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Five hundred and twentieth seven chapters, small blue exit

 Hearing this, Lin Dongyun felt happy and said: "Send me the specific data."

As he spoke, Xiao Hei quickly gathered various resources from the Qingcheng Star Territory into a form and passed it to Lin Dongyun's mind.

Looking at dozens of materials, and during the browsing process, Lin Dongyun found that each material was very rich in content, so a smile appeared on his face.

Before this, he did not expect that the resources of the Qingcheng Star Region would be so rich. After all, his original intention was to unify the fleets in the Qingcheng Star Region, eliminate some hidden dangers as soon as possible, and win an encirclement and annihilation battle. Unexpectedly, he did not expect

Ah, these resources are a complete surprise.

"Chen Tao." Lin Dongyun then turned to look at Chen Tao.

"Yes!" Chen Tao responded immediately.

"With your current status, you should be able to fully control the Qingcheng Star Territory, right?" Lin Dongyun asked.

"No problem." Chen Tao replied truthfully.

"Okay, in this case, it would be best. After reorganizing the fleet under your command, immediately arrange transport ships to transport the transportable resources in the Qingcheng Star Region to Miyun Star." Lin Dongyun immediately ordered.

"Yes, sir." Chen Tao followed the order without any hesitation.

"As for those known mineral resources that have not yet been mined, immediately arrange manpower to mine them vigorously!" Lin Dongyun ordered again.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

At this time, Chen Tao no longer questioned some of Lin Dongyun's decisions.

At the same time, in the Star Sword Star Territory.

After Wu Ao led the Shannan fleet into the Star Sword Star Territory, he immediately swept away the few remaining warships in the Star Sword Star Territory with a tyrannical attitude.

Star Sword Star Territory, which had completely lost the power to resist, finally understood the current situation and chose to surrender.

Then, with almost no effort, Wu Ao directly let his brain take over the Star Sword Star Territory.

After collecting information on various resources in the Star Sword Star Region, transport ships were immediately arranged to transport various resources back to Miyun Star.

At the same time, those military research talents from the Star Sword Star Region were also transported back to Miyun Star.

These are what the Miyun Star military industrial base currently lacks, and this is also the purpose of Lin Dongyun's arrangement for Wu Ao to sweep the Star Sword Star Territory.

And just when Lin Dongyun and Wu Ao were searching for various resources in the Qingcheng Star Territory and the Star Sword Star Territory respectively.

Wading Star Territory ushered in a powerful fleet.

After experiencing successive failures, the Pisces Star Region, the Haoran Star Region, and the Mingyan Star Region finally used all their strength to form a super powerful combined fleet.

The number of conventional combat ships in the fleet alone exceeds 20,000, and there are countless types of star fighters.

With the frequency of the combined fleet's warships entering the Wading Star Territory, the twenty planet destroyer-annihilation battleships stationed on the Wading Star Territory also immediately attacked the combined fleets from the Pisces Star Territory, the Haoran Star Territory, and the Mingyan Star Territory.

The interception was launched.

However, the combined fleets of the Pisces Star Region, the Haoran Star Region, and the Hellfire Star Region are too powerful, and the twenty planet destroyer-annihilation battleships are no match at all.

Lin Dongyun, who was sweeping the Qingcheng star field, immediately contacted Wu Ao after learning about the situation on Wader, asking him to take the lead in leading the fleet back to Wader for support.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Dongyun asked Shen Fei to rush back to the Guiyang Star Territory.

As for Lin Dongyun, he stayed in the Qingcheng Star Region.

Although the combined fleets of the Pisces Star Region, Haoran Star Region and Mingyan Star Region are very strong, the fleets under Shen Fei and Wu Ao can easily cope with them.

As long as the twenty planet destroyer-annihilation battleships on the water planet can wait until Wu Ao's Shannan fleet arrives.

His eyes returned to Lin Dongyun.

While Chen Tao was reorganizing the Qingcheng Star Territory, Lin Dongyun was not idle either. Instead, he became familiar with the Qingcheng Star Territory again through Xiao Hei.

The more he learned about the Qingcheng Star Territory, the more Lin Dongyun discovered that the Qingcheng Star Territory was not simple. Although the strength of the fleet was not very good, the resources in the Qingcheng Star Territory were exceptionally rich.

"Is it related to the star girl in the Qingcheng Star Territory?" Lin Dongyun couldn't help but murmured after putting down the information. "If this is the case, then it seems that the Qingcheng Star Territory must be captured."

As he said this, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but think of Xiaolan and wondered what was going on over there now.

Xiaolan was really not used to being away for so long.

And since Xiao Lan is no longer with him, it becomes even more troublesome to find Star Girl.

At this moment, a joyful voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Master, I succeeded in breaking through."

The moment he heard this, Lin Dongyun immediately recognized that it was Xiaolan and quickly said: "Success?"

"Yes, Master, I have reached level three now." Xiao Lan said with a smile.

"Good, very good." Lin Dongyun said happily. He was at a loss for words for a moment, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

"Master, Xiao Lan misses you so much. Sister Yao Xin, Sister Wade and I are going to find you now." Xiao Lan is even more gearing up. After such a long period of seclusion, she finally broke through. During the bottleneck period, she could no longer control her restless heart.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in the Qingcheng Star Territory. I happen to need your help with something." Lin Dongyun said immediately.

However, without further ado, it didn't take long for Xiaolan, Yao Xin and Wading Star Girl to arrive at the Qingcheng Star Territory.

After seeing the three people, Lin Dongyun immediately put down the materials at hand, looked at Xiaolan, and said, "Did you feel anything after the breakthrough?"

"I feel much stronger. Even sister Yao Xin is no longer my opponent now." Xiaolan said with a smile, looking arrogant.

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun turned his head and glanced at Yao Xin, who nodded slightly.

However, before Lin Dongyun could speak again, the water star girl next to him took the lead and said: "Master, Xiaolan is not a fighting star girl, so after breaking through to the third level, although her strength has improved, she is not as good as Yao Xin.

The fighting star girls are still not good enough in comparison. If Yao Xin breaks through to the third level, her strength will definitely be greatly improved. Even five little blue sisters may not be able to match Yao Xin's sister."

Wading Star Girl's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Little Blue's head.

"Sister Wading Shui..." Xiaolan looked at Wading Star Girl coquettishly, as if she was a little embarrassed that Wading Star Girl was exposing her secrets in public at this moment.

The water-wading star girl shrugged and said nothing more.

Of course, Lin Dongyun also knew in his heart that fighting was not what Xiaolan was good at.

What makes Lin Dongyun curious is that since Xiaolan has made a breakthrough, will her ability to assist in training improve?

Although Lin Dongyun really wanted to give it a try, now is not the time.

"Xiaolan, after your breakthrough, has your ability to detect Star Girl improved?" Lin Dongyun then asked, throwing out the doubts he had long wanted to ask.

"It should be improved, I haven't tried it yet." Xiaolan said uncertainly.

"That's just right. Now you have a chance to try it." Lin Dongyun smiled, pursed his lips and said, "Now sense the location of Qingcheng Star Girl."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan nodded, and then immediately let go of his mind and sensed it.

"Found it." Soon, Xiao Lan opened her eyes and said happily.

"So fast?" Lin Dongyun said in surprise.

"Well, after breaking through to the third level, the ability to detect Star Girl has also improved a lot, so it is much faster than before, and the location of Qingcheng Star Girl is not far from us." Xiaolan nodded decisively.


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