Chapter 456: Under the Public Trial of Fisherman Island

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Dr. Sun saw the nervous Judge Meng on the stage and said with a smile: "President Meng, don't be fooled by him. He has no good intentions at all. He hopes there will be a misunderstanding between us. I have said this from beginning to end.

Yes, we did not kill Brother Xing, and Brother Xing has always been alive and well. In order to prevent the He family from harming him, we have been protecting him, but this City Lord He just refuses to give up and keeps pouring dirty water on us.

Everyone has heard what he just said, and I believe that as long as everyone uses their brains a little bit, they will understand that all of this was directed by him."

He Zilong was stunned for a moment when he heard what Dr. Sun said, and immediately shouted: "Impossible, I saw you searching inside the magic circle with my own eyes, and even the house was demolished by you. Unless he is dead, otherwise if he is alive,

There is absolutely no way you are still in the magic circle. You are lying."

After He Jusha made his statement, he kept sitting in the dock, closing his eyes and concentrating. He didn't know what he was thinking. It wasn't until Dr. Sun said that Hao Yun was not dead at all that his eyes suddenly opened.

His whole body trembled, and he seemed to have been greatly shocked. He Zilong still kept shouting, saying that Dr. Sun was a liar, and if he had the ability, he would ask Xing Yun to step forward.

Dr. Sun smiled and signaled to his companions on the outfield to invite Xing Yun out and let the victim personally come out to put an end to the evil father and son. Then, everyone present saw a young man walking vigorously.

, walked into the trial hall from the outside, and when passing by the jury box, he took the opportunity to say hello to the jurors in the outside court. Finally, he came to the inside court, looked at He Zilong, and said with a smile: "We meet again.


He Zilong was like choking after eating a big ice cube. He gasped and pointed at Xing Yun on the field. It took him a long time to say: "You are not Brother Xing. You are too shameless."


Miss Yun Er off the court looked at the strange guy on the court and sent a message to Huang Li: "What on earth is going on? Are you just trying to fool the chief judge like this?"

Huang Li sent a message to comfort Miss Yun Er and asked her to continue reading. People are not important, what is important is the verdict. Sometimes, what you see may not be true. Many times, the real scene is often blinded by oneself. Yun

The second young lady was impressed by Huang Li's philosophical words. She didn't know how to answer the question at all, so she had no choice but to calm down and continue watching the show, which was turning into a magical show.

Dr. Sun was very unhappy and said: "Chengzhu He, it's boring for you to be like this. From the beginning to the end, you have been denying it. Even after we presented the evidence, you did not admit it. In this way, since you said that Brother Xing is not true,

, then you can come and prove it, everything requires evidence."

He Zilong became excited, pointed at Xing Yun on the court, and shouted to Judge Meng impatiently: "Does this still need proof? Although they look similar, the clothes are wrong, and even the soul frequency is wrong."

At this time, not only Dr. Sun laughed, but also Xing Yun on the court laughed. After laughing, he replied: "I took a shower and changed clothes last night, and it became your excuse. In this way, you can show me the evidence."

What’s wrong with the soul frequency?”

He Zilong was dumbfounded. He couldn't possibly have nothing to do. He recorded Hao Yun's soul frequency when they met for the first time yesterday. Besides, even if it was recorded, it couldn't prove that the soul frequency was Hao Yun's. It proved that a person was that person.

Being a human being is not an easy task. Let alone Hao Yun and he are not related to each other. Even if they are relatives, the presiding officer will not admit it without conclusive evidence. They can only think that he is talking nonsense in order to evade responsibility.

He Zilong was really anxious this time, so he had to turn his head and look at Miss Yun Er in the audience, and begged in a low voice: "Princess Yun Er, for the sake of our long-term friendship, you can bear witness to me.

The person on the court is indeed a fake."

Miss Yun Er looked at the poor He Zilong, feeling both annoyed and a little pity in her heart. She never expected that He Zilong, who had always been high-spirited, would be so humble and begging for herself. Miss Yun Er sent a message to Huang Li, what should she do? Huang Li simply replied

One sentence: Remember that what you see may not be real. Miss Yun Er was also speechless as to what this answer was.

