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Chapter 349, the possibility of joining the Balari Empire?

Chapter 349: Possibility of joining the Ballari Empire?

Xiao Hei projected it directly, jumped around Lin Dongyun, and shouted excitedly: "Master! Master! Start the war! Capture other star systems! You have three fleets and three star girls. This desolate star field is not left to chance.

You are so powerful! When you occupy a hundred star fields, you can definitely go to war with the Qinglin Empire!"

Lin Dongyun ignored Xiao Hei, a militant maniac. Instead, he doubtfully said to his sister who also supported him in starting a war: "Sister, why are you so militant?"

"Dongyun, now you have reached the point where you will retreat if you don't advance. Now the empire is fighting for the new emperor and can't take care of your rebellious nature. When the empire calms down, believe it or not, you will immediately start to clear out those who caused trouble before.

People? This must include you!"

"So why don't you quickly take advantage of this great opportunity to strengthen yourself? Just hide in this little blue star for the rest of your life? No, you may hide for a few years at most, and the empire will definitely send a fleet to clear it out!"

"Don't think that you can use Star Girls to solve the empire's fleet. You don't think that an empire as big as Tangtang and that has existed for such a long time would have no Star Girls, right?" Lin Yanyun stared at Lin Dongyun and asked.

Lin Dongyun immediately shook his head, how could there be no Star Girl in the empire? Apart from anything else, the Star Girl in the Imperial Capital alone was so awesome. She was an existence who could give herself some favor points and exchange them for yellow star coins!

At least a star girl of level 4 or 5 or above!

Facing the Star Girl of the Imperial City, I'm afraid that Wading Shui, a third-level Star Girl, is just a handful. No, if the Star Girl of the Imperial City really appears, maybe Wading Shui will defect to her directly! After all, I don't have much control over the Star Girl of Wade.

Only 1%!

As for the remaining Xiaolan and Cuilan, Lin Dongyun sighed helplessly. These two star girls could probably only act arrogantly in front of the battleship. If they really encountered a hostile star girl, they would probably end up defeated.

So my sister is right, since she is a traitor to the empire and does not want to wait for the empire to stabilize and be liquidated, then she must take advantage of the great opportunity now to quickly expand her strength.

The number of Star Girls is the greatest strength in the world right now.

After thinking about it, Lin Dongyun was too lazy to do construction, and stood up directly and said: "Then let us occupy the Little Blue Star Territory in the shortest possible time!"

"Little Blue Star Territory?" Everyone was stunned.

"It's the star field where Little Blue Star is located. I'm not used to the numerical name of the Desolate Star Field, so I just changed it to Little Blue Star Field." Lin Dongyun said with a smile.

"Okay! You quickly pass the order to that Andres, and I will stay behind at Little Blue Star to help you control the rear." Lin Yanyun said happily.

"Sister, won't you come with me? I also want you to be in charge of a fleet." Lin Dongyun said.

"There is no need to go out in force for the time being. You bring a fleet there, then store a fleet in the star system, store another fleet on the little blue star, and leave one behind, Star Girl." Lin Yanyun said.

"I'll stay, I'm not interested in fighting or killing," Wading said lazily, raising his hand.

"Okay." Lin Dongyun nodded in approval when he looked at Cui Lan who was already pulling at the hem of his clothes and looking excited and eager to try.

A decision was made and the meeting ended.

Lin Dongyun first went to Andres to submit the order. I don’t know whether it was because of the need to collect star coins for the war or something else. Andres became very talkative, and some orders that were originally just put forward as a test, such as biochemical plants, etc., were originally placed.

Products that Dres would never sell were actually nodded in agreement this time.

However, there are also things that cannot be sold, such as learning cabins, battleships, and high-end knowledge. On the contrary, it is low-end knowledge, and Andres can't wait to give it away.

This made Lin Dongyun stunned, but Andres said bluntly: "Lord, you asked us in Ballari for low-level cultural knowledge, and we in Ballari are eager to give it to you for free, because this is tantamount to

Saying that you and your forces will lean towards us ideologically. And when your territory and the cultural ideology of its people are the same as ours in Ballari, you are actually the nobles of Ballari, how can we possibly


Lin Dongyun was stunned, something seemed wrong. Was this a direct change of Qinglin culture to Ballari culture? It’s just that he only had simple general cultural knowledge from kindergarten to high school in the Qinglin Empire, and he didn’t have any basic knowledge of various subjects.

That's why I want to gain the knowledge that Ballari can give.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Dongyun nodded and acknowledged the knowledge presented by Andres.

To be honest, the real Qinglin Empire people are just me and my sister. The native culture of the Little Blue Star natives has been destroyed by the Qinglin Empire's questions, and now it is destroyed by the culture of the Ballari Empire.

, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

Lin Dongyun tentatively proposed several more advanced technologies, machines, and knowledge, but Andres refused directly, and still said bluntly: "Lord, even within the Ballari Empire, some technologies, some machines,

Some knowledge has very strict restrictions on the dissemination of knowledge. You are not yet a noble of the Ballari Empire, so these things cannot be sold to you."

"Uh, Andres, why do you mean that I will become a noble of the Ballari Empire?" Lin Dongyun was a little confused.

"Haha, Lord, you know that our Ballari Empire is composed of countless nobles, and our empire is also very happy to accept new nobles to join. It does not mean that the nobles must be within the borders of our Ballari Empire.

Ballary nobles, there are many nobles from other countries who are members of the Ballary Empire." Andres explained with a smile.

Lin Dongyun was stunned, and he realized that his understanding of the Ballari Empire seemed to be wrong.

In Lin Dongyun's understanding, that is, the star field in the Ballari Empire is a country formed by nobles who independently control the planet in order to avoid invasion and bullying by foreign enemies.

Now after listening to Andres' explanation, it suddenly dawned on me that as long as you are willing to join the Ballari Empire, fulfill your noble obligations, and be accepted by the Ballari Empire Noble Council, you will be a member of the Ballari Empire.

The requirement for joining the Ballari Empire is that you must have a planet that gave birth to a Star Girl as a fiefdom noble. That is to say, you must have a Star Girl who obeys orders, and then the ideology of the planet and Ballari

Empire is similar.

This similarity means that the people on the planet recognize the aristocratic consciousness and understand the obligations and powers of the aristocracy. As for other systems, systems, doctrines, etc., it doesn't matter at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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