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Chapter 676 Crossing the Sandstorm

Xiaowei and the secretary-general drove the spacecraft and successfully arrived at the predetermined location, which was the place instructed by the Metal Society to receive the goods. After the spacecraft stopped, a team of armored warriors ran down from the spacecraft and set up around the spacecraft.

The protective net is installed to prevent metal associations from taking advantage of others.

The secretary-general also got off the spacecraft, looked at the long yellow sand around the spacecraft, and said with emotion: "The desert area is really amazingly beautiful. I didn't expect that their metal society really knows how to choose places."

Xiaowei pushed up her glasses out of habit, glanced at the phone in her hand, and responded: "The Metal Society may not put its base in this desert, it's probably just a mystery."

"It doesn't matter, as long as they can fulfill our agreement, that's fine. In fact, I don't have the slightest dislike for these black organizations. After all, many taboo research requires their strength. It's just that I hate those black organizations that pretend to be fake.

The research ability is extremely poor, and the courage is frightening. He always causes a large number of accidents, which disgusts the people, greatly tarnishes the reputation of the research institution, and makes it difficult for everyone." The secretary-general looked around and said, with a gleam in his eyes.

With a hint of worry, it can be seen that he is still a little worried about the metal association.

The secretary-general and Xiaowei did not continue to communicate. They just stood quietly in front of the spacecraft, looking at the endless stacks of sand dunes in the distance. Under the sunlight, they seemed both extremely vast and so dead. Except for a trace of wind,

Sand dunes are like still waves, imprisoned by this time and space.

Their current location is a desert area near Star Cinema. The place where the spaceship is currently parked is equivalent to the center of the desert. It is still some distance from Star Cinema. However, this distance is not significant for the spaceship.


Soon, the Secretary-General and Xiaowei saw a yellow line made of yellow sand in the distance, speeding towards them. Obviously, a convoy appeared in the distance. The Secretary-General was surprised: "Metal Association, will not

Are you going to use a flying car to transport goods?"

"It's true, my classmates sent me a message just now, saying that they will be there soon and they will take a flying car." Xiaowei said aside.

"Well, if you have personality and use a flying car, it should be difficult to hide the route. Aren't they afraid of being tracked to their base camp?" The secretary-general was very curious.

"I don't know about this. Maybe there are people above them who are not afraid of someone checking them." Xiaowei guessed.

The secretary-general burst into laughter. He was too familiar with the rules of the Xifeng government. What Xiaowei said was impossible. Non-compliant things must be put under the table, even if there are people above who can cover the sky with one hand.

You know, after all, the West Wind Continent is a legal society, which means that once trouble occurs, even the top official of the West Wind government may get off work. Therefore, the more people on top, the more cautious they are. Only such a big fool can

They will do whatever they want by relying on their backers. The secretary-general couldn't help but worry, is the metal association just a black organization in name only? Can they still be used?

Just as the secretary-general was thinking, the convoy arrived in front of their spaceship. The convoy consisted of three flying cars in total, two rough-looking off-road flying cars and a large carrier vehicle. The car body was painted the same color as yellow sand, which can be regarded as

A kind of disguise.

The door of the leading cross-country speedster opened, and a bearded man stepped out. When the man saw Xiao Wei, his eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Haha, I haven't seen you for several years. I didn't expect you.

You can still think of me!"

Xiaowei looked at the man in surprise and felt that the voice was very familiar, but the man's appearance gave her a very strange feeling. The bearded man trotted for a while and came to Xiaowei. When he saw the look in Xiaowei's eyes

He was full of questions, and he quickly smiled and said: "I am Dayang! You can't recognize me just because I have a beard, right?"

"Oh, that's true of you. There's a big gap between your image and that in college. You used to be a fair-faced young boy, but now you look like an uncle." Xiaowei suddenly realized, and when she looked carefully, she saw the look in the bearded man's eyes.

There is a familiar feeling.

"Ahem, stop talking. There's no comparison here with the mainland. Life is hard!" Dayang waved his hand and said.

After Xiaowei's introduction, the Secretary-General and Dayang said hello to each other, and Dayang asked if the cargo was still on the spaceship and if he would like his people to get off the vehicle and help carry it. The Secretary-General looked at the fleet and said,

He looked at Dayang again and said: "Your metal association doesn't just use flying cars to transport goods, right?"

"That's right, we use flying cars to transport goods. Don't worry, it's absolutely safe." Dayang gave him a look of affirmation.

The secretary-general's face was very ugly, and he felt that this organization was a bit unreliable. Xiaowei was still very considerate and understood the secretary-general's concerns, so she quickly asked: "You use flying cars to transport goods, won't you leave traces?

?just in case……"

"Haha, you are worried about the safety of the base, right? Of course we are not that stupid. You mainly don't understand the environment. I suggest that we move the goods to the car quickly and then your spaceship leaves here as soon as possible. Otherwise, your spaceship will

But I can’t fly." Dayang explained with a smile.

After the goods were moved to the car, Xiaowei and the secretary-general got on the off-road aircraft of Dayang, and everyone else on the spacecraft returned to the spacecraft. They stayed in the car, and after waiting for a while, they felt the wind starting to blow outside.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, the sand in the desert is also rolling up, and the sandstorm is finally coming.

Dayang pointed to the curtain wall made of yellow sand that appeared in front of him and said: "Our convoy will be heading in that direction later. Please fasten your seat belts, we will leave soon."

Xiaowei looked at the extremely thick yellow curtain wall and asked worriedly: "Can this flying car fly? Will it not be blown over?"

