Chapter 661: The Mysterious Third Aunt

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Zhang Yinfan was completely out of ideas. The arrangements of the smiling goblins were always unexpected. Could it be that they had built a secret base under the swamp. Just when he was hesitant, the mask vibrated again. Zhang Yinfan

Fan quickly scanned the message and saw one word in the message: "Three."

Zhang Yinfan was confused, what did "three" mean, and then the mask vibrated again, and the word "two" was written on it. Zhang Yinfan suddenly realized, damn, it turned out to be a countdown. At this time, Zhang Yinfan began to panic.

, if he missed this, he would definitely be skinned by Hao Yun when he went back. Thinking of this, he jumped into the pipe without waiting for the mask to vibrate again, and his whole body followed the long pipe, heading downwards.

Slide down.

Originally, Zhang Yinfan thought that this pipe might be relatively long, but who knows, it only took a few breaths before he fell out of the pipe. When Zhang Yinfan stood still, he found that he was in a small room.

, looking at the furnishings in the room, it felt like a control room. After scanning the room with his spiritual consciousness, he was sure that there was no one in the room. Soon, Zhang Yinfan was found in the center of the room.

A teleportation array made of black jade. The teleportation array is very small and can just accommodate one person.

There was no more vibration from the mask, and there was no further instruction. Zhang Yinfan didn't know what he should do. While he was thinking, he accidentally looked at the hole where he fell, and found that he didn't know.

At some point, the entrance to the cave has been closed. Zhang Yinfan thought to himself, it seems that he is trapped in this room. At present, there is no way to escape except for this teleportation array that does not know where it leads. Zhang Yinfan is in the opposite room.

When conducting a spiritual scan, he discovered that the entire room was made of special metal, which was very hard. If he wanted to break it, he would not be able to do it easily. Now Zhang Yinfan also understood that his mask

Why can't I receive instructions? It is obvious that this room is not an ordinary room. It must have been space shielded. Not only has my mask lost its function of transmitting information, but even my contact jade talisman has also lost its function at this time. Also

That is to say, even if Zhang Yinfan sends a message to Hao Yun now, Hao Yun will never receive it.

Zhang Yinfan, who was upset, simply started to conduct a detailed investigation of the entire room again. After such investigation, Zhang Yinfan made another major discovery. He found that this room was not a room at all, because Zhang Yinfan

He is very sensitive to sound, so when he calmed down, he discovered that there was a low-frequency sound in the room that ordinary people could not detect at all, but he was not an ordinary person. After careful investigation, he found that the source of the sound was

The rear location of this room. After Zhang Yinfan quickly reconstructed the room in his mind, he discovered that this room was probably the control room of an underwater speedboat, and that the speedboat was moving rapidly underwater.

It was so vicious! Zhang Yinfan was impressed again. Now he was sure that no matter how powerful Hao Yun was, it would be impossible to find his whereabouts. To put it harshly, if he really died this time, Hao Yun would not even be able to find his whereabouts.

They didn't even know where he died. People are always like this. When they feel that they have backup, they still dare not do anything that is too risky. But now Zhang Yinfan understands that he can only rely on himself, so he

No matter what, an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law. The more hesitant he is, the more likely others will doubt him.

Zhang Yinfan stood on the teleportation array made of black jade. After waiting for a while, there was no response. Just as he was about to step out and check, he suddenly found that he could no longer move. This unexpected change made Zhang Yinfan unexpected.

, just when he wanted to do something, he felt dizzy, and then he fainted.

When Zhang Yinfan woke up, he found himself in a strange room with mirrors on all four sides, and he was sitting on a chair in the center of the room. After Zhang Yinfan woke up, he immediately performed a

After checking, he found that he had not been harmed, at least he had not detected it himself, which made him feel better. The moment he was unconscious, he had long been prepared to become a prisoner. Although the current situation is relatively bad, but

I haven't been banned yet, which shows that the other party still has a slight leeway.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry. For the sake of the safety of the organization, I have made you feel wronged." A female voice sounded in the room. The female voice was very familiar. It was the female voice that had been used as the prompt in the mask.

"As expected, you know my identity." Zhang Yinfan nodded and responded.

"Please don't get me wrong. We don't monitor our members. It's just that some members don't pay attention. Therefore, the organization can guess their identities. Mr. Zhang still protects himself very well. When you first joined

During the organization, your identity was disguised, so we never knew your true identity." The female voice explained.

"Then when did you know my true identity?" Zhang Yinfan was shocked. To be honest, it was easier for him to accept it since it was exposed from the beginning.

"Oh, we only started investigating you after you started taking the commander mission of the Fire Cloud Cave. Here I want to explain to you that although the commander mission is open to members who have reached the level, the real

Being able to become a commander requires our strict selection. In other words, we think you may become our core member, so this commander mission is an important test for you." The female voice continued to explain.


"But, my mission has failed."

"Yes, it did fail. However, when we examine members, we do not judge heroes based on success or failure. In fact, you can pass the magical battlefield, successfully advance to the Mahayana stage, and successfully return to the spiritual world. This is more important than success in the mission.

