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Chapter 7. New functions of the system

Chapter 7, new functions of the system

When the subway entered the station, Lin Dongyun walked into the carriage. He was the only one in the entire carriage, but the two carriages before and after him were crowded with people.

Lin Dongyun didn't care anymore. He just found a chair by the door and sat down. He took off the sword from his waist, leaned on the handle and closed his eyes.

Focus your attention, and the Blessing System page appears again:

[The favored one: Lin Dongyun]

【Bone age:16】

[Strength: 1.5(0%)]

[Care Points: 10] [Mall]

[The degree of favor from Emerald Blue Star: one in ten million]

[Mission: Control 10 loyal subordinates within a limited time (100 days remaining) (0/10); Mission accomplished: Reward 10 favor points, favorability increased; Mission failure: favorability reduced, bad luck possessed by 100


Focusing on the [mall], the page flashed instantly and the content changed:

[Available favor points: 10 points]

[Full set of basic training techniques for warriors, 30 favor points]

[Basic knife skills, 10 blessing points]

With his eyes closed, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but tremble at the corners of his eyes. He was also expecting some weird products to appear in this [mall], but it turned out that there were just two products.

[Full Set of Basic Training Techniques for Warriors] The name sounds good, and it is very suitable for someone like me who has just stepped into the first level of extraordinary strength, but with 30 favor points, doesn’t it mean that I have to complete two more tasks before I can buy it?

[Basic Sword Technique] The name seems very ordinary, but it only requires 10 favor points, and you can buy it now.

It’s just that this is the interstellar age! The swords of civilian officials and the swords of military officers are just status symbols! Are they like the gangsters in the club in the housing estate, learning sword skills and then fighting for the club to get ahead?

He is an officer! He is also a warlord who controls a place! Learn sword skills...

Huh? It seems good. At least you don’t have to charge into battle. You can definitely hold a knife longer than a gun.

Thinking of this, Lin Dongyun did not hesitate. Anyway, he couldn't wait to see what special new functions the favor system had. It was just a pity that there were no products such as [Mecha Driving] and [Firearm Usage] to buy.

With a thought, the brightness of the [Basic Sword Technique] in the mall dimmed, and the favoring point returned to zero.

Immediately afterwards, the air around his body suddenly became tight. Lin Dongyun only subconsciously thought: "Here he comes!" and his mind went black.


While Lin Dongyun was sitting there with his eyes closed, people on both sides of the carriage could finally unscrupulously take out their mobile phones or hold up their watches and take secret photos. No one commented aloud, they just chatted crazily on the Internet through chat tools.

At this moment, someone was forcefully pushed out of the way, and he couldn't help but want to scream, but when he saw that the person who pushed him away had a fierce look on his face, and there were four or five people in a group, they all shivered and hid aside.

When they saw these men actually stepping into the empty carriage, the passers-by were all shocked.

When they saw the same indifferent expression in the opposite carriage, a similar number of men also stepped into that carriage, and eight or nine people surrounded the big man with the red-handled sword.

The bodies of all the passers-by started to tremble. When an idiot saw this scene, they would not think that these nine big men were the bodyguards of the big man with the red-handled sword!

Some people excitedly held up their mobile phones and watches to take pictures, some turned pale and backed away, but still no one said a word, everyone was shocked by this audacious thing!


Lin Dongyun's eyes lit up. He was in a wilderness. Before he could take a closer look at his surroundings, a warrior dressed as an ancient man came over with a howl and a machete raised high.

Lin Dongyun subconsciously flashed his figure and kicked the ancient warrior several meters away.

Only then did he see an orange, extremely conspicuous knife path dissipating in the sky.

When the ancient warrior got up again, he held his machete high and roared towards him again. The conspicuous orange path of the knife appeared again in the void. Lin Dongyun was a little surprised: "Is this a trick line? Let me swing the knife along this orange path of the knife? This is it.

Learning basic knife skills?”

"Hehe, interesting!" Lin Dongyun smiled and took out the saber he had been holding in his hand, and slashed along the path of the knife.

Lin Dongyun's strength doubled, and his level 1 extraordinary abilities, mental strength, and physical coordination all increased dramatically. Naturally, he could swing the sword exactly according to the orange sword path, and easily hit the costumed warrior with one strike.

However, the result did not surprise Lin Dongyun. Instead, he was so frightened that he stepped back repeatedly. He looked at the ancient costume warrior who screamed and fell to the ground with blood spurting from his neck, and then looked down at the bloody saber in his hand, and his whole body trembled.

No way, don't forget that Lin Dongyun has been exercising desperately since he was a child in order to complete the task.

But because of his young age and the environment he was in, he could only do physical exercise and knowledge learning. He had never done anything like this kind of fighting!

It can even be said that it was because the family was so poor that they could not even buy a live chicken and kill it!

It can be said that I have never killed a living being with my own hands!

So the scene in front of me is really horrifying!

The half-cut neck, the miserable screams, the spurting blood, everything is so horrifying!

Lin Dongyun, who had never seen it before, was so frightened that he didn't know what to do.

That is to say, although his strength has reached the first level of extraordinary, his character and knowledge are still just an ordinary 16-year-old boy.

Just as they were panicking, several orange sword paths appeared again in the void, and two warriors in ancient costumes appeared out of thin air, holding weapons and attacking them ferociously.

Lin Dongyun just reflexively raised his knife and stabbed a warrior in ancient costume, and then severely chopped off the head of another warrior in costume.

The level 1 extraordinary strength didn't even have time to be used.

"It hurts, am I going to die now?" Lin Dongyun had only one thought in his mind, and then fell into darkness.

When the light appeared in front of me again, I was shocked to find that I was still in the wilderness. This time, two warriors in ancient costumes came up to kill them without saying a word. Several orange knife paths in the void were so conspicuous.

Lin Dongyun didn't even think about it, he yelled and hurriedly swung his sword to kill the two costumed warriors.

The residual limbs were spurting blood, which still made him extremely uncomfortable.

Breathing heavily, he couldn't care less about using his sword technique according to the orange sword path emerging from the void.

"That's right! I'm learning basic sword skills! I won't really die! These are all fake!" Lin Dongyun comforted himself repeatedly.

Before his mind could stabilize, four warriors in ancient costumes suddenly appeared and were already surrounding him to kill him. There were even more orange knife paths emerging in the void.

Lin Dongyun, who was in a hurry, still relied on his level 1 extraordinary strength to forcibly kill these four warriors in ancient costumes. The path of the sword? It's not enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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