When Judge Meng saw He Zilong's miserable look, he couldn't help but said: "Since this Xing Yun is a friend of Miss Yun Er, why not ask Miss Yun Er to prove it, so that the interrogation can continue."

Miss Yun Er saw that even Judge Meng had spoken. It seemed that she really wanted to stand up, but how should she answer? Miss Yun Er looked at Huang Li and Wanwan. Huang Li smiled and nodded, but Wanwan didn't even

There was no expression on her face, and she looked indifferent. Miss Yun Er felt that this was too difficult, was she telling the truth? But there was something in Huang Li's words. Could it be that the truth I thought was not the truth?


Miss Yun Er, who had always been straightforward, got into trouble. After thinking about it, she decided to fight in a roundabout way. Miss Yun Er cleared her throat and said in a clear voice: "Brother He, you said he is not true.

, it’s fake, then tell me, where is the real Brother Xing?”

He Zilong cried and shouted: "I told you a long time ago that Brother Xing has been killed by them."

"Then show us the evidence!" Miss Yun Er asked.

"As long as you prove that this person is fake, then it will be proven," He Zilong shouted.

Miss Yun Er shook her head and said: "Brother He, why don't you understand? Since you want to kill Brother Xing, you must be prepared to accept the fate of failure. Not only do you have no evidence, but you also have no skills."

If you are not as good as a human being, why not plead guilty earlier and seek leniency."

He Zilong looked sad and murmured to himself: "I didn't kill anyone, why me? I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

When Chief Judge Meng saw this situation, he knew that if he continued to ask questions, he would probably not get a positive answer from Miss Yun Er. In fact, as Miss Yun Er said, even if they are false, you don't even have any evidence.

Knowing that yelling would definitely not work. Judge Meng had no choice but to let Xing Yun, who did not know the truth or falsehood, start his statement. The result was exactly the same as what Dr. Sun said. The conclusion was that He Zilong was trying to borrow a knife to kill someone, and Dr. Sun

At the critical moment, the action was stopped and the He family's army was killed instead. In order to prevent the conspiracy from being exposed, the He family prepared to kill all the parties involved. As a result, He Jusha was defeated by Xing Yun's companions, and things were reversed.

The He family became the loser.

He Jusha took the initiative to attack Huang Li, which was proven by many people. Therefore, there is no doubt about this. The entire testimony was well-founded and directly pinned the He family and his son on the list of shame. In the end, Chief Meng asked He Zilong

If there is nothing else he and He Jusha can say, if not, they will be taken down. He will start deliberating with the jurors and listen to the jurors' opinions on convicting them.

He Zilong's eyes were red and he knew that if he didn't make a decision, he would definitely be doomed. He never expected that these scholars would be so shameless and would not hesitate to create a fake Hao Yun in order to win. In this case, he could only fight.

Take the risk and make a last ditch effort.

"Report to Chief Judge Meng, I have important information to say." He Zilong shouted.

Chief Judge Meng felt very unhappy. He would just say what he wanted to say, but he was always nagging and talking about useless things. "Hurry up and say it." Chief Judge Meng was very disappointed with He Zilong. He originally hoped that they could find a reasonable reason.

, he planned to delay it by saying that there was insufficient evidence and a careful investigation was needed. As a result, the entire situation was controlled by others from beginning to end, forcing him to rush towards the final verdict.

"Actually, this Xing Yun is actually a pseudonym. His surname is not Xing, but Hao." He Zilong also risked his life and told the truth directly.

Chief Judge Meng took two breaths of cold air and muttered twice in a low voice, "Xing Yun, Hao Yun, ah, Hao Yun!" Chief Judge Meng suddenly understood. The last attack on the Divine Cave, among the top leaders of the overseas alliance

It also caused a great shock. It was equivalent to the annihilation of more than 200 elite disciples sent out. In the end, less than 20 people came back, which was very miserable. The person who led their disciples at that time was Hao Yun, an outstanding talent of the Fang family.

, this name made the senior officials of the overseas alliance full of anger but unable to vent it. After all, the existence of Hao Yun still saved Shishi's life. Shishi was the most dazzling young talent in the overseas alliance. As long as she was fine,

The lives of other people are secondary. But to others, Hao Yun's failure to save his own children is the biggest crime. It is obvious that the culprit is Apocalypse, but people always like to find weak points.