It's valuable." The female voice's answer surprised Zhang Yinfan.

"How do you know that I advanced through the magical battlefield?" Zhang Yinfan couldn't help but asked.

"I'm not supposed to answer this question, but since you asked it, I'll make it clear. The nature of spiritual power in the magical battlefield is still different from that in the spiritual world. In other words, is it through cultivation in the magical battlefield?

Yes, we can tell by testing your current spiritual power attributes. However, if you never contact us after returning to the spirit world, we won't be able to determine." The female voice's answer made Zhang Yinfan feel extremely lucky.

, Fortunately, it didn’t take too long. After a long time, I was able to detect this. The strength of the smiling face fairy is really unpredictable!

"Then after you have investigated my identity, do you think I can become your core member?" Zhang Yinfan decided to reveal the answer as soon as possible, so he went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Zhang, being able to come here, I understand that your review has basically passed, but there are still some questions that need your answers." The female voice did not sound immediately, but paused.

"Then let me ask!" Zhang Yinfan had completely let go.

"Okay, first question, is Mr. Zhang willing to become our core member?"

"Of course." Zhang Yinfan replied immediately.

"Excuse me, why do you want to become a core member?" the female voice asked.

"This..." Zhang Yinfan opened his mouth and found that this answer was not easy to come by. "There are many reasons!"

"Then tell me a few important reasons." The other party was also considerate.

"The most important thing is that I hope we can find ways to make continuous progress through the organization." Zhang Yinfan replied.

"Is there any other reason?"

"Yes, actually, I have another important reason, that is, I want to save someone." Zhang Yinfan had an idea and felt that there was something in this question. Anyway, I will ask for help then, so it is better to raise it now.

"Oh! To save someone, do you need to be a core member? Could it be that this person..."

"This person is also a member of the organization, but after I came out of the magical battlefield, I found that this person had lost his trace. So, I thought of the positioning function of the mask, so I wanted to find this person through the positioning of the mask." Zhang

Yinfan didn't wait for the female voice to finish speaking before he took the initiative to speak out.

The female voice fell silent again. After waiting for a long time, the voice came out again and asked: "We will talk about saving people later. Now please answer the next question, which is what do you think of the organization?"

"I don't have any opinion. To be honest, whether the organization is good or bad actually doesn't have much to do with me. I believe in a saying that a bad organization doesn't mean you are bad, and a good organization doesn't mean you are good. I think, first of all, the organization should treat me

Useful. Secondly, I am also useful to the organization, so that everyone can come together. Single giving and taking will not last long. I appreciate the style of the organization and never force everyone to do anything. All choices are

The members themselves made it. I hope that after I become a core member, I can still do this." Zhang Yinfan quickly replied. To be honest, since he joined the organization, it is indeed his own choice to be able to reach this point.

, including the commander mission of the Divine Cave.

"Mr. Zhang's answer is very interesting, but your answer happens to be the creed of the organization. Congratulations on becoming our core member." The female voice chuckled.

As the female voice disappeared, Zhang Yinfan saw that the wall he was facing began to become transparent, and then he saw a masked woman standing behind the wall, nodding to him.

A crack appeared in the middle of the wall, then slid to both sides, a door was opened, and the woman walked in. Seeing this, Zhang Yinfan quickly stood up from his chair and saluted the woman with clasped fists.

"Mr. Zhang, there is no need to be polite. My code name in the organization is three, and after you join, your code name will be four." The woman said.

"So, there are two people above you, one and two. I am now four. Could it be said that there were only three core members of the organization before?" Zhang Yinfan felt a bit absurd. In such a large organization, the core members are really

It's too little.

"It's not that you're expensive. There are indeed a few core members, but it doesn't delay things." The woman codenamed three replied, and it seemed that she didn't think there was any problem.

"I wonder how I should call you?" Zhang Yinfan asked.

"Just call me third aunt." the woman said.

Zhang Yinfan could not sense the true state of San Gu at all, but from her every move, he still felt very keenly that she felt very similar to Xu Dachun, with a feeling that her entire body was integrated into the world. Zhang Yinfan felt that her whole body was integrated into the world.

Yin Fan understood that cultivators who could reach such a level must be extremely powerful, and they were definitely not something he could compete with.

"From now on, your codename will be Fourth Uncle. Originally, the other two core members should be here to celebrate your joining. Unfortunately, they are delayed and cannot come here. In the future, if there is a chance, we can all get together again." Third Aunt said.


Zhang Yinfan thought to himself, well, they all knew his identity, but he didn't know their identity at all. It seemed that the third aunt didn't introduce his ideas. However, Zhang Yinfan understood their approach very well. After all, he changed to

She would not reveal her true identity easily. The third aunt seemed to know what Zhang Yinfan was thinking, and said to him: "Actually, I don't know the true identities of One and Two now, but this

And what’s important, what’s important, is the benefits that the organization gives you that you can get now.”
This chapter has been completed!
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