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Chapter forty-two, the unspoken rules of guarding the envoy

Chapter 42, the unspoken rules of guarding the mission area

Lin Dongyun couldn't help it. Instead of asking these businessmen, he directly caught Major Liu Junran and asked: "Deputy Battalion Officer, what happened to those illegal businessmen? As foreign businessmen, how can they enter the garrison to do business?"

And they are still doing this kind of illegal business? And why can they discuss this in front of me openly?"

Liu Junran was surrounded by a group of lieutenants. Each of those lieutenants looked at Lin Dongyun indifferently, while Liu Junran took a sip of wine and said calmly: "Don't you know, sir? This kind of thing has been going on for a long time.

, I guess it started when the garrison district was first established.”

"As for why they dare to discuss this openly in front of you, it's because they are our food and clothing parents. We can maintain the district by taking a share of their business activities. For this reason, we have paid for our territory.

We will provide them with accommodation and send troops to help transport the goods." Liu Junran shrugged and said indifferently.

"What? Send troops to help them transport contraband?!" Lin Dongyun was stunned.

"Of course, since we want to share the profits from their business operations, we should naturally protect their business operations." Liu Junran said calmly.

"But this is illegal!" Lin Dongyun gritted his teeth and roared.

"Illegal? No, we didn't break the law, because the garrison area allowed foreign merchants like them to do these businesses in the garrison area hundreds of years ago." Speaking of this, Liu Junran nodded: "Well, there are many of us villagers who are

I earn my next salary by working for them.”

Seeing what Lin Dongyun wanted to say, Liu Junran, who seemed to be impatient, handed the wine glass to his subordinate, stepped forward, stared condescendingly into Lin Dongyun's eyes and said: "Sir, this has existed hundreds of years ago.

Do you want to break this rule?"

"Of course, you are the guardian and have the right to make changes, but this is a matter related to the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Zhangxia Village. You can do whatever you want." Liu Junran said, helped Lin Dongyun tidy up his collar, and turned around and left.

The officers naturally left in a crowd.

Lin Dongyun gritted his teeth and remained silent. The enemy was really a super enemy! It seemed like Liu Junran was guarding his position as deputy battalion officer before, but now he showed his dignity and immediately showed his true style as a first brother!

Compared with this kind of old fried dough sticks that have been around for decades, I am really young.

He turned to look at the group of foreign businessmen who were still chatting enthusiastically, and out of the corner of his eyes he caught sight of the two older sisters, Warrant Officers, who were very red. A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he felt bitter in his heart.

Sighing helplessly, he turned around and went back.

No way, since this rule has existed for hundreds of years and is related to the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire village, it is really better to turn a blind eye to the affairs of these extraordinary businessmen.

Unless you can solve the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people in the whole village, you must not let your own preferences eliminate these illegal businessmen.

As for whether the products of these illegal merchants are put into the empire? Do you even think about it? They will not go through all the trouble to transport them back to their own country, right? If so, why would they come so far and settle in the garrison?

Does the Empire not know these situations? Just kidding, how could it not be known? Since the Empire ignores the influx of illegal goods from these foreign merchants into the Empire, why does a small village-level guardian of his own have so many things to do?

Everyone saw Lin Dongyun going back to rest, and everyone laughed secretly. It seemed that this real show of force had deceived the new governor.

Unexpectedly, Lin Dongyun was just depressed for a moment and put the matter aside.

He is very self-aware. If something cannot be changed, even if it is not pleasing to the eye, he does not waste time to change it. It is better to do what he can.

So the next day, after Lin Dongyun had breakfast, he happily took his 10 orderlies, 12 military police, 36 personal guards, and 360 bodyguards, took out a group of ground vehicles, and started a grand tour of Zhangxia Village.

Inspection work.

No one paid attention to his behavior, and no one would stop him. One was because the authority was not qualified, and the other was that the patrol was the power of the guardian envoy.

However, after learning that Lin Dongyun was going directly to the warning area, most people didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, Liu Junran, the big boss, raised his eyebrows and was surprised for a moment, and then he also went out.

Seeing that his destination was also a warning area, the following officers and soldiers were stunned and remained silent.

The convoy arrived at the circle of defense bases. Lin Dongyun got out of the car and took a closer look, only to find that the appearance of this circle of defense bases looked very old, but it was really super solid.

It just looked like it was effective in ancient wars. It was a heavy battle fortress built entirely of steel and concrete. It was filled with all kinds of low-end weapons that were also found in ancient wars. After turning around, I couldn't find any modern weapons.

, Lin Dongyun scratched his head in confusion.

"My lord, are you wondering why the forts and weapons here are so backward?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Turning around, he saw Liu Junran, who was looking around with great interest.

"Yes, deputy battalion officer, as an old man guarding the mission area, you should have experienced war. Is there anything particular about the layout here?" Lin Dongyun asked for advice.

Liu Junran looked at Lin Dongyun thoughtfully, and then explained calmly: "The enemy only needs this kind of battle fort to resist, and only this kind of low-end weapon to kill. High-end facilities are a waste, and at the same time it's nothing."


"I see, is it just that the number of soldiers garrisoned here is a little less?" Lin Dongyun asked, touching a thick and long ammunition chain and looking at the soldiers standing respectfully at attention in the battle fort.

Liu Junran sighed: "There has been no war for more than ten years. I still strive to maintain the current alert strength."

Seeing this middle-aged soldier who suddenly looked forlorn, Lin Dongyun didn't know why, but suddenly felt that he should have a different view of this biggest enemy.

No matter how powerful he is in this garrison, or how he brings together the interests of his superiors and subordinates, just seeing that he has not fought in a war for more than ten years, but still maintains vigilance against other dimensions, we know that he is indeed worthy of the

This military uniform may be the reason why he, as a major, has always been a deputy battalion officer without being transferred?

Although Lin Dongyun was thinking this way, he also knew that this worried-looking major was actually his biggest enemy as the guardian.

However, we also know that in other aspects, the two are rivals, and when it comes to dealing with enemies in different spaces, the two must be teammates.

"Can we increase our defense efforts?" Lin Dongyun asked.

The reason for asking this question is because the Blessing System has given him a mission to destroy this alien space maker. With this mission, this alien space will definitely explode within a year, otherwise he will not be able to touch anything.

How to destroy the alien space maker by yourself.

The tasks given by the favor system are very organized and will not be impossible to complete. For example, the task that convinced 10 people was completed inexplicably.

Based on this comparison, I think that this mission of destroying the alien space maker will definitely create opportunities for myself.

Since we know that the alien space will erupt, of course we must increase our defense efforts. Now there are only a few soldiers stationed in this battle fort who are not energetic. Once the alien space breaks out, it is impossible to say that they will be blamed!

Liu Junran sighed and shook his head: "There is no way. The current scale is still achieved by selling my old face. After all, there has been no war for more than ten years. The older generation has retired and the newcomers have never met. It is so comfortable that everyone has forgotten it."

Lin Dongyun opened his mouth, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

There is really no way. There has been no war for more than ten years, and there is no strange movement in this place. Under such circumstances, if everyone is warned about this place, no one will believe it, and they are not willing to focus on this pointless place.

It can be seen from the fact that the soldiers stationed there are in low spirits and extremely lazy.

Sigh, I have a headache. I clearly know that this strange space will definitely erupt again within a period of time, but I have no evidence and cannot increase the defensive strength of this warning zone.

It's annoying. Both the nominal first brother and the real first brother are helpless about this matter. It's really annoying.

This chapter has been completed!
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