Apocalypse organization, Hao Yun is obviously a soft persimmon.

"What, is Xing Yun that Hao Yun from the Supervision Brigade, a descendant of Emperor Ling's family?" Chief Judge Meng became a little excited.

"Yes, Xing Yun is Hao Yun." He Zilong replied.

"You dare to frame people from Emperor Ling's family. You, the He family, are really seeking death." Chief Judge Meng was angry. No wonder the higher-ups asked him to give up everything he was doing and rush over as soon as possible.

"That's not the point. Now that we know that Xing Yun is Hao Yun, Hao Yun, as an important person related to our alliance, must have a set of identification methods. As long as we identify that this person is not Hao Yun, we will know that everything I said is true.

"Yes." He Zilong said.

Xing Yun, who was called a fake by He Zilong, laughed loudly in the audience. Judge Meng was a little upset and asked why he was laughing? This Xing Yun said: "Since you know that I am Hao Yun,

You still dare to test my authenticity, you are really doing yourself a disservice! Excuse me, if it proves that I am fake, what does it mean? "

"Of course I know, it means that Dr. Sun and others are the ones who killed Hao Yun." He Zilong was refreshed and his voice became full of energy.

"Shit!" He Jusha yelled angrily, "You traitor, what are you talking about? My father was completely deceived by you. You said that someone was committing murder in the city lord's palace, and I just showed up. It turns out that you can

Pay attention to Mr. Hao Yun. If I had known, I would have killed you, this traitor, with one blow. Judge Meng, I really have no face to face the people of the alliance. Please convict us quickly. Let this

Go to hell, you traitor, I almost made a big mistake, but fortunately Master Hao Yun was not harmed, otherwise I would have to die to apologize."

He Zilong was stunned by his father's beating. He thought his father had taken the wrong medicine, but he actually scolded him and told himself to die. Judge Meng was also frightened, and his eyes were very evil.

He looked at He Zilong indifferently, which made He Zilong's mood suddenly fall from the clouds to the mortal world, and he was kicked hard by them.

The fake in He Zilong's mind said with a smile: "As expected, he is the owner of the island, and his knowledge is much better than his son. Let me explain, if the He family murders Hao Yun and succeeds, the scope involved will be

It will be very widespread. Of course, the first thing to bear the brunt is that the Fang family will not cooperate with overseas alliances, and the Fang family will hold the overseas alliances accountable as soon as possible. The He family will definitely not exist. Of course, if these scholars are also involved

Among them, there must be accountability, and it’s hard to say how many people will be left in the end. Of course, the overseas alliance can also protect you, so from now on, people from the overseas alliance will no longer be able to walk freely on the Lingdu continent. It is estimated that the inspection agency will

Conduct a comprehensive wanted search for people from overseas alliances, kill each one on sight, and get additional bounties. If we go further, maybe Lingdu Continent will have a full-scale war with overseas alliances."

He Zilong probably never thought that a little Hao Yun would cause such a big trouble, but he was still unconvinced and said: "Even if you don't verify your authenticity, the fake is fake, won't it be the same in the end?"

"Of course it's different. Even if I'm a fake, it's real at this time. And my name is Xing Yun. Even if I die, I'm still Xing Yun, not Hao Yun. The nature is completely different. Xing Yun has no background. If it weren't for him

Having a powerful companion is not a problem at all. Unfortunately, because you just admitted it yourself, you knew that Xing Yun was Hao Yun, and you also planned to murder Hao Yun. May I ask, what heinous thing did Hao Yun do?

You want to kill him." Xing Yun asked.

"Ah!" He Zilong obviously didn't think about it to this extent, and everyone else present seemed to want to understand. They all fixed their eyes on He Zilong. Even his old father, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, also looked at him.


"I, I, I can't stand it because my cousin was arrested by the patrol, and no one from our Fisherman Island came back. But, it wasn't me who did it, it was these scholars who wanted to

By gaining his knowledge, I can only add fuel to the flames, why are you targeting me!" He Zilong burst into tears, the pressure from so many people was really too great.

Xing Yun chuckled, raised his fists and said to the presiding judge Meng: "The matter has finally come to light. Please convict the presiding judge."
This chapter has been completed!
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