Chapter 189 Investigating the Pill Palace

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The four people came to the entrance of the Alchemy Palace. The door was open. It was obvious that Li Feng had broken in. Wu Kaiwen began to hesitate. When Hao Yun saw this, he asked: "What's going on with Captain Wu? Why don't you go in?"

"When I got here, I couldn't sense Li Feng's spiritual power. I felt that Li Feng suddenly disappeared after he arrived at the door." Wu Kaiwen's originally handsome face turned into a bitter melon look.

Hao Yun came to the gate and poked inside, and found that the gate did not correspond to the main hall, but a wall separated the road into left and right parts. In other words, if there was no way to determine where Li Feng was going, everyone would need to divide their forces into two parts.

On the way. This is also a headache for Wu Kaiwen. In an unknown place, if everyone divides their troops, it may bring a lot of variables. What's more, there are many secrets in this Dan Palace. Wu Kaiwen is also worried that after the troops are divided, some secrets will be revealed by Hao Yun or

The Dong brothers know.

The Alchemy Palace is a huge building. On the way here, the four of them had already scanned the building with their spiritual senses. Apart from the main entrance, there was no other entrance or exit. Wu Kaiwen thought about it and ordered: "Minister Dong, you two will guard the building."

At the gate, prevent Li Feng from escaping from here. Xiao Hao and I entered the Alchemy Palace to search. Remember to be careful, Li Feng's disguise is very realistic, be sure to cheer up and don't let him escape."

Wu Kaiwen and Hao Yun walked into the door. On the wall facing them, there was a huge relief sculpture. The two of them took a look and realized that the content of the relief sculpture should be related to alchemy. Hao Yun looked at it carefully and saw a familiar expression.

The scene almost made him scream. Hao Yun looked at the familiar vine-like object on the relief and muttered to himself: "Isn't this the blood-sucking vine? Could it be that the blood-sucking vine was created in this Dan Palace? If so,

This is also the goblin’s biochemical laboratory.”

After Wu Kaiwen quickly read the relief, he signaled to Hao Yun that he wanted to go to the right. Hao Yun nodded and without saying a word, turned around and walked down the passage on the left.

As Hao Yun walked, he thought that he didn't believe Wu Kaiwen at all. He would suddenly not be able to sense Li Feng's spiritual power. He probably just didn't want him to follow him. For Li Feng, this guy must have hidden more secrets than

It's deeper than I imagined.

Hao Yun is still optimistic. For him, if he has a choice, he himself is not willing to deal with the smiling goblin, especially a person like Li Feng who is two-faced and never knows when he will be stabbed. Think about it

Poor Di Qing, he probably never dreamed that the person who wanted to harm him was right next to him.

After entering the Dan Palace, Hao Yun discovered that this place was unusual. The fire spiritual power was not very strong. In his perception, the fire spiritual power showed signs of liquefaction. He also specially used the Mirror Technique and found that although in the space

There is water spiritual power, but the mirror surface will soon be broken under the action of fire spiritual power. Originally, the mirror technique was particularly suitable for detection, but it is no longer applicable in this environment. Hao Yun

I found that since I went to the West Wind Continent, I have always encountered various inexplicable environments. Due to the different environments, my strength has always been more or less affected. For example, in the current Alchemy Palace, if the sea comes over,

It will definitely be greatly affected, and 80% of the strength will not be able to be used.

Hao Yun escaped directly into the river of time. At this point, the time method is still the most reliable. There is no need to worry about any traps in the river of time. No matter how dangerous this place is, for Hao Yun, it is just a leisurely stroll.

Compared with the goblin ruins Hao Yun investigated before, the Alchemy Palace is much more complete. The various wonderful devices or equipment in the palace feel that they have not been affected by time and are still in good condition. Even in some rooms, these devices seem to still be in good condition.

It was like running. Hao Yun also deliberately returned to reality from the long river of time and saw that these devices were still vibrating. However, Hao Yun didn't know what these devices were for, and he didn't see anything like a console.

What a clue. Hao Yun did not waste time in these places and quickly escaped into the long river of time to go to other places.

Hao Yun entered from one room to another and found that the devices in these rooms seemed to be connected together, giving him the feeling of an assembly line. Each room device had a partially transparent observation window through which he could see inside;

Hao Yun also took a special look at it, and estimated that it might operate for a long time. The internal space is empty and contains nothing. Hao Yun muttered in his heart, would it cause an explosion if it was burned dry like this? However, Hao Yun touched the device.

It was found that the device did not get hot and just maintained a normal room temperature.

Hao Yun followed these devices and finally came to the door of a large room. He could not get in. The doors of other rooms were not locked and could be opened as soon as they were pushed, but the door of this large room was tightly closed.

, no matter whether Hao Yun pushed or pulled, the door could not be opened; the door maintained the goblin's consistent attitude, and Hao Yun's attacks were useless to it.

