seeing Cuilan use teleportation, Lin Dongyun slapped his head: "By the way, I have entered the gravitational circle of Cuilan Star! I can use the star master's privileges!"

Since he left the Emerald Blue Star, he has not enjoyed the Star Lord privileges. Even after conquering Xiao Lan, because he did not have high control at that time and there were no useful Star Lord privileges, he had forgotten that he could do so on his home planet.

Enjoy the benefits of teleportation.

Thinking of this, Lin Dongyun was too lazy to take the spaceship and landed slowly. First, he turned around and pressed Xiaobai's waist, turned Xiaobai back into a capsule and put it away. Then he checked his watch to make sure it was turned off, and then said to the captain:

"You follow the original plan and land towards Guangwu City Hall Square. I will take the lead."

Then before anyone could react, he disappeared instantly.

Cui Lan groaned and muttered in displeasure: "Humph, you didn't wait for me!" After saying this, she did not disappear with her, but hugged him because Lin Dongyun suddenly disappeared, and when she reacted, she was already very anxious.

Xiaolan knew what to do, and then asked Wading Shui: "Are you going?"

"No need, I'll just stay on the spaceship." Wading Shui waved his hand indifferently, then transformed into a gorgeous seat, then transformed into a book, and started reading while half lying down comfortably.

Cuilan's eyes froze and she forced a smile: "That's up to you." Then she lowered her head and said to Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, let's go find the controller, okay?"

"Yeah!" Xiaolan, who was sucking the yellow star coin in her mouth, nodded immediately, and then the two of them disappeared instantly.

Wading Shui, who was reading the book, raised his eyes and muttered: "You are all 100% in control. Only I, who is 1% in control, will not cling to that adult."

Where did Lin Dongyun teleport to? Needless to say, of course it was his sister's side.

Lin Yanyun, who was busy working, suddenly felt something was wrong. She immediately raised her head to check and saw Lin Dongyun looking at her with a smile.

She was so frightened that she immediately covered her chest. After a while, she jumped up with a look of surprise on her face. She suddenly came to Lin Dongyun, grabbed his ear and shouted: "Okay, you'll be away for half a year! Are you going to scare me when you come back?"


"Oh, sister, I don't dare anymore, please spare me!" Lin Dongyun immediately begged for mercy.

The two siblings played around for a while, and the stranger they hadn't seen for half a year immediately disappeared. Lin Yanyun pulled Lin Dongyun to sit on the sofa next to her, and asked with concern: "Why did you go so long? Is it troublesome to apply for the nobility in the imperial capital?"

"It's not troublesome. I just arrived in the Imperial Capital and I was confirmed as a noble by Star Brain and was granted a planet as my territory." Lin Dongyun truthfully told what happened in the Imperial Capital and how he built his fiefdom.


"A planet as a fief? Isn't the empire's treatment too generous?!" Lin Yanyun was extremely pleasantly surprised. Anyone who knew that his own brother's fief was actually a planet would be sincerely excited as a direct family member.

Then Lin Yanyun showed off very proudly: "Dongyun, your sister and I are already at the first level of high level. If we work harder and advance to the third level, we can also get a planet as a fief."

"Congratulations, sister!" Lin Dongyun naturally said happily, but he heard that his sister was looking forward to the future scenario where she also became a noble and gained territory.

Lin Dongyun suppressed his smile and touched the back of his head in embarrassment. He didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Yanyun knew Lin Dongyun's condition as soon as he saw his appearance, and slapped him on the head directly: "Is there anything that is hard to say? Just say it!"

"Sister, if you want to advance to the third level of Transcendence and obtain noble status and receive rewards from the empire, I'm afraid you can't do it." Lin Dongyun said with embarrassment.

"Why do you say that? Has the empire changed the rules for canonizing nobles?" Lin Yanyun asked doubtfully.

"Um, sister, I was framed and stripped of all my identity by Star Brain. Now that I am a criminal, I don't even dare to turn on my watch." Lin Dongyun said and showed the closed watch.

"Yes, no wonder I didn't see Xiao Hei say hello to me." Lin Yanyun was stunned, then quickly turned off her watch, and then asked seriously: "What's going on?"

Naturally, Lin Dongyun immediately told the story of how he was wrongly accused on the water planet.

"You deserve to be killed! I dare to accuse you unjustly!" Lin Yanyun shouted angrily and slapped the armrest.

But she sighed helplessly: "Then what are you going to do next? You don't dare to turn on the watch, and you can't let the Cuilan Star network access your permissions, so how did you come back?"

"Sister, I..." Lin Dongyun had just said this when two figures appeared beside him.

When Cuilan saw Lin Yanyun looking at her in astonishment, she couldn't help but stick out her tongue and say hello: "Hello, Sister Yanyun." She turned aside.

Xiaolan, who came down from Cuilan's arms, first glanced at Lin Yanyun suspiciously, then happily jumped to Lin Dongyun's side, sat down next to Lin Dongyun, and then held the yellow star coin and started sucking on it.

"They..." Lin Yanyun looked at the two girls, one big and one small, dumbfounded. Of course she knew Cuilan, but not Xiaolan, but why did these two people suddenly come in? By the way, she didn't hear the door.

Open it, how did your brother sneak in?

This chapter has been completed!
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