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Chapter 83. Special Envoy of the Governor

 Chapter 83, Governor’s Special Envoy

While he was thinking about it, Xiao Hei suddenly stared and shouted: "Master! The host sent a communication. The governor's envoy will arrive at the military camp square around 14:30. Please be prepared to welcome him!"

"Ah? The Governor's special envoy?!" Lin Dongyun was shocked, and the two warrant officers' elder sisters opened their eyes wide.

"Master, don't waste time, quickly inform the whole army of the news!" Xiao Hei reminded.

"Yes, inform the entire army of the news! And especially inform the office and logistics department to be ready for reception!" Lin Dongyun immediately ordered.

In an instant, a small black ball popped up on the watch of the two warrant officers. Apparently, this information was spread to the entire army in no time.

"Xiao Hei, isn't this Governor's special envoy here for that metal ball?" Lin Dongyun asked.

"Of course, there is also a reward for you." Xiao Hei said jumping.

"It's not strange to come here for the metal ball. What's strange is that it brought my reward along the way, giving people the feeling that the governor's envoy came specifically to reward me. Arriving at 14:30? Arriving in more than an hour?

Where did they come from?" Lin Dongyun said curiously.

"Of course the Governor's envoy came from the Governor's Mansion, they haven't taken off yet." Xiao Hei responded.

"The Governor's Mansion?! It hasn't taken off yet?! The straight-line distance between the Governor's Mansion and us is tens of thousands of kilometers, right?! It takes more than an hour to arrive?!" Lin Dongyun was stunned.

"They are using an in-planet express boat. It takes more than an hour. This advance notice allows us to prepare for the arrival. They can fly over in thirty minutes." Xiao Hei said disapprovingly.

Lin Dongyun smacked his lips and didn't know what to say. He began to imagine what a speedboat that traveled ten thousand kilometers in thirty minutes would look like.

Time was a little tight. Lin Dongyun quickly freshened up, changed into a major's military uniform, without a sword, and took his guards to the large square where he was first welcomed to take up his post.

At this moment, the queue in the square has been completed, tens of thousands of people have gathered here, and everyone looks at the sky with tense and curious expressions from time to time.

Apparently Lin Dongyun issued an order to the entire army, letting them know that a special envoy from the Governor was about to arrive, so the whole army looked so nervous.

When I saw Liu Junran and other officers, all wearing brand-new military uniforms, reflective leather shoes, red faces, hair combed meticulously, waxed sabers on their waists, standing in line with their heads held high, I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Looking at the two warrant officer sisters next to me, they were equally exquisitely dressed, and even seemed to have some light makeup on. I couldn't help but blink my eyes, and I couldn't think about it.

I couldn't find anyone to ask some questions, so I had to secretly ask Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, do you think they are exaggerating for such a big battle?"

Xiao Hei rolled his eyes: "Master, just think about it, you who control so many people are only a major, while the governor's envoys are at the lowest rank a major general. Once you understand the difference, can you understand why they are so big?"

A battle?"

"Uh, that's it." Lin Dongyun shut up.

Although he was not in such a state of panic when high-ranking officials arrived, he could still understand that his subordinates were waging such a big battle for Mao.

That's what Xiao Hei said. As a major, when he performs his duties, these people must wait for him respectfully. Now that major generals who are countless times more powerful than him are coming, if everyone doesn't show the most majestic and respectful attitude to greet him, wouldn't it be courting death?


When he thought about the authority, and thought that he might be like an ant in the eyes of the special envoy, Lin Dongyun couldn't help but feel nervous. He quickly arranged his military uniform and fiddled with the two official seal pouches on his waist. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any extra red-handled swords.

Wear it, then stand at attention with your head raised and chest raised.

Everyone stood quietly for a while, and suddenly there was a muffled roar like thunder in the sky, and then they saw the clouds in the sky seemed to be bombarded by something. First, a thin line streaked through the clouds, and then the tail end expanded rapidly and spread out.


Then, a strong wind seemed to appear, blowing away all the clouds at once, leaving the entire sky cloudless.

And in this empty sky, a white triangular aircraft began to land rapidly from high altitude.

Everyone's hearts trembled, here they come!

Everyone immediately raised their heads and stood at attention, their eyes following the spaceship.

Getting closer, everyone can see the Guangwu Army logo spray-painted on the bottom and wings of the spacecraft.

This spaceship is not that big, about thirty meters wide, twenty meters wide, six meters long and six meters high.

"This is the interstellar speedboat? It looks weird, like an arrow. It doesn't look like it can fly tens of thousands of kilometers in thirty minutes." Lin Dongyun muttered in his mind.

The spaceship landed directly in the center of the square that everyone had specially vacated. As soon as the spacecraft stopped, the reception staff who had been prepared for it immediately drove a special red carpet layout car forward, aimed at the hatch, and quickly laid out a strip of tens of meters.

Long red carpet.

Then two teams of tall and handsome soldiers, holding ceremonial guns, immediately ran forward, positioned themselves, drew distance, aimed, put down the guns, clicked a few times, and lined up on both sides of the red carpet.

Naturally, Lin Dongyun led Liu Junran and other captains quickly across the red carpet and stood in line outside the cabin door waiting.

At this time, the two warrant officers could only wait on the outside of the red carpet with other escorts and other lieutenants.

It is estimated that everyone is well aware of this welcome rule and has a tacit understanding. Once Lin Dongyun stood up, the cabin door popped open with a sneer, and a wide staircase landed accurately at the head of the red carpet.

First, several officers with the rank of lieutenant and armed with knives quickly came out and stood in sections on both sides of the stairs.

This scene alone shocked everyone present, because all these officers standing on the stairs were officers with the rank of captain!

The projection above the square showed this scene. The tens of thousands of soldiers present were all solemn and did not dare to move.

Majors Lin Dongyun and Liu Junran were still a little comfortable, but the captains behind them had already begun to assume military postures.

After the officer who came out of the spacecraft stood on the steps, a middle-aged soldier with a smile on his face walked out of the hatch.

When they saw the orange-hilted saber tied around the middle-aged soldier's waist and the lieutenant general rank mark on his shoulder, everyone was shocked. Lin Dongyun, at Xiao Hei's reminder, immediately stood at attention and saluted and shouted:

"I've met the General! Hello, sir!"

Then the other officers stood at attention, saluted, and shouted.

The lieutenant general smiled and returned a military salute calmly: "Hello, gentlemen." Then he stepped down the stairs, and a dozen colonels and lieutenant colonels with red-hilted sabers naturally poured out from the other side of the hatch.

Major, several of them were carrying a small box in their hands.

Seeing this scene, it can be said that except for the two majors Lin Dongyun and Liu Junran, everyone else couldn't help but groan in their hearts: "Oh my god, even the lowest rank of the guard is captain, and they are all officers!"

This chapter has been completed!
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