Hao Yun also deliberately came to the past time node, but unfortunately he could only go back to the past three days. This Alchemy Palace has a history of at least tens of thousands of years. In just three days, there is no sign that this door has been opened at all.

.Hao Yun was particularly envious of Su Yujin at this time. If he had his kind of time magic, nothing would stop him.

Hao Yun was equivalent to walking through the entire left passage. It gave him the feeling that this passage was like a large assembly line alchemy device. This was completely different from the alchemy furnaces of cultivators and closer to the pharmaceutical technology of Xifeng Continent. Hao Yun

He became very interested in goblins, ancient intelligent creatures. In Hao Yun's mind, goblins should be closer to the cultivation civilization of cultivators, but the device in front of him told him that goblins also have their own technology.

Civilization, maybe the level of science and technology is not low yet.

Since Hao Yun could not go on, he had to escape into the long river of time and return to the gate. Now he could only break through the passage on the right. It seemed that all the secrets of the Alchemy Palace were hidden there. Hao Yun did not believe that Wu Kaiwen would choose the passage at will. He must have

It was because Li Feng chose this passage; Hao Yun thought to himself, what surprises would be waiting for him ahead.

Hao Yun made up his mind that he wanted to be a profit-maker, so he only needed to hide his whereabouts. Hao Yun did not directly escape into the river of time, because when visiting the left passage, he had been using time

Changhe, so no time was wasted. In other words, whether it was Li Feng or Wu Kaiwen, they did not pull Hao Yun too far. Hao Yun only had to follow quietly.

Hao Yun used the light and shadow technique, and the whole person completely disappeared into the environment. He blocked his spiritual consciousness. Although he would lose his spiritual consciousness to detect the outside world, his safety could also be better guaranteed; Hao Yun was full of confidence in himself.

Man, thinking that even his own master was not aware of it back then, he believed that he would not be noticed by Wu Kaiwen and Li Feng.

If the passage on the left is a factory area, the passage on the right feels more like an office area to Hao Yun. There are more rooms here and they are more complicated; the doors along the way are basically open and the insides of the rooms are also open.

It's quite messy. There are no book-like objects in the room. In other words, although the goblins also have writing, they do not use anything similar to paper to transmit information; in each corresponding room, there will be some carvings.

There are very few words carved on the stone slabs, and they are all damaged and discarded everywhere. Because Hao Yun has blocked his spiritual consciousness, he cannot use his spiritual consciousness to scan the stone slabs, but his

The guess is that these stone slabs may be similar to the jade slips of cultivators. For many civilizations, if they want to continue their knowledge system, the carrying capacity of words is too small. Historically, because the words could not be identified, an ancient civilization was

There are too many things lost.

Hao Yun basically did not make any stops and directly chased them, much faster than them. Soon Hao Yun found traces of Wu Kaiwen in front of him. Wu Kaiwen was very cautious, although Hao Yun did not use his spiritual consciousness to go there.

Perception, but he still knew that Wu Kaiwen must have blocked his consciousness. Looking at his cautious appearance, he knew that Li Feng was not far ahead.

Hao Yun quickly escaped into the river of time and walked a few more steps forward. Sure enough, he found Li Feng's figure. He seemed to be rummaging for something in a room. Hao Yun was very surprised. Could it be that Li Feng could recognize it?

Fairy words? Hao Yun quickly found a good observation position and returned to the real space. From this position, he could not only see Li Feng's situation, but also detect Wu Kaiwen's actions.

The room Li Feng is in now looks like an archive room. The shelves in the room are filled with large and small slates. Li Feng picked up the slate, read the words on the slate, and then discarded it on the ground. Hao

Yun swallowed and thought to himself, this guy really knows the goblin's writing. I wonder what he is looking for now? But why not just pack it up? Hao Yun really wants to catch him and search his soul.

What Hao Yun was curious about was that Wu Kaiwen was hiding aside and indifferent. It seemed that this guy also had secrets that he didn't know. Suddenly Hao Yun heard Li Feng's cheers. Although the sound was not loud, he could still hear Li Feng's joy.

Li Feng was seen waving his fist happily and looking at the slate in his hand with an excited expression. Li Feng took out a backpack from his ring, carefully stuffed the slate into the backpack, and then put the backpack on

Behind his back, he walked out of the room.

Hao Yun saw this scene and immediately understood. No wonder he felt something was wrong. It turned out that this stone slab could not be put into the storage ring. If so, could it be that this stone slab also had spatial properties, otherwise there was no reason why it could not be put into the ring.

Or is the slate alive? Hao Yun was shocked by his speculation. Hao Yun knew too little about fairies. Just like the blood-sucking vine, a plant with devouring ability, although Feifei has already

It can be obtained, but for its characteristics, you can only slowly explore it yourself.

The world is full of wonders, and who knows how many incredible existences the goblins have created. In any case, this Li Feng must stay, and Hao Yun is very eager to understand, what exactly does the Smiling Face Goblin organization want to do?

What secrets does the goblin hide?
This chapter has been completed!
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