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Chapter 69, Negotiation Results

  Chapter 69, Negotiation Results

The two of them landed in a courtyard-style restaurant courtyard in the central area while chatting.

 When the car door opened, one naturally saw Ouyang Bin and Ouyang Zheng, who were wearing red-handled swords and blue-handled knives, each with two of their men and a group of waiters, already waiting at the door of the restaurant.

Those waiters and restaurant managers were originally curious about who needed to be personally greeted by the mayor and police chief. When they saw two officers armed with red-handled knives coming out, they were frightened and immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

When Ouyang Bin and Ouyang Zheng saw Lin Dongyun walking down with his sword in his hand, they couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "So young!" At the same time, they were filled with emotion. They were the guardians of two villages at such a young age! Thinking about their own children, it was even more unbelievable.

Know what to say.

The mayor, Ouyang Bin, naturally stepped forward and laughed: "Welcome to visit, sir."

 “I’ve met the mayor!” Lin Dongyun stood at attention and saluted. Of course Ouyang Jun followed suit, but he just didn’t follow the shout.

Mayor Ouyang Bin also bowed his head slightly according to the hilt of his sword: "I have seen the guardian envoy." And the people he brought either bowed or saluted.

"Here, let me introduce you. This is the police chief of Hebin City, Ouyang Zheng, my brother." Ouyang Bin finished the ceremony and naturally smiled and introduced Ouyang Zheng to Lin Dongyun. As for the assistant secretary and the two policemen? Impossible.


 “I’ve seen you, Lord Guard!” Ouyang Zheng stood at attention and saluted again.

This time Lin Dongyun just smiled and raised his sword: "Hello." It was considered a return gift.

Ouyang Zheng was a little sour. He looked at the previous greetings from others and his brother, and then compared the current greetings with his own. But there was nothing he could do. The rules were like this. Who would let him wear a blue-handled sword?

Sensing that something was wrong with his brother's expression, Ouyang Bin immediately said warmly: "Haha, come on, let's go in. The specialty of this store is the roasted suckling pig. The skin is crispy and the meat is smooth. You must try it!"

“Oh, you have to have a good taste of it.” Lin Dongyun responded appropriately, and the group of people entered the restaurant with a bang.

 There were no other customers seen along the way. Lin Dongyun knew that this restaurant was booked, and he didn't take it seriously. The mayor was treating guests. This was standard, okay?

 Coming to the very spacious private dining room, there is a large round table. It is obviously a set meal this time. I had this feeling when I think about eating roast suckling pig.

But Lin Dongyun didn't care. These days, the empire only implements separate meals for some grand occasions and special scenes. Others use shared meals. One is convenient, and two are easier to talk to.

 Everyone sat down according to their status, and the maid who had been waiting for a long time immediately came forward to wait on them and clean up before the meal.

Then the pre-dinner dishes are served in an endless stream for you to watch more than for you to eat. After the decoration is completed, the real appetizers are served.

Although Lin Dongyun has never had this kind of meal, he is not timid at all, because there is no need to do it himself, and every little bit will be served by the maid who is always waiting.

Whichever dish you think is delicious, the maid will serve it again. In addition to opening your mouth to eat, you only have to look at the food with your eyes. The maid next to you will do the rest for you, so there is no possibility of embarrassment.

  Everyone had a light meal, but before the main course was served, it was said that the very high-end drinks had already been filled for everyone.

Ouyang Bin picked up his wine glass and stood up, clinking glasses with Lin Dongyun while saying a toast in a familiar manner.

Although Lin Dongyun doesn't know this, he knows the routine of lowering the wine glass, clinking it, drinking it in one sip, and then humbly responding. After all, there are many scenes of these dining etiquettes shown in movies and TV dramas.

Lin Dongyun and Ouyang Bin only returned the favor once, and all the guests, including Ouyang Zheng and Ouyang Jun, had already drank several drinks. What's more, they drank twice as much according to their level.

