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Chapter 645, Yu Wenming's concern

 Seeing Lin Dongyun's confident look, Ge Haoyun couldn't help but be startled, and said hesitantly: "You..."

"Haha, I have already said that the super nuclear weapons you installed on Lingyun Star have been dismantled by me." Lin Dongyun said with a smile.

Hearing this, a look of despair appeared in Ge Haoyun's eyes, and his whole face turned ashen for an instant.

"In this case, why are you keeping me? Please kill me quickly." Immediately, Ge Haoyun prayed to Lin Dongyun.

However, Lin Dongyun shook his head slightly and said: "Killing you is too easy for you. People like you should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

Ge Haoyun looked at Lin Dongyun in horror. At this moment, he just wanted to die quickly.

"Please, Lin Dongyun, please let me die happily."

Lin Dongyun looked at Ge Haoyun's appearance and did not respond to him. Instead, he asked: "Tell me what the starting device of the super nuclear weapon is and where you put it."

"If you promise to kill me, I will tell you!" Ge Haoyun said immediately.

"Are you negotiating terms with me like this?" Lin Dongyun asked with a cold expression.

"Don't dare." Ge Haoyun shook his head quickly.

"To say or not to say?" Lin Dongyun asked coldly.

After Ge Haoyun hesitated for a moment, he said: "The starting device is in my body and is connected to my heart. As long as my heartbeat stops, the device will start."

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but be surprised.

To be honest, this was his first time meeting someone like Ge Haoyun.

He even installed the starting devices of those super nuclear weapons on himself, and even connected them to his heart. It has to be said that Ge Haoyun is really a complete madman.

Immediately, Lin Dongyun directly raised his hand and landed a beam of energy on Ge Haoyun.

With a bang, Ge Haoyun's body disappeared into the room instantly.

After dealing with Ge Haoyun, Lin Dongyun returned to the battle command room.

Just when he was about to give the order to go to the Qingyun Star Territory, Xiao Hei's voice suddenly rang.

"Master, Yu Wenming sent a communication request."

Lin Dongyun nodded and said: "Connected."

As Lin Dongyun's voice fell, the communication was instantly connected, and Yu Wenming's figure also appeared in the behemoth battleship-Thunder Eagle.

"What's going on?" Lin Dongyun looked at Yu Wenming and asked first.

"Have you recovered the Lingyun Star Territory?" Yu Wenming asked.

"That's right, it has been recovered and I am preparing to hand over the authority of Zhinao to you." Lin Dongyun nodded.

"Don't worry, I have one more thing to ask you." Yu Wenming said.

"What are you asking?" Lin Dongyun asked curiously.

"Star Gate!" Yu Wenming said solemnly. "Is the thing between Beiling Star and Beimu Star the legendary Star Gate?"

"The legendary star gate? What does it mean?" Lin Dongyun asked in surprise.

Yu Wenming paused for a moment, and then said extremely seriously: "The Star Gate once appeared, but then disappeared inexplicably. Our Yuwen family has records about the Star Gate. The Star Gate is extremely precious. Even the eight major families in the Royal Alliance have

You dream of mastering the method of making a star gate. If you let them know that you own a star gate, I am afraid that the danger you will face will be ten times greater than now."

Hearing this, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but frown.

Although he knew that Star Gate must be more precious, he was still surprised after hearing what Yu Wenming said.

What he didn't expect was that the Star Gate would be equally precious in the eyes of the big families in the Royal Alliance.

If this is the case, once the Star Gate matter is exposed, the big families in the Royal Alliance will definitely come to find themselves one by one. They may even unite to deal with them.

"Yu Wenming, what you just said is true? Is Star Gate really that important to those big families?" Lin Dongyun couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, torture is an important matter, how can I talk nonsense." Yu Wenming said seriously. "Although the Star Gate only has the ability to teleport, it means that it can extend its power to anywhere."

"Just imagine, if a battle breaks out in the Guiyang Star Territory, and all your fleets are on the Qinglin Emperor Star, how long will it take to rush from the Qinglin Emperor Star to the Guiyang Star Territory? If there is no star gate, how long will it take to get from the Qinglin Empire to Guiyang?

When the star field support arrives, the battle will be over long ago." Yu Wenming continued. "But if there is always a star gate, the situation will be different."

"Having a star gate means that you can provide long-distance support at any time. Within the range of power radiation, you can always provide immediate support. This terrible mobility is the real role of the star gate."

"Furthermore, the star domain in the Royal Alliance is extremely vast, as large as two or three Qinglin Empires. Without a star gate, the strength is relatively scattered, but if there is a star gate, it will be different."

Listening to Yu Wenming's analysis, Lin Dongyun nodded.

Just like the previous battle on Qinglin Emperor Star.

Without the star gate, Shen Fei would not have been able to reach Qinglin Emperor Star with his fleet so quickly.

"What good idea do you have?" Lin Dongyun asked immediately.

Yu Wenming shook his head and said: "I don't have a good way. Now I can only try my best to ensure that the news of the Star Gate is not revealed. I will station an additional fleet near the Star Gate and arrange reconnaissance in the surrounding star fields."

The station can prevent enemies from attacking the star gate, and protect the star gate from being discovered by others."

Lin Dongyun nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. I will immediately give instructions to strengthen the fleet near the star gate."

"Okay, make sure nothing goes wrong." Yu Wenming warned.

Lin Dongyun looked at Yu Wenming's appearance and couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Why do I feel that you are more worried than me?"

Yu Wenming glared at Lin Dongyun angrily and said, "What I'm worried about is not mine. Anyway, if the news about the Star Gate is leaked, I won't be the one in trouble."

"Okay, I will hand over the Lingyun Star Territory matters to you after I have arranged the Star Gate matters. In addition, I have something else to discuss with you then," Lin Dongyun said.

Yu Wenming nodded, and then stood aside quietly waiting for Lin Dongyun.

Lin Dongyun immediately asked Xiao Hei to give the order to protect all existing star gates.

In addition, a satellite space station is launched in the star field near the star gate to monitor the situation in the star field near the star gate at all times.

There are currently six star gates that have been installed, namely the Guiyang Star Territory and the Kaiyun Star Territory, the Mingyan Star Territory and the Qingcheng Star Territory, as well as the Shanbei Star Territory and the Qinglin Emperor Star.

The star gate near Qinglin Emperor Star is slightly safer, and the star gate on Miyun Star is also relatively safe.

What needs special attention is the Qingcheng Star Territory and the Shanbei Star Territory, as well as the Mingyan Star Territory and the Kaiyun Star Territory.

This chapter has been completed!
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