"Haha, you're right to the point. These flying cars of ours are all modified, so you should pay attention carefully." Dayang smiled and saw that after he pressed a few times on the control panel, everyone felt that the car body began to vibrate.


Through the car window, the Secretary-General and Xiaowei looked at the other two flying cars outside. Suddenly, there were two rows of caterpillar tracks under the car body. Dayang pointed to the caterpillar tracks and said: "This is our trump card. With it, our flying cars can

Easily cross the sandstorm, okay, let’s set off now.”

Dayang gave an order, and the three flying cars began to move towards the curtain wall. Soon, the Secretary-General and Xiaowei personally felt the power of nature. The three flying cars were swallowed up by the curtain wall like little bugs, and the sand and gravel hit the ground.

There was a huge noise from the outer shell of the speeding car. At this time, nothing could be seen through the car window, it was completely dark. Xiaowei took out her mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all on the mobile phone. It can be seen that sandstorms can also block the signal.

At this time, not only the flying car disappeared, but they also disappeared. All the technological means were of no use in this situation.

In such a harsh environment, the secretary-general and Xiaowei soon became completely lost and had no idea where the speeding car was going. Dayang looked at Xiaowei who looked a little nervous and said, "You guys should take a rest first.

We won’t be able to get there for a while.”

Perhaps the secretary-general and Xiaowei's nerves have been in a state of extreme tension in the past two days. Although they really want to cheer up, the constant darkness outside the car window, coupled with the sound of sand hitting the car body, is like a lullaby.

Just like that, before they knew it, the two of them tilted their heads and fell asleep.

Dayang looked at the sleeping secretary-general and Xiaowei, and said to himself: "They are really flowers in the greenhouse. Although they are very alert, it is a pity that they are not enough!"

When the secretary-general and Xiaowei suddenly woke up, they found that three speeding cars were driving in a long tunnel. The secretary-general quickly took out his mobile phone and took a look and found that there was still no signal. Dayang turned around and looked at the secretary

Chang and Xiaowei said: "I slept well. I also took a rest. I haven't slept so well for a long time. I feel refreshed!"

"How long did we sleep for?" the secretary-general asked.

"It's not long, about three hours!" Dayang replied.

"What? It's been so long, where are we now?" The secretary-general felt like he was going crazy. He didn't expect that he would be so careless.

"We are almost there. Now, we are already in the underground tunnel leading to the base." Dayang said, with a proud smile on his face, "How about it, it is hidden enough, so our base is very safe, no one can

Find ours.”

Sure enough, not long after, the speed car came to a rotunda. After the car stopped, Dayang, the secretary-general and Xiao Wei walked down. Dayang pointed to a small door next to the hall and said: "We can only walk now. Through

With this small door, we can get to the research room where the goods are tested faster."

When the secretary-general saw the speeding car carrying the goods, it had no intention of stopping and was driving towards the other end of the rotunda. So the secretary-general asked: "Don't you need to unload the goods?"

"Yes, the cargo will be unloaded directly in the research room." Dayang replied, and everyone saw that after the transport vehicle arrived at the other end, a passage appeared on the wall of the corresponding rotunda, and the transport vehicle drove in.

When the secretary-general and Xiaowei passed through the small door and followed Dayang, they arrived at a large room full of control panels. In the room, a group of people were busy working nervously. There was a large transparent glass window in the room.

Facing a sunken circular room, at this time, through the glass window, you can see that the carrying speed car has just entered.

In front of the window, there was a silver-haired man standing there, watching the speeding car quietly. After Dayang saw the silver-haired man, he quickly said to the secretary-general and Xiaowei: "This is Shen Zao, the president of our metal association, follow me

Come, let me introduce you."

When Shen Zao heard the footsteps, he turned around, looked at the Secretary-General, and said with a smile: "So it's you! The world is really small. I heard that you are doing well now!"

"Sima..." The secretary-general had an ominous premonition when he saw the familiar back and silver hair. When he saw the man's appearance, he took two breaths of cold air. Unexpectedly, the metal association was him.


"My name is Shen Zao. I am more accustomed to using this name now." Shen Zao said.

"Okay, President Shen, I didn't expect to see you here." The secretary-general was helpless. To be honest, he felt that this so-called Shen Zao was too arrogant. Since he is not dead, he should keep a lower profile. After taking on a new identity, he should at least have a full appearance. Just wearing Sima Qiuzhen’s face like this, any fool knows, there is something wrong inside. After all, Xifeng Continent is an information society, and although Sima Qiuzhen’s appearance cannot be compared to everyone’s Everyone knows it, but to those who care about politics, it is hardly unfamiliar.

"President, I didn't expect that you and the secretary-general are still acquaintances!" Dayang also felt a little surprised. This was too much of a coincidence.

"Haha, I think back then, we were colleagues and companions. Unfortunately, I ended up being an outcast," Shen Zao said.

"Back then, it was all your own fault, and you still had the nerve to blame others." The secretary-general said angrily.

"Forget it, it's been several years. There's no point in talking about it anymore. Let's take a look at the goods you delivered!" Shen Zao waved his hand, then turned around and looked at the speeding car below the window.

At this time, three people got out of the flying car, entered the cargo hold, and pushed down the large transparent box. Shen Zao saw the woman wearing black tights in the transparent box, motionless, and followed As if dead, he couldn't help shouting: "I think this woman is very ordinary, you won't be deceived, right?"
This chapter has been completed!
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