Lin Dongyun and Ouyang Bin drank two drinks each, Ouyang Zheng and Ouyang Jun drank four drinks, and the secretary drank six drinks!

This peculiar rule was secretly remembered by Lin Dongyun. It seems that this is a rule unique to official circles.

 The main dish was served, and everyone started eating it lively.

When it was almost time to eat, Ouyang Bin put down the tableware, took the hot towel and hot tea handed by the maid, and began to rinse his mouth, wipe his mouth, face, and hands.

 Looking at this pattern, I stopped eating and started to get into the theme of this meeting. Lin Dongyun naturally also took the hot towel from the maid and wiped it.

Sure enough, Ouyang Bin stood up and invited with a smile: "Brother Lin, let's go smoke a cigarette?"

“That’s what I meant.” Lin Dongyun smiled and stood up to follow.

At this time, only Ouyang Zheng and Ouyang Jun followed. As for the secretary, assistant and two policemen, they could only stand up and send the four of them off with respectful eyes.

 Coming to the special smoking room, a box of cigars has been laid out, and several cigars and a set of tools are placed in front of their respective places.

Ouyang Bin and Lin Dongyun sat down next to each other. Ouyang Bin began to give instructions on how to distinguish cigars and how to smoke cigars. However, Ouyang Jun and Ouyang Zheng sat far away and had already started puffing away smoke.

Lin Dongyun learned to swallow a mouthful, feeling nothing, but he was still sucking and spitting it out with interest, waiting for Ouyang Bin to speak.

“Brother Lin, I heard that you intend to develop the Xicang Mine?” Ouyang Bin finally came to the topic.

"Yes, our empire doesn't have the ability to mine that mine anyway. Keeping it will attract a lot of attention. It's better to develop it while I'm in office and get some pocket money." Lin Dongyun said casually.

“I wonder what your psychological value is, little brother?” Ouyang Bin asked with twinkling eyes. The two uncles and nephews who were hiding from smoking naturally pricked up their ears.

Lin Dongyun pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "If I entrust you to help me, brother, how much can I get?"

Isn't that why there are so many layouts in one night? Ouyang Bin immediately smiled happily and said: "Little brother, I won't hide it from you. At first, I was planning to take over this mine and then sell it. Since

Little brother, you are so heroic, so I can’t let you go wrong.”

 Speaking of this, he raised two fingers and said with a heroic look: "You can get at least 2,000 white star coins! It's not enough for me to make up for it!"

Lin Dongyun's heart skipped a beat. This was the second time he heard about "star coins". The first time was the "blue star coins" in the system mall.

 In the system mall, 1 favor point can be exchanged for 1 blue star coin. Although I don’t know how much this blue star coin is worth, the favor points are super valuable! For Lin Dongyun, no matter how much money is, it is not as useful as the favor points!

However, Lin Dongyun also understood from this title that this so-called star coin should be a special currency in the world and only exists in large transactions.

At the same time, this star coin is actually divided into white and blue, which should be divided into the same color as the imperial saber. There are several colors of currency on blue!

 And now the extremely expensive Xicang Mine, if Ouyang Bin sells it as a second-hand dealer, can he get 2,000 White Star Coins for himself?

 Is the value too high or too low?

Looking at the two uncles and nephews opposite, Ouyang Jun opened his mouth in shock, and Ouyang Zheng had a look of pain on his face. It was obvious that this was too much.

Of course, even if this is too much, Ouyang Bin will definitely make money as a second-hand merchant. There is a difference between making more and making less.

 So Lin Dongyun nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, brother Ouyang is so generous, and I admire him!"

 “Haha, let’s make friends!” Ouyang Bin’s worried heart finally stabilized and he laughed naturally.

“But brother, I still need to get to know a powerful merchant, preferably an arms merchant. I want to purchase some weapons.” Lin Dongyun said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. Ouyang Jun interjected with a shocked face: "Isn't it right? Guard envoy, have you tasted the sweetness and are you ready to attack other guard areas?"

This chapter has been completed!
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