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Eight hundred and seventh chapter, the task is completed

 The head of the Fang family has been killed, and Zhong Jiannan, who came to support the Zhong family, has also left.

Everyone in the Fang family looked at this scene and all lost the motivation to continue fighting.

And after Lin Dongyun joined the battle, the situation of the battle changed drastically in an instant, and everyone in the Fang family was completely at a disadvantage.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Dongyun did not kill anyone, but only injured some family members, making them lose their ability to continue fighting.

If everyone in the Fang family was willing to surrender, he wouldn't mind subduing the remaining Fang family warriors.

Although he has conquered many warriors from the Qi family and the Lian family, if the remaining warriors from the Fang family surrender, the overall strength of his warriors can be further improved.

Soon after, the battle came to an end.

Lin Dongyun looked at the remaining Fang family warriors and said calmly: "Now you can choose to surrender to me. If you are willing, not only can you continue to live, but you can also get a star coin reward!"

Hearing this, the warriors of the Fang family did not respond to Lin Dongyun's words for a while. Instead, they looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing how to decide.

Although they are now prisoners, they are still the Fang family. As Lin Dongyun is their enemy, it is obviously impossible for them to surrender so easily.

Lin Dongyun looked at the performance of Qianfang's family, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "I know some of you have a grudge against me, but that's how war is, the winner is king. If you can survive, you can only


While speaking, Lin Dongyun thought about it, took out some yellow star coins and three-color star coins from the system, and then continued: "Warriors below the peak of the fifth level of extraordinary extraordinary can get a large number of yellow star coins, and those who are at the peak of the fifth level of extraordinary extraordinary

The above warriors can get three-color star coins!"

"The conditions have been laid out, it's up to you to decide what to do with the rest."

"If you are willing to surrender, stand on the left side now. If you really don't want to surrender, I won't force you."

After speaking, Lin Dongyun quietly looked at the group of warriors outside the Fang family's main hall and did not continue to say anything.

Time passed by, and finally someone in the Fang family warrior camp took the lead in making a choice.

Watching the first warrior walking towards the open space on the left, Lin Dongyun also had a smile on his face.

After that warrior made his decision, the other warriors of the Fang family also made their choices.

Faced with the temptation of survival and star coins, obviously few people chose to die, but there were still some stubborn warriors who did not choose to surrender.

Lin Dongyun's eyes swept over the few Fang family warriors who had not surrendered. With a thought in his mind, he raised his hand and launched an attack.

The surging energy instantly enveloped those warriors.


As the energy exploded, the figures of the Fang family warriors also disappeared into the courtyard.

Immediately, Lin Dongyun looked at the Fang family warriors who chose to surrender again, and said calmly: "I don't care what your status was before. From now on, you will have nothing to do with the Fang family."

"The star field below the Fang family will also be taken over by the Lian family and the Qi family in the future. As for you, you will obey the orders of the current head of the Qi family and the head of the Lian family."

"And after recovering from the injury, cooperate with the Lian family and Qi family to complete the control of the other party's Fang family's star field!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Dongyun glanced at the elders of the Qi family and Lian Tianhe behind him, and said: "The rest is left to you. After distributing star coins to them, let them recover from their injuries immediately, and then contact the current leaders of your respective families.

Head of the family, complete the follow-up matters."

"Yes, Master!" the Qi family elder and Lian Tianhe said at the same time.

Although they no longer manage the affairs of their respective families, as members of the Qi family and Lian family, they have not completely separated from the family.

Therefore, they are naturally very willing to expand their family.

After accounting for the elders of the Qi family and Lian Tianhe, Lin Dongyun did not stay in the Fang family for a long time, but returned directly to the Xuanfei Star Territory.

The residence of Xuanfei Star Territory.

As soon as Lin Dongyun entered the room, he immediately turned on the system.

Immediately afterwards, a text appeared in front of Lin Dongyun.

[The mission is accomplished, focus on this text and receive the reward.]

Seeing this, Lin Dongyun suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Finally completed the task again.

Afterwards, Lin Dongyun immediately focused his attention on that line of text.

[Reward 300 million favor points, refresh stars in the system mall, and increase the favor degree of the Qinglin Emperor Star.]

[Reward Thunder Starfighter Manufacturing Diagram.]

As the system beep sounded, a manufacturing diagram instantly appeared in Lin Dongyun's mind.

Immediately, without thinking, Lin Dongyun directly called up the manufacturing diagram of the Thunder Starfighter and looked at it carefully.

Looking at the various parameter data of the Thunder Star Fighter, Lin Dongyun became more and more excited.

Originally, he thought the Y-3 starfighter was powerful enough, but he didn't expect the Thunder starfighter's data to be even more terrifying.

It can be said that the Thunder Starfighter is a level higher than the Y-3 Starfighter.

Judging from the data alone, the Thunder starfighter far exceeds the Y-3 starfighter in terms of speed and combat capability.

"Xiao Hei, immediately transfer the manufacturing drawings of the Thunder Star Fighter to the military industrial base in the Xuanling Star Territory, and ask Liang Fei to quickly study the manufacturing drawings of the Thunder Star Fighter and put it into production as quickly as possible." Lin Dongyun Chao Smart Watch


Hearing this, Xiao Hei also immediately read the data on the manufacturing diagram of the Thunder Star Fighter, and then directly sent it to the military industrial base in the Xuanling Star Territory.

After putting away the manufacturing diagram of the Thunder Star Fighter, Lin Dongyun thought and opened the system again.

[Blessed One: Lin Dongyun]

【Bone age:19】

[Strength: 61 (10%)]

【Care point:349431200】

[Favor of Qinglin Emperor Star: 48%]


【Star Lord】

Looking at his own data in the system, Lin Dongyun once again showed a smile on his face.

In addition to the 300 million favor points rewarded by this mission, what makes Lin Dongyun even more happy is undoubtedly the favor points of the Qinglin Emperor Star.

Lin Dongyun also didn't expect that after completing the task, the favor of Qinglin Emperor Star would be increased by 9%.

Nine percent of Qinglin Emperor's Star Favor means that his control over Qinglin Emperor's Star Girl has increased by nine percent. As a result, the Qinglin Emperor's Star Girl's star coin reserves that he can use have also increased by one hundred.

Nine out of ten.

Judging from the huge star coin reserves of Qinglin Emperor Xingxingnu, nine percent is an extremely huge number.

This chapter has been completed!
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