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Chapter thirty-eight, the magical guardian seal

Chapter 38, The magical guardian seal

Lin Dongyun's gesture of getting out of the car was clearly displayed to the eyes of more than 60,000 people in the square through the ubiquitous stereoscopic projections in the square.

Seeing this Shoshita Shou, who also wears a red-handled sword and wears the rank of major, is actually so young, or should be said to be young!

The more than 60,000 soldiers in the square, even if they were controlled by strict military discipline, would sway uncontrollably, causing the orderly formation to become a little loose.

It was just that Major Liu Junran glanced around indifferently, and the three-dimensional projection instantly changed to his majestic face, and the military formation of more than 60,000 people immediately returned to its previous rigor.

Lin Dongyun secretly smacked his tongue, what kind of prestige does this have? Just by showing his face, the loose military formation was instantly restored!

Enemy, super enemy!

With his heart muttering like this, Lin Dongyun still maintained a calm smile, holding his saber, and walked towards Liu Junran's military formation.

"Congratulations to Mr. Masashita Mamoru for assuming the post of the 347th Battalion!" A loud roar rang through the loudspeaker in the square.

Under the leadership of Major Liu Junran, everyone in the vast square stood together with their legs crossed, saluted, and shouted: "I have seen Mr. Senxiamori! Hello, sir!"

Those neat legs together, neat salutes, neat roars, the sound and momentum simply shocked the world.

An ordinary person would have been shocked to the point where his whole body would be numb and weak, and he would not be able to react for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Dongyun had been struggling in the systematic study of Civics for a long time, and had experienced too many killings and being killed. The shocking scene in front of him could not shock him much.

So Lin Dongyun smiled indifferently, raised his sword casually as a return gift, and said casually: "Hello, gentlemen."

Lin Dongyun's actions and voice were broadcast to more than 60,000 soldiers through projections and loudspeakers scattered throughout the square.

Seeing this indifferent and casual action and words, everyone was stunned.

No one thought that such a casual return gift was disrespectful to oneself.

In the empire, it is a standard etiquette for high-ranking people to return the favor with a calm gesture.

It has even formed that if a person in a high position does not return the gift calmly, but in a dignified manner, it is a sign that the person in a high position is guilty, a sign of being unqualified, or a sign that he is ready to let his subordinates die!

Therefore, in the hearts of these 60,000 soldiers, a group of dark people expect to see the new commander be frightened by the huge and solemn welcome ceremony from their side, and return the greeting solemnly, so that they can slander him afterwards.

The new commander guarded the place.

Unexpectedly, this 16-year-old Senshita Mamoru was not shocked at all by the grand scene. Instead, he kept the calm and calm reply that is unique to high-ranking people. This is really incredible!

How did you develop such a tough mind at such a young age and become so accustomed to big scenes?

Everyone had different thoughts, but they could only stand at attention obediently and watch the handover between the new Commander-in-Chief and the beloved Deputy Battalion Commander.

Liu Junran stepped forward majestically and saluted again: "Hello, sir! I am the deputy battalion officer - Liu Junran."

But this time Lin Dongyun had a serious face and responded with a standard salute: "Hello! I am Commander Lin Dongyun."

This scene was still projected into the air. When everyone saw this Mu, most people had no reaction. Some dark guys were secretly regretful. How could this guy know the rules so well? I also expected him to face the salute of the same major, and the same as before.

If you just return the favor casually, you can then slander him everywhere.

"Sir, this is the great seal of the guardian envoy of Zhangxiashou. Please accept it." Liu Junran waved his hand, and a captain came up with a fist-sized bag of tips on a tray.

Lin Dongyun was not polite. He opened his bag on the spot and took out a white jade seal the size of a baby's fist. He also deliberately showed the words on the seal to the camera.

Seeing this large seal, which seemed to be carved out of any piece of white jade and any machine, the more than 60,000 soldiers present became awe-struck.

Although this thing seems to be easy to make, it doesn't seem to be very valuable.

But this seal has been passed down for hundreds of years. All orders issued by the commander-in-chief regarding all military and political affairs, financial expenditures, personnel arrangements, etc. of Zhangxia Village and the 347th Battalion must be affixed with this seal before they are considered qualified.

legal validity.

There is no need to wonder why we are already in the interstellar age, how can we still create such a seal that was only needed in ancient times? Aren't you afraid of being stolen casually?

One is that this is a habit that has existed in the Qinglin Empire for thousands of years. All military and political officials have such a seal that represents their status. The orders issued must also have this seal to be complete.

Yes, in the past, every official had a seal, but later, only the chief military and political officials of a place had a seal.

Of course, the interstellar era has changed to watermarks, such as the department watermarks on Lin Dongyun's three identity certificates. But the real department seals still exist.

As for counterfeiting? Naturally, there will be ubiquitous monitors to detect it. If it is detected that the seal and content match the background archive, it will be ignored. If it is not detected, it will naturally call the police directly.

So it is very difficult to fake it, unless you can store the fake files in the system background. But you are so awesome, why are you still fake? It is easy to use the real ones directly.

To put it simply, various colored rope-wrapped weapons only represent a person’s status. Seals represent official positions, which may seem like a child’s play, but in the Qinglin Empire it is a very serious matter.

Lin Dongyun naturally couldn't tell the authenticity of the seal. Although he didn't believe that Liu Junran dared to use the fake seal to fool him, he was still prepared to let Xiao Hei confirm the authenticity of the seal.

Just as he was playing with the seal and thinking about how to inform Xiao Hei to check the authenticity at this time, he suddenly felt a heat seeping from the seal and spreading to his brain.

Then there was a muffled bang, and Lin Dongyun felt as if he was floating in the air, overlooking the entire Zhangxia Village.

From this bird's eye view, one can clearly feel that a military defense base was built on the outermost edge of Zhangxia Village, which seemed to be surrounded by something, showing a vague black shadow.

"Sir?" The captain holding the tray saw Lin Dongyun in a daze and shouted impatiently.

Lin Dongyun, who was awakened, instantly returned to his original state, looked at the Zhang Xia Shou Seal in his hand, smiled, quickly stuffed the seal back into the brocade pouch, and tied the brocade pouch on the other side of his waist.

It’s a waste to check the authenticity. Can a seal with such magical functions be fake?

But it’s really strange, the official seal can let the chief officer feel the entire jurisdiction? Why have I never heard of this kind of thing?

It stands to reason that this function has been promoted by the empire for a long time, because it represents a symbol of the empire's orthodoxy!

And what’s going on with that dark, twisted shadow?

There is a circle of defense facilities around that place. Could it be the place where the alien space appears?

Thinking in his mind, he continued to hand over to Liu Junran with a calm face.

This chapter has been completed!
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