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Chapter 56, Advent Fleet (Happy New Year!)

  Chapter 56, Advent Fleet

That's right, despite the fact that the guardian envoy is just like a warlord, he can do whatever he wants, but there must be ultimate means to limit him.

This method is that when all the officers with a rank lower than the guardian envoy grant authorization at the same time, the host in the garrison area can temporarily freeze the authority of the guardian envoy, making the guardian envoy temporarily a loner who cannot be ordered by anyone.

This kind of restriction method is necessary, otherwise the crazy guardian will really do whatever he wants and kill everyone in the entire garrison area! Those who said before that the guardian can kill whoever he wants like the emperor are just exaggerations.

Just a description.

"Hey, we only found out after using the ultimate method that the authority of our subordinates is far higher than that of the major. We, Major Liu, took the lead and we have so many captains, and the ultimate method we used did not reach the garrison area.

The host's approval, on the contrary, thought that we were guilty and blocked our permission directly." A helpless voice came from the other end of the communication.

The Tangqiao officers were all stunned when they heard this, and Ling Feng even shuddered. Damn it, the commander's authority is much higher than that of the major? What's going on?

You must know that even the Tangqiao Guards, and the captains like you join forces and use the ultimate method, they can also temporarily block the authority of the Tangqiao Guards!

Not to mention that there is a Major Liu in Zhangxia Village! Logically, the joint authority in Zhangxia Village is higher! But it turned out that Major Liu and a group of captains were unable to block the authority of Zhangxia Shou? This

It’s incredible!

“What about our agreement?!” the lieutenant couldn’t help but yelled.

"Well, I'm sorry about that. We are all in trouble now, and we can't fulfill our agreement. I hope our Majesty will not bombard you indiscriminately. He is from the second generation of powerful people, and his actions can really be called wanton.

Be careful." He said and the other end of the communication hung up.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look up at the suspended weapons in the sky, and their throats trembled subconsciously.

At this moment, this floating armed force has dispersed. A tank and two tanks are blocking the front, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed ferociously at the first merchant ship in the fleet.

 The other two tanks, together with 8 tanks, flew directly over the top of the fleet so low that they almost touched the flags on the top of the ships as they roared past.

 Come to the rear of the fleet, turn around and swing away, with the muzzle of the gun pointed at the ships at the rear of the fleet.

 As for the 50 class hovercrafts, they are like speedboats, patrolling back and forth over the entire fleet.

It can be said that in just a moment, the entire fleet, including thirty thousand Tangqiao soldiers, was blocked. All of a sudden, they were in a dangerous state of falling into the water and being killed at any time.

Ling Feng hesitated. At this moment, a series of communication sounds sounded, and the watches of the officers present showed that there was incoming communication.

Everyone was confused for a moment, but they answered the call one by one, and then their faces became ugly.

After hanging up the communication, everyone gathered, looking at this, looking at that, and finally the lieutenant spoke first: "Sir, it's the owner of the merchant ship in the fleet who called me. The one who called me has ten ships in the fleet.

He asked you if there is any way to solve this crisis, if there is no way..."

 “Well, it’s the same here...”

“I also called from the owner of the merchant ship, saying that the merchant ship must be preserved.”

“I’m not so polite here. I just said how much tax revenue he has contributed to us, and we have an obligation to protect their merchant ships from losses.”

Ling Feng sighed helplessly. The communication he received was also from the merchant ship owner, but the message was not so straightforward, but the meaning was the same.

 If we can solve the current crisis and continue to occupy Zhangxia Village, we will accept the loss of the merchant ships.

But if there is no way to solve the crisis and cannot capture Zhangxia Village, then don't struggle. The most important thing is to protect the safety of the merchant ships.

 In fact, it all means the same thing. When things cannot be done, the first priority is to ensure that the merchant ships are intact. For this purpose, surrender is just that.

Ling Feng was very bitter. Tangqiao Shou gave him orders, and if he didn't agree with them, he dared to reject them.

 But with so many merchant ship owners making requests to him, he really thought carefully before making a decision.

 It’s very simple. As mentioned before, most of the economic income of Tangqiao Township relies on shipping on this river! Otherwise, the people in Tangqiao Township would not be envious, jealous, and hateful of the Zhangxia Township downstream.

It is also for this reason that as soon as the decision was made to capture the Zhangxia garrison, so many merchant ships could be easily borrowed. Those ship owners, like the military, political, merchants and civilians in the Tangqiao garrison, were eager to take this big river as their own.

It can be said that the expedition was possible only because of the merchant ships lent by these ship owners! Without these merchant ships, how could 30,000 soldiers go to Zhangxia Village? Swim there?

At the same time, Ling Feng also understood that these ship owners and these merchant ships were the blood supply pipelines of Tangqiao Township. Without these merchant ships, the economy of Tangqiao Township would definitely collapse! Without any ambiguity!

 Should we take care of the interests of the shipowners, protect the integrity of these merchant ships and surrender directly?

 But my own ambition, my family’s ambition, I had paid so much, and it was just gone?!

Ling Feng was confused, and the officers present were also confused. They had all placed their chips on the table, and now that they had given up, all those chips would be gone! I dare not say that they would go bankrupt directly, but they would definitely plummet!

Just when he was hesitating, suddenly a large number of soldiers rushed onto the deck, aiming their weapons at the sky. Several non-commissioned officers even led people, as if they wanted to protect these officers and hide in the cabin.

Everyone looked up and saw that the eyeing tank was descending towards the deck of the merchant ship. No wonder these loyal soldiers ran out desperately.

 Ling Feng waved his hand: "Don't panic! Wait for orders!"

"Yes!" The soldiers responded immediately, but still aimed their guns at the descending tanks one by one. Although the weapons in their hands were as scratchy as the tanks, this just showed the bravery and perseverance of these soldiers.

 The officers present were quite proud of the momentum of their soldiers, and everyone was silently waiting to see what the men in the tank wanted to do.

 The rear compartment of the tank popped open, and a figure carrying a saber walked out carelessly.

The soldiers in the Tangqiao garrison subconsciously aimed their weapons directly at this figure.

Before Ling Feng could see the person clearly, his eyes were stung by the conspicuous red handle of the knife. Ling Feng immediately shouted in horror: "Put down the weapon! Put down the weapon!"

Tangqiao soldiers subconsciously thought it was the figure who ordered the tank to come out, and they also roared: "Put down the weapon!" The weapon he held was aimed even more tightly, as if he fired directly without obeying the order.

Ling Feng had veins popping out, pointing at his soldiers and roaring: "Asshole! I'm telling you to put down your weapons!" As he said this, he hurriedly reached for the gun on his waist, as if he wanted to kill his men.

  The soldiers were startled and could not react for a moment.

 The officers who had reacted, like Ling Feng, shouted in horror: "Put down your weapons quickly!" and even rushed over to punch and kick their own soldiers.

The soldiers hurriedly dropped their weapons. Only then did they have time to see clearly who the enemy was who got off the tank.

 He is a very young, or should be called young major, holding a red-handled sword in his hand!

 Red-handled sword? Major? Commander-in-Chief!

This answer instantly appeared in their minds, and the soldiers took a deep breath. The original resentment towards their superiors for indiscriminately slapping them immediately dissipated and was replaced by a deep sense of gratitude.

But this was not the time to express one's stance. They all huddled in the corner like quails, standing at attention and lowering their heads, not daring to move.

Ling Feng had already lined up with all the officers, standing at attention with their legs crossed and saluting: "I've seen Mr. Senxiashou! Hello, sir!"

This chapter has been completed!
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